Lunch With The New Girl

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Months went by and Eren had learn how to adapt to the new world he lives in now. At the school he goes to, he encounter Fuutarou again after finding out they had the same class together. After getting to know each other a bit more, they became friends. Eren then found out his friends go to another school but might transfer next year to his school. 

Eren was impressed by how serious Fuutarou takes his studies. Fuutarou appreciated that Eren was someone who was also interest in education. The two of them were in lunch as they were in line to get their food. "One barbecue meal, minus the barbecue" Fuutarou told the lunch lady. "Coming right up" the lunch lady said as she served him the meal he requested.

"I'll just take the barbeque meal, keep the barbeque" Eren told the lunch lady as she nodded her head. After serving him his food the two continue walking. "Do you serious need to order lunch like that every day?" Eren asked his friend. "Of course I do, you have to think about the math. Some people think the cheapest lunch item is rice for only 200 yen. But if you subtract the barbeque from the barbeque meal, you also get a bowl of miso soup and pickled vegetable for the same price" Fuuatrou explained. 

"I see" Eren said as they kept walking. "Plus, they even let you have all the water you can drink-"

Before Fuutarou could finished someone bumped into him, causing him to spill his water on him. The student turn to them and notice Eren with Fuutarou first. "Um, s-sorry for bumping i-into you" the student said as he quickly speed up his steps to get away from them. Eren has made some sort of reputation at the school as being one of the most mysterious students in the school.

Nobody in the school knows where he came from or what he does in his free time. The only person that actually makes conversation with him is Fuutarou. "There goes those two again" a student said to their friend as they were eating lunch. "I feel bad for Eren, always having to talk to that loner" another kid said. "What do you mean? You should feel bad for Uesugi since he's the only person who has to hang out with Eren" another kid said.

The two friends could hear them as Eren turn his head to them. They froze in fear when they felt his stare at them before Eren look forward. "Did they get scare?" Fuutarou asked. "Like always" Eren said. "They don't know the joy we get from it just being us two. But well, they have no part in my life anyway" Fuutarou said as he placed his tray on the table.

Eren did too but when he did, someone else did as well. Eren turn to see it was a girl with red like hair wearing a different uniform than the other students. The girl looked at him and felt a little terrified of him. "Hey, my friend is trying to sit there" Fuutarou told the girl. "Excuse me, I was here before you two. The table beside this is open, so move there" the girl told them. 

"We sit here every day, you move" Fuutarou told her. "Right Eren?" Fuutarou said, smirking as he did. 'Every kid in the school is terrified of him, so he can use that charm of his to scare her off' Fuutarou said in his head. Eren looked at the girl as she was a little nervous about what he was going to say. "It's fine Fuutarou, let's move to this table" Eren said as he pick up his tray. "What!?" Fuutarou said surprised as the girl chuckle. "It seems your friend here is more smarter than you" the girl told him.

"Eren, we always sit here for lunch. We shouldn't move just because of this girl" Fuutarou told him. "I don't want to make a big fuss over a table. Remember we still have to review for a test" Eren said, as Fuutarou sigh. He got up from the table as he picked up his tray, leaving his test on the table. The girl took his test as she said "If you're studying at lunch you must be desperate. Let's see what you score."

"Hey, don't look at that!" Fuutarou said as he tried to snatch his test from her. "Let's see, Fuutarou Uesugi, you scored-"

Her face change when she saw his score. "100 points" she said shocked as Fuutarou said "How embarrassing." Eren was eating his lunch as he witness this in front of him. "Well how about you! You must be the reason you guys are studying in the first place!" the girl said, pointing at Eren. "You can see my test if you want" Eren said as he gave her his test. "Let's see, Eren Jeager, you score-"

Her face changed again when she saw his score "100 points as well" she said shocked as Eren took back his test from her. She made a pout face as she said "You guys are doing this on purpose!"

"Whatever could you mean?" Fuutarou said with a smirk as Eren never really plan on showing his score to the girl in the first place. "I hate to admit it, buy my skills are not so great, so I am a little jealous" the girl said as she then got an idea. She clap her hands as she said "I know, I just had a great idea. Since we ended up sitting next to each other, why don't you two teach me?"

"Thanks for the food" Fuutarou said as he clapped his hands and left. "Huh!?" the girl said confuse. "You eat fast! Are you sure you got enough to eat? Would you like some of mine?" the girl asked, offering him some of her food. "Oh, I'm stuffed. In fact, I didn't eat too little, you ordered too much. You'll get fat" Fuutarou told her, insulting the girl.

"F-Fat!?" the girl said in a angry tone. Fuutarou received a text as he began leaving. "I have never met anyone as insensitive as you. I will not give you anything now" the girl told him. "I'll see you later Eren, I have to check on this" Fuutarou told the boy, ignoring the girls comments leaving the two of them alone. 

The girl was still angry as Eren continue eating his lunch. "Your friend is so insensitive, how can you be friends with someone like him?" the girl asked Eren. "He's the only person who actually wants to talk to me" Eren said as he was still eating his lunch. "All the other kids are afraid of me for some reason. I don't know if its because of the aura I have or what, but they're afraid to approach me. Fuutarou was the only one who was wiling to talk to me."

The girl felt a little bad for Eren as she said "Well, I'm talking to you. We can be friends if you want, here, have some of my food." Eren turn to her and shook his head. "No, you payed for your food, you should eat it. I'll eat the food that I could afford" Eren said as he continue eating. The girl notice his lunch was almost the same as Futarou's, suggesting that maybe he's having money problems.

"If you need money, I can hire you as a tutor. I really need someone to tutor me so I can past these test or else my father will get mad at me" the girl said as Eren turn to her. He could tell she was serious about it as he said "Fine, I'll tutor you." The girl was happy as she said "Thank you so much! I'm happy that I have a tutor like you." She then realize something as she said "Where are my manners, I haven't even told you my name. My name is Itsuki Nakano."

"You already know my name, Eren Jeager" Eren told her. "Jeager, that sounds familiar" Itsuki told him. "Yeah, your last name sounds familiar too" Eren said as he sworn he heard it before some time after getting to this new world. "Well, it was really nice to meet you Eren" Itsuki said as she left.

Eren did too as he headed to his class. He found Fuutarou already there as he seemed a little happy about something. "What happen?" Eren asked. "Raiha just gave me good news. My father was able to get me a part time job as a tutor to this new girl in school and they're paying five times the normal amount for some reason" Fuutarou told him. "Wow, that sounds nice. You deserve to finally use your knowledge to earn some money. What's this girls name?" Eren asked.

"I don't know her first name, but I know her last name is Nakano" Fuutarou told him, shocking Eren. 'Wait, Nakano is the same last name as Itsuki. Is she the girl he needs to tutor?' Eren said in his head. Their teacher came into the room and told them to be quiet and that he had an announcement. They were having a new student as she enter the classroom.

She stood before the class as she introduce herself. "My name is Itsuki Nakano, a pleasure to meet you all" Itsuki introduce herself to the class. Fuutarou was surprised as Eren already knew of his reaction. The class was also having many reactions, many positive since she was a cute girl. She walked by Fuutarou who told her hi, but she ignore him. 

She then took the desk next to Eren and said "What a coincidence this is Eren." Many of the kids were shock to see her talking to Eren. "Wait, does she know Eren!?" a kid said. "Are those two friends!?" another kid asked. "They must be dating, how else would she talk to him so casually" another boy said. "Damn it, there goes my fifty step plan to get with Jeager-san" a girl said.

Eren ignore their comments and didn't hear that last one as he said "Well, isn't this just a coincidence."

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