What Hurts The Most...pt. 2

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Requested by LilianDeVil

The gas station attendant, a girl with slender rectangular glasses wearing a cherry red vest over her heather gray sweater, sat behind the counter. There was no one besides her at the location, giving her more than enough time to work on some homework that needed her attention. She sat on her stool, turning the waxy pages of her Calculus textbook and scribbling her formula into the page of her journal. 

"Stupid math," she huffed before gritting her teeth. "It's not like I'll need this one day."

"You just might," answered another causing the poor teen to jump.

The girl looked up from her textbook to the face of an unamused girl with dark sunglasses covering her eyes. The attendant moved her belongings to the side and gave a small yet friendly smile to the customer.

"Can I help you?"

The girl nodded and placed her purse on the counter to retrieve her wallet. "I need 20 on-" the girl paused and looked out the window to the gas pumps and her car, sliding her glasses down just enough to unintentionally reveal her topaz eyes "-pump three please."

The girl nodded in understanding. "Um, yeah, so it'll have to be cash since um the," she paused trying to remember the name of the card reader, "thingy is down."

"Not a problem," the golden-eyed girl chuckled fishing out a crisp 20 and handing it over.

The attendant did her end of the transaction giving the all clear for her first customer in the last couple of hours to leave. The other teen slipped a $10 into the small tip jar before retreating back to the door and into the outside world. Marisol took notice of the small cluster of boys who stood around her car, ogling at the automobile none of them could ever afford.

"There is no way this is your graduation present, Mike!" One of the guys exclaimed as the boy, Mike, sat on the hood of the car.

"My old man said I deserved something nice," Mike explained with a shrug, "I wish it was a different color though. Who knows, I might have it repainted."

Marisol, who had been walking towards the group the whole time, stopped marveling at the car. "Nice ride," she said, making Mike and his posse look at her.

Mike's smile widened, "Thanks!" He puffed out his chest a bit more and it took everything in Marisol not to roll her eyes and keep up her façade. 

"What kind of car is it?" she asked moving closer to the blond boy and gently touching the hood. 

With more confidence than someone should be able to muster, he stated, "It's a Mercedes, my Mercedes."

Marisol moved her sunglasses to the top of her head, not once losing her smile. "Actually, its a product of a partnership between Mercedes and McLaren," She said before holding up the keys and hitting the car alarm spooking the group, "and its mine."

Mike flounder as he got off the hood as his friends laughed and ridiculed him. Marisol disabled her alarm before pumping her gas. "Touch my car again and I'll make sure the police never find any of you," she threatened causing the boys to stop laughing and run off. 

She climbed back into the driver seat, throwing her purse into the passenger seat before speeding away into the fog that seemed to eternally hang over Forks. Before long she was at the small dirt path just outside of the city limits of Forks. She paused for a moment, truly debating if she should be there, if she should be helping even if her family disapproved and refused to be involved into whatever fiasco Edward had managed to get himself into. 

Against her better judgement, she turned onto the muddy road and drove straight into the woods coming to rest at a glass house. She grabbed her backpack and purse, and walked to the front door. It was Edward who greeted her at the door.

"Marisol," Edward spoke, "what a lovely sur-"

"-Shut up," was all Marisol said before shoving her bags into his arms and walking into the house.

All eyes were on her as she stopped. No one dared to speak as Marisol walked up to Jasper eyeing him with dissatisfaction. "So you're the girl everyone wants to kill." Marisol stated before turning to Edward. 

Edward didn't have to be a mind reader in order to know why Marisol hated his girlfriend, she frowned on all things lovey-dovey, in fact it didn't surprise him that Marisol didn't care if Bella lived or died. What he did care for though was that besides Jasper she was the only other vampire with an expertise on newborn armies and fighting. Jasper could teach them how to fight, but Marisol, she would show them how to win.

"We'll begin training now," Marisol stated, "meet me in the back in five."

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