Ruined Friendships

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Waves crashed along the shore, leaving foam and vanishing footprints in their wake. Seagulls squawked overhead to each other as they searched for food. The sinking sun bathed the secluded white sand beach in a dull gold and both of those who were both watching as a pod of dolphins play.

The smallest of the two, a girl who was as slender as a willow with long ink black hair secured into a braid down her back. Her shoulders shook forward every now the few moments she would lose her composure. Her  companion, a much larger individual with cloak and hood pulled tight around his figure. They sat in silence, the occasional sniffle from the girl drowned out by the crashing waves.

Felix looked over at the girl, his heart lurching in his chest at the sight of her. He knew his decisions had consequences but it was for the best. The girl wiped her nose on his borrowed handkerchief, trying to pull herself together.

"Does this have to happen?" She asked, her brown eyes filling with tears.

Felix looked down at his hands. "I'm afraid so." He apologized, "I never meant for this-"

"-But it happened!" She cried, turning to him "and no apology can fix this."

Felix casted his redden orbs down, guilt weighing heavy on him. He took a moment to compose himself but he was breaking by the second. He returned his teary eyes back to the girl.


"-You dumped my sister and now I lose a friend."

Felix sighed. "Can't we just keep hanging out? We could finish building the Death Star!"

"Jessie, I can't come over, your sister-"

"Doesn't have anything to do with our friendship." Jessie explained, "we can still build Lego sets together or even play Call of Duty!"

Felix looked over at the young girl, to her small hand clutching onto him for dear life. "You said we were friends...." Her small voice trembled.

"I'm sorry."

Felix stood wiping away the lingering sand as Jessie had begun to cry again. He felt bad, he truly did, but he couldn't stay in Jessie's life if he and her older sister were no longer a couple. He knew better than to stay near an minor and make authorities question his motives.

Jessie had begun to cry harder than before, her treasured friendship crumbling in front of her eyes with her not being able to fix the problem. She had seen the end coming, in fact she knew this was coming as soon as she found her sister was talking to her ex again. Jessie knew Felix deserved to know what was happening even if it meant hurting what he shared with her.

Felix did confront his now ex, Tiffany, and find out she was in fact seeing her ex again leading him to having to leave the relationship. Jessie, the girl who never liked any of her sisters boyfriends, had befriended Felix over his advice during a most difficult mission she was stuck on Elden Ring. Their friendship grew from there, bringing both so much joy.

"I'll give you a ride home Jess," Felix explained, helping the girl up.

Jess sniffled again, handing over Felix's handkerchief. "I rode my bike here."

Jessie and Felix shared one final embrace, both drawing out the hug more than it should've lasted. They pulled back slowly, each with tears in their eyes and an identical heartbroken look on their face. Jessie was the first to turn away walking back the way  she came, her tears falling freely yet again as she climbed onto her bicycle. She gave one look over her shoulder to see Felix as the driver side door of his car looking back at her.

Perhaps, one day they could pick up the pieces of their friendship, and be in each other's lives again. But until that day came they would just have to remember what was and always wonder what could have been.

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