Twice Shy

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Requested by dreamikaelson

"Let go of me!" Alice screamed while slamming her fists repeatedly into Edward's chest, "We can't do this to her!"

Edward managed to latch his sturdy grip onto his adoptive sisters wrists. "Enough," he growled, "we had no other choice. We had to hand her over."

Alice, who despite her anger towards her brother, knew deep within her heart that he was in fact right. She knew bringing her niece was a terrible, no, horrible idea, but what choice did she have? Alice couldn't just leave her alone in the unknown town that is Forks or with a lousy, yet furious, shifter to keep the girl company. No, the only logical choice was to bring her to Volterra and pray Aro and the others would be merciful and spare the girl.

If only Alice knew the full weight of her choice, for even being a gifted seer, Alice never saw this happening.

"She'll never forgive us," Alice whimpered, collapsing onto a nearby chair, sobbing into her hands. 

Edward looked down the hall where not too long ago his niece was dragged away, screaming for his help. He knew he should've threw himself into another fight or even caused a scene so she had a chance to escape but a single look from Jane had made him stop.

"Edward," Bella whispered, as if no other immortal within the Volturi castle could hear her, "we can't just leave Sienna. They'll kill h-"

"-No one will touch her," interrupted a harsh voice.

Bella was the only one that jumped in her seat. Alice glowered at the man that truly didn't deserve her anger but was a part of it as Edward simply stared ahead. Demetri stood, resolute as ever, a mask of carefully curated boredom on his visage. Demetri's poker face would've been believable if it were not for his eyes. His eyes told a different story, one Edward could easily identify for he wore the same look after meeting Bella, happiness and hope. The happiness was understandable, it wasn't every day an immortal will meet their mate and if the rumors were true, Demetri had been waiting more than anyone could imagine. But the hope? That was more puzzling but still Edward understood. Afterall, Edward to was a hopeless romantic at times.

"I want to see Sienna," Alice barked, standing from her spot and marching over to the skilled tracker. "I want to see her now."

Demetri looked down his nose at the small woman. "She's no longer your concern." He stated, as three more guards entered the parlor, "Make sure they get to the airport without any detours."

The guards nodded, each grabbing one of the trio and guiding, but more like dragging them out of the castle and to the waiting cars. Demetri sighed through his nose once the Cullens and the human were gone. He turned, making his way to where his mate waited, his room. He tried arguing with Jane that the girl could wait in the lounge but Jane, always needing to be right, had mentioned that some foolish guard could've mistaken the girl as a snack and the thought alone put Demetri on edge.

He hesitated outside his bedroom doors, fear seeping into his very bones. There were questions starting to poison his mind, questions that he had no desire to entertain but still they remained dancing and bouncing around. His hands remained on the doorknobs yet he found no motivation to move.

What if she doesn't like you?

What if she's afraid of you?

What if she rejects you?

She's still human, what if she dies?

She knows what kind of monster you are.

She knows you're unworthy of love.

Demetri growled at his inner thoughts and gave his head a quick shake hoping to disperse every vile thought but instead they amplified growing in intensity. His thoughts no longer whispered his fears but screamed them. 

"Demetri?" a small voice called, pulling Demetri from the flames of his own personal hell. 

Demetri looked up noticing he was in his room and right across from him was Sienna. The girl, no, the woman, in front of him had been crying that much he could tell from her smudged mascara and thin tracks of clear skin showing instead of foundation, and there was no light in her brown eyes, just vacancy. Yet amidst her turmoil and fear she still managed to care for someone other than herself, something Demetri was sure she had learned from Carlisle. 

At once the voices died down, becoming more muddled as Sienna stared at Demetri. He stepped forward causing her to moved back putting the full length of the couch between them. He immediately stopped, fearing he was causing her more distress. He tried to put himself in her shoes. Aro had told him she was a Cullen, raised by them since birth, she only knew of animal-feeding vampires and quickly learned coming in contact with human-feeding vampires was more of a death sentence than anything else courtesy of Laurent. 

Demetri, known for his suave manner and eloquent way of speaking, was not the Casanova he was. Instead he floundered, trying to decide between asking if he could get Sienna something to eat or if she needed anything and ended up butchering both sentences together. "I need to eat you."

Sienna crossed her arms over her chest and stepped back more, clearly repulsed by Demetri's sudden advances.

"That's not what I meant!" Demetri said in a panic. "I meant-" he paused, "-I meant could I get you something to eat or did you need anything?"

"I need to go home." Sienna deadpanned.

Demetri scratched the back of his neck. "You are home."

Sienna shook her head in the negative. She restated her previous statement. "I need to go home."

"Why? What's so good about America?" Demetri snapped, silently praying she didn't say she had someone waiting for her back in the states.

Sienna grew quiet, biting her lip in thought. "You don't understand," she said softly, moving around the couch and sitting on one of the plush cushions, "you have no idea what she'll do when I don't come home."

 Demetri chuckled, "I'm quite sure we can handle this mystery woman."

Sienna shook her head. "None of you can. Mama bears can't even hold a candle to the inferno of her protectiveness."

Demetri's amusement was short-lived. Slowly, he moved closer until he was sitting on the couch. "Who is this woman?" he asked  

Sienna looked at him in the eye. There was fear, but not for herself or what anyone in the castle could do to her, it was for Demetri and everyone who lived within those walls. 

"My mom." 

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