Heat of the Moment Pt. 2

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Requested by fictionalpsycosimp

Rebel wished there were words to describe what she felt. The closest she could come to formulating what she felt was anger, betrayal, and pain.

So much pain.

If she knew that as soon as she walked into the shared office that Aro would have his mouth around her neck, injecting her with his venom she would have stayed in Jane's room for the day. She would've faked an illness, she would have leapt from Jane's balcony and risked the broken bone.

Rebel convulsed on the floor as Jane watched on, waiting for her friend's heart to stop beating.

"The venom is working quickly," Caius mused.

"She was in peak physical health when we decided to turn her," Aro commented, moving to Rebels side and touching her forehead. "She will be glorious as an immortal."

Aro moved away Rebels sweaty bangs out of her face. He knew he should've waited until the girl was older and ready for her transition but after Eleazar had informed him about the girl's potential to be gifted, he knew waiting was not in the cards.

Rebel had convulsed again, twisting her body in an unnatural angle. She opened her mouth to scream out once more yet nothing came out. She had lost her voice within the first day of her transition and unsheddable tears lingered in her eyes.

The sound of her failing heart was becoming slower. She stopped moving as much, her battle against the venom failing.

Finally, her heart stopped all together. The last few changes to her physical being occurred, mainly the hair dye was replaced by her natural brown locks.

She sat up in a blur, her hands clawing at her throat. She could feel the faint traces of Aro's mouth on the side and her blood boiled.

A growl ripped through her throat. The faintest sound of fabric shuffling made Rebel snap her head to the side.

"You!" she growled at Aro before launching herself at him, "You bastard!"

She threw punches at wild, some landing some not. She screamed a string of profanities and curses to Aro. Jane came forward to restrain her only to go flying into the nearby desk.

Rebel grabbed a hold of Aro's cloak, hauling him up to her face. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't tear you limb from limb."

Aro spat out a mixture of blood and venom, his lips still tinted in Rebels blood. "Because I know your secret," he sneered.

Rebel growled. "I have no secrets."

Aro laughed, truly laughed in the newborns face. He grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her face down. "You and Alec," Aro whispered.

Rebel yanked herself away. Aro sat up with a smile spreading ear to ear. "You can't hide everything, even when you want to."

Rebel looked at where Jane was getting to her feet. Guilt washed over her. She had betrayed her friend. Betrayed her trust. Rebel was the worst friend in history.

She did the only thing that made sense to her, she ran. "DEMETRI!" Rebel heard Aro yelling, "FELIX!"

Rebel pumped her legs turning corners at break neck speeds. She collided with doors, splintering them under a single touch. Rebel could hear the sound of Demetri giving chase, him screaming at Felix to keep up.

She ran faster than she thought she could. One final set of doors stood in her way. She launched herself into them. She tumbled down the front steps, her skin in complete view of the public.

She heard the gasps, the excitement of children, and the screams of a terrified woman. She looked behind her shoulder, seeing Demetri and Felix had stopped in the shadows of the castle.

Rebel knew it was her only chance. She leapt to her feet and took off in a blur, earning more screams of terror from the people of Volterra.

"Get the car," Demetri growled to his friend, his eyes not leaving Rebel's retreat to the countryside.

Both men raced through the winding streets, Demetri driving faster than he ever had before. He got like that when it came to the hunt and this was shaping up to be his favorite one yet.

"She really thinks she can avoid me," he laughed, pushing the pedal further to the floorboard.

Felix held onto the handle on the roof of the car. "It's a foolish notion."

Demetri tightened his grip on the steering wheel, turning onto a dirt road. The car gave some refusal but sped onwards anyway. Demetri pushed the brake down at the edge of a cliff. He scrambled from the car and to the edge looking down.

He felt the presence of Felix to his left.

"She jumped," Felix gushed, "impressive thinking on her part."

Demetri squatted down and took a handful of dirt into his hand and poured it into his left.

"Clever girl," he chuckled, "clever girl indeed."

He stood before throwing the dirt into the wind.
"But not clever enough. I'll find her," he chuckled turning to the car, "I always do."

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