Here Kitty Kitty Pt. 2

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Requested by wendigo0961

"I'm home!" Sirena exclaimed as she came through the throne room doors, Jane right behind her.

Ignacio tensed as his little sister removed her sunglasses and headed over to where Omen- Marcus, laid on one of the levels of the scratching post. As per Omen fashion, Marcus let himself be lifted into Sirena's arms. He rubbed his head under her chin, giving little purrs of delight as she turned back to her brother.

"Was Omen a good boy for you while I was away?"

Ignacio almost laughed, if only you knew. "He was well behaved," he lied with a nervous laugh, "mostly slept."

Aro gave a confused look to his brother's husband and turned to Sirena to tell her the truth only for Caius to silence him with a look of pure desperation.

Sirena turned back to her bags. "Then my dear sweet little Master of Disaster, I have gifts for you!" She pulled out little treat bags and new toys for her precious pet, listing different traits that she thought Omen would enjoy.

Marcus watched on as Sirena continued, his heart splintering more with each gift she pulled out. He knew what he signed up for when he agreed to pretend to be Omen but he didn't expect to feel so empty. He looked over his little fur covered shoulder to his husband to see an equally broken man watch as his unknowing sister held onto someone she could hardly tolerate on a normal day.

Sirena looked down at her "pet" as she set down the little fish treat bag. Normally, Omen would be meowing and trying to take the bag from her. Something was terribly wrong. She could sense it.

"Nacho..." She called out, her voice an octave higher than her usual tone. "Something's wrong..."

Ignacio felt his grip tighten on his throne as his sister turned her full attention to her familiar. Her ring covered hand emitted a small tendril of blue light that slowly circled around the Faux Omen. Marcus could feel Sirena's magic moving along his fur coat, encasing him in a soft yet warm embrace.

"You're not Omen..." Sirena whispered as she retracted her power and set the cat down and turned her attention to her brother. "Ignacio Juan Pedro Vasquez-Volturi, what happened to Omen?"

Ignacio almost flinched at the use of his full name but still he kept his wits. "That IS Omen."

Sirena stood to her full height. "Lies," she hissed, "Where is my cat?"

The room was an eerie type of silent. The type that could make skin crawl and hair to stand on end. The siblings stared at each other, willing the other to make some type of move. Only it was neither of them that made such a move, but Caius.

"Omen is dead," the king explained, drawing Sirena's attention to him.

Sirena's anger fell to disbelief. "What?" She asked only to shake her head her anger coming back full force, "You're lying!"

Caius rose from his chair and came to a stop in front of the teen. "Your brother found Omen died in Marcus's office. Together, they came up with turning Marcus into Omen until Nacho could find a replacement."

Sirena looked down at the cat that was supposed to be hers. The cat stared back at her, a look that Omen never had in his eyes, one of someone who had seen so much in one lifetime.

"Marcus..." She whispered, her legs feeling as though they couldn't support her weight.

Marcus chirped and inclined his head to acknowledge his sister-in-law. Sirena felt her legs give out only to be caught by Caius as a sob broke free from her. She had felt something earlier while she was out with Jane and Corin, the same thing she felt when her parents left the world but she had dismissed the feeling as nothing more than a memory. Only now, her feelings were real.

"Where's his body?" She asked, turning her tear- filled eyes to her brother. "May I see him? Please?"

Her brother nodded and came to her side and helped her to her feet. Together, and with Marcus following they left the throne room and traveled deeper into the castle where the bodies of the deceased tourists were stored until they could be disposed of properly in the incinerator. Sirena followed in a zombie-like state as her brother stopped in front of one of the refrigerated slates and opened it.

Sirena felt another wave of agony as she looked down at the little white sheet and the outline of Omens body.

"I didn't want to bury him yet," Ignacio admitted.

Sirena paid no attention to her brother just moved to Omens side and pulled the sheet down. Her cat, her little angel, the little beast that never failed to wake her up in the middle of the night when he had the zoomies, laid still, his eyes closed. His chest didn't rise and fall, nor did his tail twitch as it did when he slept. Sirena reached out, gently running her fingers through his fur.

There was no warmth to his body and Sirena felt fresh tears fall. A small tendril of magic came from her once more but she couldn't feel Omens essence like how she did with Marcus.

"I can't feel him..." She croaked.

Ignacio wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "We can bury him in the morning..." He offered, "in the garden under the olive tree he liked."

Sirena nodded, her voice failing her. She turned to Ignacio and now the vampire king Marcus and hugged them both.

"We can get you a new cat," Marcus offered as he wiped away Sirena's tears.

Sirena shook her head. "I couldn't replace Omen...not even with a cat like you."

Marcus gave a small chuckle. "Then perhaps ice cream?"

Sirena nodded. All three left the morgue heading to the kitchen. Sirena with her heart heavy, Ignacio silently thanking the Gods that Volterra stayed standing, and Marcus hoping for the best.

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