King of My Heart

503 19 4

Requested by MahashreeGD

Quick Note: I took a different approach to this entry, deciding to write this from the point of view of the main character writing entries in her diary. I did skip days and months so nobody would be having to read so many mundane details (tbh I'm lying, I did it this way so I wouldn't have to get so involved in making more details). MahashreeGD had requested I made this entry to Taylor Swift's King of My Heart song so I did to the best of my abilities. Hopefully everyone enjoys and if not, don't be afraid to leave a comment or DM me with ways I could improve this in the future. Enjoy my lovelies!

June 2, 2023

Dear Diary,

Morgan was right once again. Another failed relationship with someone undeserving of the time or effort I put in. Tell me why I always find the ones who would make for a great breakup song if I was Taylor Swift? Maybe I should look into that instead of hear Morgan tell me once more that I "shouldn't be crying over some idiot in tin foil posing as a knight in shining armor" instead I should do what she does, drunken one night stances and Tinder hook-ups. It seems easier but can I tell you a secret Diary? I don't want that, I can't even entertain the idea of  something like that. 

I want love. The long lasting kind, the kind that will dance and kiss me in the rain type of love. The type where I couldn't even imagine life without him by my side. I want to be his first thought in the morning when he wakes up and his last before he goes to sleep. I don't want some fairy tale ending, I want real.

Will I ever find a man like that? Do men like that even exist anymore? I shouldn't stay up with these thoughts, not when I have to open the store tomorrow. 

Until next time Diary.

July 16, 2023

Dear Diary,

I'm done. I really mean it this time. I'm tired of being played for cheap. I don't understand my generation saying they want something meaningful only to ruin or decide being "free" or "not committing" is better than dating. I don't understand how its perfectly acceptable to want the joys of a relationship without ever wanting to be in  relationship. I guess I'll have to get used to the notion of living by myself, perhaps I should get a fish or a dog to keep me company.

Enough about my love life dilemmas, I have something amazing to tell you Diary. Did you know Morgan found someone, can you believe it? Some guy she met at the library, I think she said his name was Marcus. He's handsome, I'll give him that, but something doesn't seem quite right but they seem so happy together, so in love. He's whisking her away on some romantic getaway to Spain tomorrow. Two weeks alone, I'm sure she'll tell me all the details when she gets back from her trip.

I wish them the best. 

September 23, 2023

Dear Diary,

Long time no see right, Diary? I really need to get back in the habit of writing daily but I've been busy since I finally got my promotion! Been working at that gallery for 5 years and finally I got it. I will admit I was terrified for a moment, so afraid they'd give the job to Rosalba but no I got it. I have a chance to really prove myself in the upcoming months, turns out some artist, I can't remember his name but I know it starts with a C I think it's Charles? Anyway, his name isn't important, what's important is that he'll be having an exhibition and they want me to be the one to put it all together! I can't wait to show off my skills!

Wish me luck!

September  24, 2023

Dear Diary,

I HATE HIM! If I could get away with murdering him I would. My artist, the infuriating arrogant and bane of my existence, Caius is the last person I want to work with. He is so condescending and refusing to call me by my name, only addressing me as 'Baby'. He may be good looking but that doesn't give him a right to refer to me as anything less than his colleague.

It's only our first day working together and he has already made me want to strangle him. I have to keep reminding myself I don't look good in orange jumpsuits so I won't take a hammer to his platinum blond head. 

Lord give me the strength to get through these next few weeks, I'm going to need it. 

October 25, 2023

Dear Diary,

We did it! The event was an absolute success and we even managed to sell all of Caius's works. My boss was pleased, the clients were pleased with their purchases, and I actually saw Caius smile, which was surprising for the past few weeks I had only seen him frown or glare. He was so sweet during the party and not to mention looking fine. My, my, my that suit of his was stunning.

I'm off topic, where was I? Oh right the party. 

It was a success like I mentioned earlier but it was the end of the event that caught me by surprise. Caius managed to catch me as I was leaving and do you know what he did? He asked me out on a date. Should I accept or decline? I mean he isn't my client anymore and he wasn't all that bad....

November 3, 2023

Dear Diary,

I went on my second date with Caius.

December 6, 2023

Dear Diary,

I met Caius's family. I didn't know him and Morgan's Marcus were related. Aro's a creep though, kept trying to touch my hand.

December 31, 2023

Dear Diary,

Caius asked me to move in. I accepted. 

February 14, 2024

Dear Diary,

We're engaged. I want a spring wedding.

March 27, 2024

Dear Diary, 

Say Hello to Mrs. Caius Volturi or Her Majesty Y/n. I prefer Mrs. Volturi though.

Caius set down his wife's diary looking over to where she slept on their bed. He made sure to lock it before setting it back in her suitcase and putting her locket back on the bedside table. He laid back, the mattress dipping under his weight. Y/n felt the shift of the mattress and wiggled her way over to her husbands side, resting an arm over his torso and her head on his chest. 

Caius kissed her forehead as he wrapped an arm around her. "Sweet dreams My Queen."

Softly and somewhat sleepily, Y/n replied, "G'night king of my heart."

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