Email Catchers

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The next morning Eren was able to catch up with Fuutarou as his friend realize he looked tired. "You have little bags under your eyes" Fuutarou said as Eren saw himself in a mirror and confirm it. "I think I'll just buy some coffee on the way there" Eren said. "Luckily there's a shop near by" Fuutarou said. The reason Eren hadn't gotten enough sleep was because of his unexpected guest last night.

'I never thought that Zeke existed in this world as well' Eren said as he remember getting into a conversation with his brother. 'He doesn't seem to be from my world, but I want to talk to him more.' As they were getting to the shop they recognize someone outside the shop. "Hey, good morning" Ichika told them as neither of them said hi to her. They simply went into the shop, order, and then left with only Eren having a drink in his hand.

He took a sip of it as he then turn to Ichika. "Hey Ichika, I didn't see you there" he told her as Ichika looked at him with a plain look. They started walking as Ichika said "Hm? No comment on my winter uniform?"

"What do you want this early?" Fuutarou asked. "Well schools not far, but I thought we could walk together " Ichika told them. "You stand out Ichika, I'd rather not" Fuutarou said. "Says the person who hangs out with the Eren Jeager" Ichika said as kids were looking at the three of them. "No offense Eren" Ichika said as Eren didn't notice as he was drinking some of his drink. 

"After the fireworks, I told everyone about my job" Ichika said. "What is your job?" Fuutarou asked. "She's an actress" Eren told him. "What!?" Fuutarou said shock. "They were surprised as well" Ichika said. "I bet they were" Eren said. "But I feel a lot better now" Ichika said. "I'm against it. That is going to take all your study time" Fuutarou said. 

"Don't worry. I'll study enough that I don't get left back. Aren't you having study meets? I'll talk to you again after school" Ichika told him. "Here" she said as she lent out her phone. "Huh? You're giving this to me?" Fuutarou asked. "I want to exchange email address" Ichika said. "Wouldn't it be good since you're our tutor?" Ichika asked. "And I guess we can exchange ours too Eren, since you are Itsuki's tutor."

Time Skip brought you by Eren getting a brain freeze as Ichika laughs at him

"I am pro at exchanging email addresses!" Yotsuba said after Fuutarou ask her for hers. "I'll give both of you mines after I do this" she said as she continue working on something. "Let me ask you this: what exactly are you doing?" Fuutarou asked. "Making a thousand paper cranes! A friend of a friend is apparently in the hospital!" Yotsuba said.

"Study!" Fuutarou told her. "Give me half, and you'd better study when we're done with this" Fuutarou said as he started grabbing paper. 'Wow, he's actually helping her' both Eren and Ichika thought. "Oh Nakano, I'm glad I ran into you. Please place these worksheets on everyone's desk" a teacher said as he placed a pile of papers on the table. "Yes sir!" Yotsuba said. 

Fuutarou was getting angry as Eren was wondering if she was actually a secret mastermind. "Look, I don't really want to know your-" He couldn't finished as Eren kick him in the leg as he wonder why. Eren then showed him his phone that had a photo along with a text with it. It was a selfie Ichika took that had Eren sleeping on her shoulder along with if they didn't get all the sisters emails, she'll leak the photo.

'She's blackmailing him!' Fuutarou thought in his head. "Boy, I'd sure like to know everyone's emails" Fuutarou forcefully said. "Me too" Eren said as he turn to Ichika who was just smiling at him. 'I knew she would do this. Never trust an actor' Eren said in his head. "I'll cooperate" Miku said as she gave Eren her phone. "Thank you" Fuutarou said as he tried to take it but Miku took her phone back.

"Not you, just Eren" she said. "Can you give him your email anyway? Just in case you can't reach me, he can reach me for you" Eren suggested. Miku thought about it as she then said "Fine." Eren took her phone as he got her email as he then asked "Is your foot ok?" Miku was surprised that he ask her that as she turn away, saying "I-It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Thank you" Eren told her as he gave her back her phone. "We can get Itsuki and Nino's later" Fuutarou said. "I just saw them, let's go ask them right now!" Yotsuba said. "Why are you coming!? And what's your address anyway!?" Fuutarou told her as he and Eren follow her. Ichika watch as the three left before turning to Miku. "Good for you, Miku" she told her as Miku was looking at her phone, smiling. "Yes" she said as she was looking at an email that was label Eren Jeager. 

