Twice Shy Pt. 2

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Requested by dreamikaelson

"We can handle a Cullen," Aro said with a chuckle.

Sienna rolled her eyes. "It's your funeral," she muttered, "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Sienna turned to her mate who kept his attention trained on the door as if waiting for it to burst open. She didn't like using that word, mate, seeing how it held so much power in the immortal world. They were more friends than lovers, taking their time to get to know one and other before rushing into something serious that could hurt either of them. If Sienna had to introduce Demetri to anyone, much to Demetri's, and even Aro's dismay, she would only call him her friend.

Unlike Sienna, Demetri embraced calling Sienna his mate, his better half in some instances. There wasn't a moment when he wasn't singing her praises or showering her with gifts to express his love and devotion. Sienna tolerated it, a lot better than Demetri would have if he was in her shoes. He asked her about it once before as they relaxed in a hammock together in the garden. "Because you've waited a long time for me so I can handle some sappiness from you," was all she replied before nuzzling into his side more and taking a nap. So he continued with his worship of her and she would grin and bear it to make him smile.

"Master," Demetri began, "perhaps you should heed Sienna's warn-"

"-Nonsense!" Caius shouted, "We are the Volturi! We instill fear, not feel it!"

Sienna once again rolled her eyes and began walking to the door. If they would not listen to reason then she wouldn't interfere a moment longer. She wouldn't be held liable if any of the kings or guards getting hurt.

A thunderous smack to the doors and the muffled screams of terror from the receptionist on the other side of the doors was enough to make Sienna stop in her tracks. She felt a gust of air and felt a familiar hand around her waist. "Stay behind me," Demetri hissed, pushing his mate behind him as the doors begun to give under the weight of the attack.

Guards moved around the room, encircling the masters thrones and with them Sienna as well. Jane was by the humans side, her eyes never straying from the doors.

The doors crumpled under the last shove of whoever was trying to break in, revealing who Sienna had feared coming to the castle. There in all her rage, in all her fury, with eyes as black as coal and hatred making her beautiful features ones of nightmares stood the one and only.

Rosalie Hale.

Behind Rosalie was her equally enraged husband, his hand around the mouth of the wide eyed and equally terrified receptionist.

"Where. Is. She." Rosalie asked, stepping into the room, her eyes trained on Aro and only Aro.

Aro gave a half-hearted smile. "Who are we discussing?" he questioned, playing coy.

Rosalie let go of a growl she was no longer able to hold back just as the nearest guard launched at her. She dodged his reaching hands only to grab his head and give a quick yank severing it from his body. In another swift move, she had tossed it at the other guard closest to her with enough force to send him flying back into the wall. Emmett had relinquished his hold on the mortal woman moving into the room, sending guards flying or tearing them the pieces.

Aro watched in horror as his guards were made a mockery of by two vegetarian vampires no less. Caius was equally appalled at the ongoing carnage meanwhile Marcus watched on like he was one step away from pulling out a bowl of popcorn.

Rosalie had made it through the room only to have Demetri get in her way. She swiped at him only for him to dodge it. Sienna let out a gasp earning her mothers attention. Rosalie's eyes turned gold for a brief moment only to turn black once more when Demetri stepped back into her field of view.

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