One Dreadful Night Pt. 1

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Candlelight gave an ominous orange glow to the room. Most of the items in the room where obscured, casting unnatural shadows along the walls. In the middle of the room, on all four sides of the coffee table sat two couples each with either blood filled glasses or wine, or for the younger members of the group, juice boxes.

Jane sat in her mates and boyfriend's lap. Miguel, a teen boy of few words, held his girlfriend, their hands intertwined in Jane's lap as she fiddled with one of his many rings. Alec and his mate, Diana, sat across from them, Diana happily drinking from her third carton of mixed berry juice. Demetri and Adonis, his recently found mate and another skilled tracker for the masters, sat with a small amount of space between them, seeing how they were still in the process of getting to know one and other before jumping head first into their mate bond. Felix had his mate, Gloria, a woman who swirled had busied herself with pouring herself another glass of white wine as Felix made small talk with his fellow guards.

"So," Adonis asked, pushing a bronze lock behind his ear, "is there a reason you called us to your room or did you just miss us that much Felix?"

Felix chuckled. "No, it was Gloria's idea to call all of you here."

Felix gave a small nudge to his fiancee, causing her to pause mid-sip. "Huh?" She asked looking back at her fiancé.

"Adonis wants to know why we're all here," explained the favored executioner.

Gloria's red painted lips formed a small 'O' before she turned back to the group. "Well..." She began, "every October we get together and do something fun."

Adonis rested his cheek on his fist, clearly unamused by the explanation. "And?"

Gloria smiled and sat up a little bit straighter. "I thought why don't we try something scary this time instead."

Diana, paled drastically. "Are we going to the dentist?"

Jane cocked her head to the side. "Why would we go to the dentist?"

"It's a random person with sharp metal objects in your mouth!" Diana explained, slapping her hands onto the table, "it's either the dentist or the doctor's office!"

Gloria patted her young friends hand. "D, we're not going to the Dentist or the doctor. I was thinking something more.... unusual...."

Miguel spoke up, his voice soft yet heard easily in the silence. "Ghost hunting?"

"Not quite," Gloria answered, standing from the table and heading to the direction of the coat closet, "but close."

Boxes could be heard moving as Gloria rummaged, looking for something. She came back shortly holding a black rectangular box. Carelessly she tossed it onto the table, the box sliding to a stop in the middle. Each person in the small circle sitting forward to get a better look.

On top of the pitch black box stood out bold white letters.


Gloria sat back down, throwing her ponytail over her left shoulder. "So," she asked merrily, "Who wants to talk to some dead people?"

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