Here Kitty Kitty

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Requested by vampirechild88

Silence, something of both peace and horror, circulate around the room. It mocked the inhabitant of the room, much to his dismay.

"Why?" He asked from his crouched position. "Why couldn't you die on a school day?"

Ignacio ran his hands down his face and groaned. His legs protested as he rose to his natural height. He glared at the ball of black fur that had just made not only his day but life a whole lot worse.

It wasn't much of a secret Ignacio had hatred for the squirming little bundle of fleas his little sister had brought home one stormy night. The cat had fleas and a belly full of worms, yet his sister had insisted that the kitten could be saved and deserved a loving home. So it was with resignation and utter defeat, Ignacio had let his kid sister keep the animal.

Only now, he was in a deep regret of letting her even bring the creature into the castle. It wasn't even four months into it's stay when he stumbled across the animal in his husbands office dead. "You know Sirena is going to think I murdered you right" Ignacio explained to the cats corpse, "She will probably launch into a full John Wick style fit because of you."

"Who is John Wick?"

Ignacio whirled around, trying his best to hide the cat with his leg. "Nobody!" He answered quickly. A little too quickly.

Marcus stood before his husband, eyes narrowing by the second. He could hear his mates frantic heart and see the sweat forming on his brow. "What are you hiding Nacho?"

Ignacio sighed and moved to the side. Marcus made his way to his husbands side only to back away, eyes bulging. "Please tell me that isn't..."

Ignacio nodded. "I came in here to grab my portfolio and found him."

Marcus paced back and forth, his mind reeling. "Sirena..."

"Doesn't know yet, she's still out on the town with Jane and Corin."

"Can you bring him back?" Marcus asked.

Ignacio snapped his head to his husband. "What?"

Marcus motioned with his hands to the cat and back to his husband. "Bring him back to life. You are a witch after all."

Ignacio sucked on his teeth and put his hands on his hips. " One: The correct term is Brujo and Two: Necromancy is forbidden, it's black magic that most are warned against using since childhood."

Marcus's eyes drifted back to the cat. "I'm sure the council will understand."

"They wouldn't." 

Marcus readjusted his tie. "So they'd rather deal with the consequences of Sirena leveling the city instead of having an unliving cat. Makes sense."

"Sirena leveling the city would be the least of their problems," Ignacio sighed as he looked at his phone, "They have the Yule festival to prepare for. One little witch losing her familiar isn't something they would stop the world for."

"What are we going to do then?"

"We?" Marcus questioned.

"For better or worse," Ignacio reminded his husband before dialing Jane's number, "and, Babe, this is the worse."

"I really regret those vows," Marcus mumbled as he sat on the couch. 

Ignacio talked quickly, negotiating with Jane to keep his sister out and about for a while longer. He was smiling as he turned to his mate. 

"Jane said she can take Sirena to that new bookstore in Florence," he gushed.

"That doesn't exactly help with the Dead Cat situation," Marcus deadpanned.

Ignacio's eyes flashed from their normal black color to a fiery red, something that only happened when he was plotting something. An unsettling feeling settled in Marcus's stomach. It was never a good thing when Nacho was cooking up something in that mind of his.

"How much do you love Sirena?" Ignacio asked.

Marcus replied, "With my whole heart."

"Would you be willing to pretend to be Omen just until I can find a replacement cat?"

Marcus chuckled. "If you haven't noticed Darling, I'm a vampire, not a cat."

"Nothing a quick transfiguration spell can't fix."

Marcus stopped chuckling. "Just hear me out," Ignacio began as he sat and clutched Marcus's hand, "I just need a week to find another cat that looks and acts like Omen, if you can pretend to be him until then we won't have to deal with Sirena having a meltdown and the city becoming the next Atlantis!"

Marcus chewed on his lip. There was nothing he wouldn't do for both his mate and his sister-in-law but for this he faltered. "What if she finds out?" He asked quietly.

"She won't."

Marcus took a steadying breath. He looked at his mate and gave him a quick kiss. 


Ignacio was on his feet in an instant, his magic igniting in the palms of his hands and dancing like flames. "One faux Omen coming right up!"

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