Playing With The Big Boys

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Requested by wendigo0961

Power, electric in nature, crackled and pulsated around a young vampire making it impossible to touch her. Felix and Santiago laid at her feet, their bodies convulsing by the current passing through them. The younger vampire scanned the remaining guards, daring them to move in on her and meet the same fate as their colleagues.

Aro sat on his throne, eyes focused on the power that the immortal before him held. Never in his 3,000+ years had he seen such raw power. 

The girl, looked to be around the age of Alec and Jane, only with a twinkle in her eyes that neither of the Witch Twins possessed.

"Now," she began, pushing a lock of hair from her face, "before I was so rudely interrupted."

Felix let out a pain filled growl as the girl sent another pulse of electricity through him. "My creator would like a word with the three of you." The girl pinned each of the masters with a heated glare. "I suggest you come with me willingly."

Caius scoffed and readjusted the folds of his cloak. "I do not take orders from children, I'm a king!"

The girl crossed her arms and narrowed her gaze.  "More like an idiot."

Caius was in front of the girl in an instant, paying close attention to stay away from the outreaching threads of lightning dancing in a protective layer around the girl. "Say that once more child," he ordered through clenched teeth.

The girl smirked and took a step forward, her creator had made mention that one of the so-called rulers was hot tempered. Now she knew which one. She lowered her electric forcefield, she wasn't afraid of the Volturi; she knew what would happen to them if she was taken prisoner.

"You're an idiot, but you should have known that already."

Before Caius could reach for the ill-mannered child he felt his arms pinned to his side by two strong hands by none other than Aro. "Release me," he hissed.

Aro shook his head only to tighten his hold on Caius as he tried to free himself. Aro turned his attention to the girl who looked rather bored. The earlier events with the girl ran through his mind. She had come into the castle disguised as a tourist only to manage to save the tour group destined to be the Volturi's lunch before stating her true reason for setting foot inside their home. She was the emissary of someone greater than the kings, someone far older and more powerful. She had come in the name of her creator to bring back the ruling covens leaders either to hold a meeting or with their heads. The kings scoffed at her and her declarations for the unknown immortal and ask for her to be detained. That was when Aro and the rest of the castle found out the true extent of her powers when she was able to incapacitate not only Felix and Santiago but remove the twins as potential threats as well.  

"And what will happen if we do not come willingly?" The king asked.

The girls bored expression was replaced in a flash with something far more sinister. "Then my creator will send another colleague of mine," she answered with a wicked smile, "and trust me when I say it will not be pleasant. He makes your highly prized guards look like they only perform parlor tricks."

Aro threw a glance to where Jane and Alec sat, both still trying to get their bearings after their shock treatment. He was curious to see what power could outshine both Jane and Alec but the little voice inside his head had voiced its want for survival. Aro withdrew his hands from Caius's arms and motioned for Marcus to join them. 

"We will grant an audience with your...creator."

The girl bowed her head and looked back at her companion. He was no older than her, and easily described as an invisible figure. He was silent as he moved forward, not even the metal bracelets on his tanned arms made noise. His eyes, much like his companions were brown, not the familiar red or even gold of immortals that Aro knew. He held no expression on his face, the stoic one in the duo. The boy was tall with an athletic build and his movements carried no need for rush, as if he knew he could command the world to bend to his will.  He stopped at the girls side and raised his hand ever so slightly. He snapped his fingers making Aro and his fellows kings jump at the sudden thunderous noise that came from him.

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