My Crown pt. 1

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Requested by dominique_gvo

Fires raged, engulfing homes, bringing daylight to the night. Terror filled screams echoed in their wake as people fled from their homes, trying to escape the massacre. The thunderous chorus of horses hooves galloped through the cobble streets carrying their riders through crowds of unarmed civilians.

One by one innocent people fell to the ground, their blood staining the once white stones in blackened red liquid. From the castle that sat well above the kingdom nobles were in fear, looking to their queen for her guidance.

The queen, her name Ada, wrung her hands and gave her orders to the knights who remained at the castle. "Protect the people!" She ordered, "Defend our kingdom!"

Her lieutenant, a man who came from noble blood and had served for years for the royal family sent his knights to protect the citizens of île du Soleil.

The queen moved amongst her court, her fears threatening to break through her composed mask. Her king had left in haste in order to defend their northern border from invaders, the invaders that now ran rampant through their once peaceful streets. He had not returned from battle, indicating a deep seeded fear that the queen had lost the only man she had loved since they were wed 25 years before.

"Your Majesty," the lieutenant whispered to not raise alarm, "the enemy will stop at nothing in order to take this land. You and the princess are at risk. We must leave the city."

The queens gray eyes drifted at where a mother held onto her crying baby. The woman though dispute her obvious worry, still managed to cry to speak in soothing tones to her child. Queen Ada took a calculated breath, steeling her nerves as she made her decision.

She answered, "Prepare a horse for the princess."

"Your Majesty..." The lieutenant began.

"Get the princess out of the city," the queen ordered, "I may be powerless to save the city, to save our people, but I can save her."

The lieutenant stared into his queens eyes for a moment, he wanted to scream and to throw her over his shoulder and onto a horse riding away from the ill fate that awaited her and the others of the kingdom.

Without another word, he bowed before making his way to the princesses chambers. His son, her guard, stood at her door his attention darting between the stairs and the window in case the enemy had made it to the castle. At the sound of approaching footsteps, the younger knight drew his sword ready to fight to defend the princess until his final breath.

"Father," the younger man called when his father came into view.

The lieutenant stopped choosing his words carefully. If the Queen could save her daughter, he could save his son as well. "You and the princess are to leave. Dispose of your armor and ready a horse."

"My armor? But father-"

"The kingdom has fallen, as we speak bodies are piling up and the Queen has ordered the princess to run. I order you to do the same."

The guard knew better than to argue with his commanding officer but his inner child screamed at him to hold onto his father and cry. He was scared, not once in his life had he thought that the kingdom would fall, it's walls and armies being impenetrable. The father and son shared a look, one that spoke of more than words ever could. The pair embraced before the guard took off to ready the horse as instructed.

The lieutenant steeled his nerves as he entered the princesses chambers to see her watching the carnage from her window. She turned, her eyes wide and filled with worry.

"Lieutenant Barkis," she breathed and rushed to him throwing her arms around his metal clad shoulders. "What is happening?!"

The man sighed and pulled the girl from his body. "I need you to listen very carefully princess," he commanded, "you cannot stay in the castle. You must flee, Anthony will protect you."

The lieutenant continued to speak as he ushered the girl from the room. "You're father had an ally, he a very powerful king in a land far from here."

"Who is this man?" She asked as she was taken to the stables.

"His name is Marcus," Barkis explained as he settled her onto the horse and his climbed into the saddle, "he will help you reclaim the throne princess."

"Lieutenant..." She whimpered as Anthony handed her a bag of valuables that they could use as currency, "what of my mother?"

Lieutenant Barkis bite his lip, averting his gaze. "She and I will be right behind you. Now go!"

He slapped the horses rump, spurring the beast forward. He watched as the pair rode off in the opposite direction of the chaos, turning to a small dot on the horizon with each gallop.

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