Kitten Pt. 2

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"Oh this little baby is adorable!" Gushed Athenodora as she held the kitten up. "Such a cutie!"

Muse and Jane sat on a plush ivory couch on either side of a doting Sulpicia who had busied herself pinching both the girl's cheeks. Muse couldn't help herself but smile at both the affectionate queens, who seemed to enjoy the company of them and the cat. She looked around the vast sitting room enjoying the calmness and serenity both queens had manage to create in their prison and home.

She couldn't help but giggle as Athenodora who had busied herself with kissing the kitten and petting it.

"Oh Sully look at the little paws," she nearly yelled holding up the kittens paws.

"Yes Dora, the kitten is very cute," Sulpicia answered, rolling her eyes at her fellow queen as she offered a plate of cookies to Muse, "a cookie darling?"

Muse couldn't help herself from accepting yet another soft yet scrumptious cookie while she sipped her lemon tea. "Thank you Mrs. Volturi."

Sulpicia extended her ruby red lips into a curved expression while setting down the plate. It had been at least 600 hundreds years since they had a visitor and by far this was the most the two had enjoyed another's company besides each other.

"So what was your question darling?" Athenodora asked directing her attention to Muse.

Muse was mid bite of her cookie when she spit it out onto the plate. "Um yeah, so I found Minnie on the street and I want to keep her but-"

"-My husband won't allow it will he?"

"He's made rules against animals in the castle m'lady," Jane added.

Athenodora nodded her head while she petted the cat. "Jane, would you be a dear and fetch me some paper and a pen?"

"Yes ma'am," Jane answered retrieving the requested items.

Much to Athenodora's dismay she had to set her furry companion on the ground to write her letter.

"Sully, tell me if this is well written."

"Of course."

Athenodora sat taller at the edge of her seat, moving her chestnut hair from her shoulder to her back. "Caius," she began, "if you harm a single hair on either Muse's or the little kitten, Jinx, I swear to the heavens that you'll have hell to pay. How was that?"

"Eloquent, straight to the point, and perfectly phrased, I must say it's your best note."

Athenodora smiled. "Jinx?" Muse asked, "the kittens name is Minnie."

"You're naming a boy Minnie?" Athenodora asked.

Muse bite her lip in thought, moving over to the kittens side. "Im sorry," she apologized to the kitten before lifting the cat, "Jinx it is!"

Athenodora laughed and clapped her hands. "Oh goody, make sure to give that note to Caius."

Both girls smiled and scooped up the cat and walked towards the door. Sulpicia stopped them on the way handing a note to Muse.

"Give this to my idiot husband," the queen instructed, "we'd love to see you and Jane more often."

"And bring Jinx along please!"

Muse chuckled, "Yes ma'am, I'll come visit more often."

Sulpicia gave both girls and kittens a kiss good bye waving them off. Muse chuckled as the door closed, "That was fun!"

Jane giggled, scratching Jinx's head. "On the bright side you get to keep Jinx."

Muse cheered lifting Jinx's little paws. "Score one for the humans, zero for mean vampires."

Both girls chuckled heading to the throne room letters in tow and smiles etched onto their faces.

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