In the cafeteria Eren and Fuutarou had asked Itsuki and Nino for their email addresses. "I refuse! I absolutely refuse!" Nino told them as Itsuki just finished a bun that was in her mouth. "I won't give mine to Fuutarou, but I will give mine to Eren" Itsuki said. "Well, can you also give Fuutarou your email?" Eren asked.

"Yeah! If you do, you'll not only get my address, but Raiha's for no extra cost!" Fuutarou said as Itsuki gave in. "Selling out your sister, how low!?" Nino told him. "You aren't going to tell me yours Nino?" Eren asked. "Of course not!" Nino told him. "Oh well" Eren said as he was about to leave. "Looks like we'll just talk without you. Just me, Fuutarou, and your sisters" Eren said.

Nino was angry as she said "Give me something to write with!" After Nino wrote her email, Yotsuba said "That makes all of them, huh?" The two boys turn to her as Fuutarou said "No, we still need one." Yotsuba began counting her sisters as she realize she was the last one. "This is my address" she said as she showed her phone but she then received a call.

"You're getting a call" Fuutarou said. Yotsuba looked at it and said "Oh right, someone else asked me for a favor too. Excuse me then!" Yotsuba said as she left. "Huh? What's with her?" Fuutarou said as he then remember it was the basketball team calling her. "Wait, basketball team!? She wouldn't!" he said as he began chasing her. "Hey, I wrote my address!" Nino said as Eren snatch the paper from her hands and began follow Fuutarou.

Eren caught up with Fuutarou who was hiding in the corner trying to see what Yotsuba was up to. "What happen?" Eren asked. "She's still talking to those basketball girls" Fuutarou told him. "Basketball girls? You don't think she's with them, is she?" Eren asked. "You mean that girl who asked you out a year before? Maybe" Fuutarou said. 

"So, um, did you consider joining us like we asked?" one of the girls asked as the two boys were surprise. "Yes, I was flattered by your invitation" Yotsuba told her. 'I knew it! She is a mastermind!' Fuutarou thought in his head. 'Damn, that's a bigger twist than us finding out Reiner and Bertholdt were the armor and colossal titan' Eren said in his head.

"But I'm sorry, I'm afraid I will have to decline your invitation" Yotsuba said as she bow. Everyone was surprise by her answer as Yotsuba continued. "I am well aware that the basketball team is in trouble, but I have a very important previous engagement in the afternoons."

"O-Oh, but of course I'll be glad to fill in whenever you need me!" Yotsuba said. "Oh well, I guess we'll make do" the team captain said. "I hate to think you wasting your talent."  Yotsuba looked down as she said "There's someone supporting an untalented girl like me." Fuutarou sat down as Eren watch his friend sit down. Yotsuba began walking and got scared when she saw the two boys.

"Jeager-san! U-Uesugi-san!? What are you two doing here!?" Yotsuba asked. "Oh, we were on our way to the library" Fuutarou said. "I thought the library was in the opposite direction of the club building. That's so weird" Yotsuba said. "Did you take care of whatever you had to do? I'm gonna run you ragged again today, so you better get ready" Fuutarou told her as she said "Ok, I'm ready!"

Time Skip brought you by Eren forcing Ichika to delete the photo of him by taking her phone as she tried to get it back

Later at night in the quintuplets apartment, Yotsuba was recapping about what happen. "Then that's why you were late" Miku said. "I can't believe that rat snatch my email from my hand like that" Nino said. All of them then got a text. "It's from Fuutarou" Miku said. "I got one too!" Yotsuba said. "Maybe he sent it to all of us" Itsuki said. "Aha, he must've gotten so excited getting our addresses-"

They all saw that he had sent them homework as they were all shock. "Maybe we shouldn't have told him after all" they said as Itsuki started laughing. "Last time I check, I have Eren as my tutor" Itsuki said as she then got another message. She checked it and saw it was Eren who also sent her homework. Her face went from happy to depressed after seeing it as her sisters laugh at her.

The only one who wasn't laughing was Miku as she too also had gotten a message from Eren. Earlier he had asked if she wanted to go to the museum with him the next day, which she agree. Miku smile as she saw the conversation, being excited for the next day. 

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