Heat of the Moment Pt. 1

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Requested by fictionalpsycosimp

"Bitch, get in the car! You could survive!"

Jane rolled her eyes as her best friend, Rebel,  yelled  at the TV screen. The actress on the screen, had a multitude of wounds painted across her body. She cried and screamed for help as she gave a half hearted run down the driveway, dragging her leg behind her. The killer, some oversized slasher that was fixated on destroying the small group of campers walked behind her as if he had no cares in the world.

Rebel took another handful of popcorn to her mouth as she rolled her eyes. "Stupid." She stated as the woman met her demise.

"They never listen, do they?" Jane chimed as she took her spot back on the couch and rested her feet on her friend's lap.

Rebel had just enough time to move her bowl of popcorn before Jane's cold feet hit her thighs. "No one in scary movies make the right decision," she argued, "not a single one has a braincell!"

Jane chortled. "You'd be surprised how quickly common sense leaves someone when they encounter death."

Rebel gave her friend a side eye. "Are you forgetting who my bestie is?"

Jane smiled, as if she could forget who Rebel called her bestest friend. The pair fell into mindless chatter as the movie played on in the background.

The sound of someone clearing their throat caught the girls attention. Jane tilted her head back over the arm of the couch looking at her brother.

"Brother," she greeted, before lifting her head once more."

"Sister," Alec returned in greeting. His eyes rested on Rebel. "Blood bag."

Rebel finished out a piece of candy from the bowl. "Glitter jar."

Jane rolled her eyes in annoyance. She never understood the hatred two of her most favorite people had for one and other but she never questioned it. It was their business and she was not about to get involved.

Rebel stood, fixing her short shorts and unraveling the towel that held her damp her. Her hair hung limp and in clumps revealing her newest outrageous color of hair.

"Oh girl that is a gorgeous blue!"

Alec took a seat and snorted, "She looks like she killed a Smurf and dipped her hair in it's blood."

Rebel stopped brushing her hair and turned to the boy who made her want to murder him. "Go fuck yourself, Alec."

Jane was quick to get involved turning the attention to herself. "Brother, did you need something?" She asked.

Alec nodded. "Master Caius needs to discuss a matter with you."

Jane stood mumbling a quick behave to both guests before leaving.

Silence settled into the air as the pair just did what they wanted. Alec sat playing on his phone as Rebel went to the bathroom to dry her hair. The sound of the hair dryer starting up pulled Alec's attention to the girl.

He watched her as she flipped her hair to and fro drying it. He had lied when he said the blue did nothing to suit the girl. In fact the only time he truly didn't like her hair color was when she dyed it orange and it clashed with her skin tone.

"Take a picture it'll last longer."

Rebel stood with her hand on her hip, smirk playing on her lips. Alec was quick to look away, returning to his annoyed persona. "There's nothing picture worthy."

Rebel hummed as she came back to the living room.  She took a seat on the chair across from Alec, throwing her hair into a messy bun. "It didn't seem like that when you had that look."

Alec snorted. "What look?"

"Like you wanted something," Rebel nudged Alec's leg with her foot.

Alec moved his leg away. "I want nothing from you," Alec snapped, "You're nothing more than an inconvenience."

Rebel cooed, "Is it because Jane likes me more than you?"

Alec growled before getting in Rebels face. "My sister does not value you more th-"

"-But she does!" Rebel laughs scooting to the edge of her chair and into Alec's face, "'Oh Rebs if only you were my sister' or 'I wish I had a sister instead of a brother'."

Alec grew quiet, a muscle in his jaw twitched. Rebels smile grew even larger. "Face it Glitter even the masters like me more than y-"

Rebel never got to finish her taunt because next thing she knew Alec's lips were on hers. There was no tenderness, no wanting to kiss, only a fierce need.

Their lips worked in sync as their hands traveled. Alec gave a gentle nip to Rebels bottom lip earning a small gasp. His tongue slithered into her mouth as his hand tangled into her hair. Rebel replied eagerly, pulling Alec closer by the lapels of his jacket.

Alec had managed to scoop up the human, her legs wrapping around his waist. Together, they fell back into the chair Alec previously occupied. Rebel grounded her hips against Alec's earning a growl.

"Rebel," Alec murmured between kisses.


Alec trailed his kisses to her throat. "Should we be doing this?"

Rebel laughed and trailed her hand down the front of Alec's chest to his belt, toying with the buckle. "Do you want to stop?" She asked.

Alec shook his head. "No." He thought for a moment, "Do you?"

Rebel grounded her hips into his in reply. "Definitely not."

The rest of the night became a blur as the two were lost in ecstasy. By morning, Rebel was sound asleep near the fireplace with a fur blanket draped across her nude body. Alec was nearby, sitting on the couch getting dressed. He stood, buttoning what was left of his buttons before looking over at the girl.
He felt a pang of guilt, he wanted to stay, to give Rebel an enjoyable morning like the one they had last night but for some reason he couldn't. Something in him was telling him to leave, perhaps it was the fear of his sister finding him with her best friend.  Alec grabbed Jane's nearby cactus notepad, scribbled a quick little note, left it under Rebels phone and left.

Rebel awoke to the sound of a door being slammed closed. She sat up, looking around the room to see a very angry Jane. For a moment, Rebel panicked assuming Jane's anger was directed at her and felt the spot beside her where she lost saw Alec. The spot was cold and no signs of Alec's clothes laid strewn around the room from the previous night.

"Morning," Rebel chirped, a little too high an octave than her normal voice.

Jane cast her eyes up and down her friends disheveled look. "Where are your clothes?" She asked, one eyebrow raised.

Rebel scrambled for an answer. "It was hot!" She answered quickly, "I couldn't get comfortable."

Jane pursed her lips. "Hurry and get dressed then. The masters want a word with you."

Rebel felt her stomach drop. A meeting with the masters was never something that made her feel at ease, maybe a meeting with Marcus but that was pushing it. Another fear swam through her mind as she headed to the bathroom with her clothes for the day. There was no possible way Aro found out so quickly that her and Alec could've been.... intimate the night before, but then again the crazed king loved to see the world through both Jane and Alec's view so it wasn't far-fetched.

She came out while applying mousse for her hair. "So do you know why they want to see me?"

"Something about an offer," Jane replied.

With one more quick glance over her attire, the pair left heading to the masters study. Jane continued to steal looks at her friend, secretly knowing what awaited Rebel.

After all, it wasn't every day Aro made a newborn, especially at Jane's insistence. Jane opened the door and motioned for her friend to go in.

"After you, Gorgeous."

Rebel gave Jane the most brilliant of smiles. "Thanks Boo."

The doors closed to the sound of Rebels terrified screams being cut short.

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