One Dreadful Night Pt. 3

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"Felix are you pushing the planchette?" Gloria accused.

"No!" Felix defended himself. "Blame Demetri."

Demetri scoffed as the planchette moved around the board. "Rude."

The planchette had moved away from the 'Yes' option and had begun swirling in a figure 8. Diana had paled drastically as the planchette moved across the board.

Jane rolled her eyes as she asked the next question, "Who is speaking with us?"

The planchette stopped suddenly before quickly darting between D-E-V-I-L.

"The Devil...." Diana whimpered, tears beginning to form along her lash line.

Miguel and Jane shared an amused look as Diana began begging that they stop and put the board away.

"Guys, if this is really the Devil we need to stop!" Diana argued.

"What do you want?" Jane asked, ignoring Diana's protests.


Adonis was the only one to notice the look one of the other mated pairs threw to each other and  laughed as he removed his finger. "You are all EVIL."

Diana looked over at Adonis. "What?"

"Baby doll," Adonis explained between laughs, "they're messing with us. They're moving the planchette."

Diana's fear fled quickly as anger took it's place. "You guys are mean!"

Demetri rolled his eyes, "I knew you messing with us."

"Sure you did Casanova, that explains why you stopped breathing," Jane deadpanned.

Her and Demetri both stuck their tongues out at the other before everyone settled back into the game with Alec reassuring Diana it was just a cruel prank.

"Ok, no more freaking out my girlfriend or you have me to deal with," Alec threatened with a growl.

Everyone rolled their eyes as Diana leaned against Alec's arm. "Ok no more pranks," Demetri agreed before taking over the questions.

"Is there anyone here who wishes to speak to us?"


"This is boring," Adonis whispered before reiterating his mates question. "Is anyone wanting to talk to me? I'm actually really nice and a good listener."

Diana giggled, "Ad, this isn't a first date impression, you know that right?"

Adonis shrugged mumbling something along the lines of "it doesn't hurt to mention that" and "who knows ghosts get lonely."

Soon enough the planchette darted between letters once more. Only difference this time was that Diana had sucked in a breath.

"Diana?" Alec asked, "Which one of you spelled her name out? Jane?"

"No! I'm not behind this!"

"Neither am I," Felix and Gloria added at the same time.

"Same here," Demetri added and Adonis nodded.

L-O-N-G T-I-M-E N-O S-E-E, the piece spelled again.

"Diana, what's going on?" Jane asked, her voice elevated.

"I don't know!" Diana answered, panic-stricken.

The planchette jerked hard in every direction landing on letters that chilled everyone to their very bones. Diana was shaking and Alec let out a growl that rivaled those of Caius.


Jane had begun to retort, trying to close the lines of communication, when the planchette shot away from everyone and into the fireplace. Flames shot skyward burning the piece before anyone could fish it out and the board ignited as well scaring everyone.

The candles flickered out as crash came from the halls beyond the chamber doors followed by an ear splitting scream followed.

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