Ball of Energy Pt. 3

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Requested by dreamikaelson

"Please," Barbara begged, golden eyes batting in a sweet manner, "with a blood bag on top?"

Caius growled in frustration, "The answer is still no, Cullen."

Barbara smacked her lips and crossed her arms. "McCarty," she corrected, "by now you should have remembered that."

Caius rolled his eyes while mumbling 'whatever' under his breath as he continued his current sketch. Barbara, who had been creeping closer the entire time, reached out her hand touching Caius's hair. Before Caius could even think about smacking the visiting vegetarian vampires hands away, Barbara had begun to braid his hair while humming to herself.

Annoyed and the glint of murderous rage brewing in his eyes, Caius tried to snatch Barbara's hands just as quickly as she pulled them away. "I said no!" Caius growled.

"But you look somewhat pretty now." Argued the younger of the two immortals, "Which I must say is an improvement!'

"An improvement?!" Roared the king, "I'll give you an improvement!"

Barbara bolted, racing down the hall as fast as she could to escape the angered ruler and his art studio. Caius was hot on her tail, not as easily keeping up with her as Edward could but nonetheless still managing to, screaming how he would improve Barbara by removing her vocal cords.

Barbara went crashing through the throne room doors and slamming them shut behind her just as quickly. She turned around looking at the guards and two puzzled kings and smile.

"Heyyyy," she greeted walking further into the room every now and then glancing back at the doors every few seconds. "How is everyone doing?"

Felix sighed. "What did you do?" He asked stepping forward towards his visiting friend.

Barbara stood mouth agap, "I never do anything wrong!"

There was a hard slam to the opposite side of the doors and shouting from an angry Caius causing Barbara to jump. She looked back at her oversized friend and gave a small smile as Felix crossed his arms and raised one brow. His form of a silent 'confess everything'.

With a sigh of defeat Barbara slumped her shoulders. "I braided Caius's hair..."

Felix pinched the bridge of his nose. "I thought I told you to leave Master Caius alone."

"You act as if I put hair dye into his shampoo."

"You did that last week for, and I quote, "Funsies'!"

"He did look funny with green hair." She argued, "Kinda like Beetlejuice!"

Felix sighed, of course the most chaotic of the Cullen clan would discover a new way of angering someone in the castle and that someone would be Caius of all people. He should've sent the little ball of Energy back to America and back to her brother but alas he didn't have the heart. She was fun and not to mention bugged Felix one too many times to visit him.

"What am I going to do with you?" Felix asked as Caius struck the doors again.

Barbara smiled and wrapped her arms around her friends waist. "Protect me from Caius and pretend I'm an angel?"

Felix laughed before giving Barbara's hair a soft tousle, "Babs, you are far from an angel. You're the Devil in disguise."

Barbara shrugged. "I prefer the Devil's Advocate but ok."

Felix hid his friend behind Marcus's throne just before a double dutch braided Caius came bursting in, his eyes searching for the thorn in his side who's name just so happened to be Barbara. Felix sighed once more only this time through his nose.

Today was going to be interesting as all the other days as long as Barbara was up to mischief.

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