Now You See Me pt. 4 (Finale)

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Requested by whispersinshadows

"Evie!" Felix yelled out, "Wait!"

Evie kept running, dodging low hanging branches with the greatest of ease, barely leaving a footprint in her wake on the dampened Earth. Felix tried to keep out with his rushing mate, his friends hot on his tail. He understood how much Evie wanted the get to the battlefield to help her family, but Felix only wanted to keep her safe from the slaughter she was bound to see.

Evie launched herself over the riverbed, landing crouched before bolting again to the growing sounds of the fighting taking place. She jumped onto the closest newborn sinking her razor like teeth into his neck and tearing his head from his body.

She heard a growl from behind be cut short as Felix jumped into the fight as well, tearing a newborn from the air and ripping them at their waist. The pair gave a look to each other, throwing themselves into the fight alongside the Cullen's much to the other guards dismay on the sidelines.

Evie and Felix moved in unison, their backs to the other, their attention being focused on any newborn that came towards the pair. United they were unstoppable, a true force to be reckoned with, something the newborns learned a little too late.

Evie and Felix surveyed the battlefield, expecting another foe to run up any given moment. A lone wolf whistle made Evie look across to see Emmett grinning ear to ear.

"It's about damn time," Emmett chuckled as Felix and Evie turned their attention to each other, making sure the other was fine.

"Hey Evie!" Jasper yelled out, "Are you gonna introduce your new friend?"

Evie grabbed Felix's hand and smiled, escorting him over to her coven. "Family, this is my mate Felix Volturi."

Felix gave a sheepish smile and wave. Esme was the first to move hugging the pair. "Welcome to the family Felix," Esme greeted sweetly.

Carlisle smiled, "We're happy for the both of you."

Felix and Evie shared a look and smile, giving the others hand a gentle squeeze.

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