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Requested by Hellohibyebye44

Jake, don't worry, Seth remembered. I'll go with Bella, make sure she's safe. Everything will be fine!

Only now, as Seth stared down at the impossibly large vampire held under his paw, did he realize how poorly he had chosen his words back in Forks. He could feel everyone, vampire and human alike, staring as he glowered at Felix.

"Seth," Edward whispered, trying in vain to get Seth's attention on him and off of the Volturi guard.

Seth, in response, twitched his right ear in Edward's direction and released a low growl.

"Let Felix up." Edward urged, "He won't hurt anyone. Isn't that right, Aro?"

Edward turned to the wide-eyed king, whose attention was torn between Seth's ripped clothes and the massive wolf that could kill any of his guards. Aro was on the edge of his throne, mind racing with thoughts and ideas. When Marcus cleared his throat, Aro emerged from his train of thought and directed his attention to the Cullen boy.

"That is correct," Aro responded, "Felix will cause no harm to you or your companions."

Seth's russet coat bristled, and his attention darted to where Alice was held by the other vampire that brought them to the throne room.

"Seth says he'll release Felix when Demetri releases Alice," Edward explained.

Demetri scoffed, "Since when do I listen to a flea-"

Seth released an ear-piercing howl and snarled at the guard. Tentatively, Demetri lowered his hand from around Alice's neck and backed away with hands raised in surrender. Alice seized her chance, coming to where her brother and Bella stood.

Seth, a man of his word, lifted his massive paw off Felix's chest and made his way to his friend's side. Seth felt a cold hand touch his flank and turned to see Alice's sweet face.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Seth gave a small nod before his head snapped to the sound of rustling fabric and Aro raising to his proud height. Seth felt Alice's hand tighten on a handful of his fur and he moved his body between the girls and Aro.

Seth felt unsettled as Aro came closer, the king's red eyes alight with wonder and mirth. "It has been," Aro paused, rubbing his gloved hands together, "an enchanting visit."

Seth saw Edward tighten his hold on Bella as the king continued. "It has been a long time since I have had the pleasure of seeing a shifter."

Seth felt his skin crawl as Aro circled his group. "I must say though I have seen plenty of shifters, many different animals they seem to like changing to," the king stopped in front of Seth, "but never one who chose a wolf as his second skin."

"Aro-" Caius hissed.

Aro pressed on. "Wolves are quite powerful on their own, but it is with a pack that a wolf's true strength lies..."

Seth's heart plummeted as Aro smiled something wicked. "There's more of your kind isn't there?"

Seth stepped back as Aro removed a glove and reached for him, growling the whole time. Aro stepped forward, a crazed look Seth had only seen in rich powerful men's eyes when they knew they were invincible.

"Aro, the boy with eat you alive if you keep reaching for him," the sadder king sighed.

Aro stopped, throwing a glare over his shoulder. "He wouldn't hurt me."

The blond rolled his eyes. "Only a fool would think in such a ridiculous manner," he snarled.

Aro paid him no heed as he turned back to Seth. "You are a fascinating creature," The king complimented, "you would make such an excellent addition to my guard."

The other guards tensed as Aro extended his offer, but Aro couldn't care less. He saw raw power as he stared at Seth. If Seth accepted his offer he could have more guards like the shifter, seeing it was a trait passed down through bloodlines. The shifter was young, still rough around the edges, Aro could mold him into the perfect guard all while exploiting that gene of his.

Edward winced as Aro's thoughts turned sinister. "Seth doesn't want to be a member of your guard," Edward stated, "but he says thanks for the offer."

Seth nudged his nose against Bella and Alice towards the doors, his eyes moving from guard to guard as the girls walked. Seth nipped at Edward's pants and directed his head to the doors. Seth was the last to leave, not once turning to face the crazed monarch or his harem of red-eyed followers.

Aro watched as the wolf left the throne room. As the doors closed Seth heard his unnerving voice.

"You will join Shifter, I always get what I want."

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