Now You See Me pt. 3

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Requested by urbaeliaa

Months had passed, the summer drifting away to the fall. None of the immortals truly cared, but to Evie it was already felt like an eternity. If she was being honest, she truly had nothing to complain about, seeing how she was allowed the same freedoms that the guards enjoyed, including her ability to roam the castle, but she was far from happy.

To say she was homesick was far the worst understatement. She longs for her hunting grounds, the peaceful green thick forest of Forks, she missed her torment of Paul chasing her whenever she was too close to Quileute lands for his liking, but most of all she missed her family. She missed her sister-in-law Esme and her kind nurturing nature that had always reminded Evie of her mother. Carlisle, her "younger" brother (although he was actually older than her) who would always make the right decision to protect their family. Emmett who always managed to crack a joke even the worst of situations and make Evie laugh. Rosalie who despite how vain Edward or anyone else thought she was actually cared the most and did everything in her power to make the Cullen's seem normal. Alice, the oddball but the sweetest, and Jasper who tried so hard to be good. And as much as she hated to admit it, she missed Edward and his half brained ideas and dramatic tendencies.

Evie sighed, her eyes unfocused on the outside world, her attention drawn millions of miles away. She barely noticed when Felix had entered into their shared suite, a gift from Aro in hopes that being close would make both of their stubborn ways be put to the side and they would accept their places by each others side.

Felix glanced at his mate before adverting his eyes. He could sense how much she was growing to dislike the castle, after all she was more or less of a hostage in order to keep her loved ones safe. Felix did feel like he was at fault for her being here but he chose not to dwell on those thoughts for longer than necessary.

"It has been a week since you last hunted, has it not?" Felix asked nonchalantly observing the shelves of the bookshelf.

"Is that your way of asking if you need to accompany me on the countryside?"

Felix let out a sound that was somewhere in between a grunt and a hum as he selected a book only to place it back onto the shelf.

"We'll leave tonight once the sun sets."

Evie gave a hum of thanks, expecting him to leave after their brief interaction only he stayed. He took the seat that had Evie's feet resting on it.

Evie gave a growl which was only returned back with Felix's own. "What do you want?"

"A moment of your time."

Evie gave a glare. "I don't have a moment to spare, I'm a very busy woman."

Felix chuckled, "You we're just looking out the window."

"And it was an extremely time consuming task."

Felix ran a hand over his face and through his hair. "Then I'll let you go back to your 'extremely time consuming task'," Felix sassed and began to leave the room, "would it be safe to assume you wouldn't care if I was to say I have mission in Seattle?"

Evie was in front of Felix in an instant. "What's happening in Seattle?"

"Humans are going missing at an alarming rate so one of two options could be happening actually."

"Option one?" Evie asked.

"A vampire is going on a blood binge," Felix answered.

"And option two?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"Someone is creating an army."

Evie gasped, "Why....who-Victoria!"

Felix cocked an eyebrow, "Who is Victoria? A Cullen?"

Evie shook her head as she moved over to the closet and grabbed a backpack stuffing it with clothes and products she would need.

"She's a nomad," Evie answered as she stuffed jeans into her bag, "her mate, James, he tried to kill Bella."

"I highly doubt the girl that could barely stand without falling over could kill that sadistic tracker."

Evie hummed. "She didn't," she deadpanned, "but my family did. She's making an army to exact her revenge."

Felix stumbled over his words as he followed Evie to the bookshelf where she pulled a book safe from the third shelf and took the money from inside as well as her passport and license.

" do you know that's what she is doing?'

Evie turned, staring deeply into his eyes. "Because I would do the same if someone took you from me."

Felix's eyes grew wide as Evie made her way to the door, their plans of hunting far gone from both of their minds. Without a care in the world or even a doubt in his mind, Felix followed Evie out of the room, deciding in that moment he would follow her to the ends of the Earth.

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