One Dreadful Night Pt. 2

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"I really don't think this is a great idea," Diana pleaded, "what if something goes wrong?"

"What if something goes right?" Gloria countered.

Diana looked around the coffee table, hoping to find someone, anyone for that matter, who shared her worries, but everyone looked just as eager as Gloria.

Adonis reached out, gently taking Diana's hand into his own. "You don't have to participate if you don't want to."

Diana and Adonis shared  a look, one filled with compassion and understanding. Alec, who has always been jealous of the serenity of the relationship between his mate and Adonis, and one never to be outshined, Alec rubbed small soothing circles onto his girlfriends back.

"If anything," voiced Demetri. The first words he spoke all night. "You can be the one to record and report what the board tells us."

Diana nodded and looked back at Gloria and Miguel, both busy setting up the board and gathering supplies. Jane casually pushed the journal and pen in the direction of her friend, a silent way of to encourage Diana to participate.

"Alright," Miguel began as he placed a finger onto the planchette, "remember no one can take their finger off until we close the door and conversation, ok?"

Everyone either made a gesture or sound of acknowledgment. Demetri was next to put a finger onto the piece, followed, by Felix, Gloria, and Adonis. After a moment of brief deliberation, Jane and her brother joined. Diana watched as each finger joined, and with great hesitation and a trembling hand,  she was the last to join

Perhaps it was Diana's nerves or maybe she was just imagining it, but as soon as she made connection to the board the room grew colder, the air electrified around her, and she felt a pair of eyes watching her.

Gloria looked up at her small group of friends. "Who wants to ask the first question?"

Miguel cleared his throat, and spoke in a loud voice. "Is there anyone with us tonight?"

Everyone waited with bated breath when finally the planchette began to move sealing everyone's fate.


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