Side Chapter: Nino's Feelings

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Eren and Fuutarou stood outside the hospital with flowers in their hands. They were visiting their boss who was still recovering and were currently waiting on Nino to arrive. "Nino's late" Eren said. "Maybe we should just go in without her" Fuutarou suggested. But they didn't go in since they knew they would just receive and earful from Nino when she does finally arrive.

"What do you think of these flowers?" Fuutarou asked as he held out the ones in his hands. "They look fine" Eren told him. "I just brough some that looks the part. If they don't work I'll just give them to Raiha" Fuutarou said. "We can always ask Nino when she gets here" Eren said. "Sorry to keep you waiting" someone said as the two boys turn to see Nino had arrive.

"You're late Nino" Fuutarou said. "Did something happen on the way here?" Eren asked. "Huh? I was only a little late. What's the big deal about it? Talk about petty" Nino said in a cold tone which surprise the two boys. 'Is she mad about something?' the two boys thought. "If you're hot, you should've wait indoors. Do those brains in your heads even work?" Nino said. "Huh? Wait a second. You smell all sweaty Eren. This is the worst."

'She's reminding me of the Nino I first met' Eren said in his head as he was having flashbacks to back when Nino was mean to him. "Huh? What's gotten into you?" Fuutarou asked. "Stop standing around. Let's go to the boss's room" Nino said as she walk by the two boys. She then stopped and turn to them before saying "Pick up the pace, Jeager."

Eren and Fuutarou were surprise that Nino had called her crush by his last name instead of his first. "What did you do to make her mad?" Fuutarou whisper into Eren's ear. "I don't know" Eren replied. The three of them got inside the hospital where they met with their boss. "Hey, kids, how've you been? As you can see, I'm doing just fine" the boss told them. 

"How's your leg?" Eren asked. "I'm just waiting for them to check on my progress since the operation" the boss told them. "Woah, that looks painful" Fuutarou said. "It's not much, but I brought you this" Nino said as she gave him a bag. "Thanks. It's good to have you here too boys."

"How long are you going to stand there Jeager? Why did you even bring those flowers?" Nino asked as Eren walked over with the flowers in his hand. "Here" Eren said as he gave his boss the flowers. "Yup, they're definitely flowers" the boss said. "What's the matter? You two have a fight?"

"No" Eren simply told him. "You don't have to hide it from me" the boss whisper to him. "I said we didn't-"

Eren then stopped and remember something. The last time he had talk to Nino was when he told them about his past. Ever since then he has used his time to pack up and plan his operation for when he gets to Madagascar. He hasn't given any time to Nino or to any of her sisters. 'If she's mad, then I can't imagine how Miku's going to treat me' Eren said in his head. "I think I know what's going on" Fuutarou said as he joined the conversation. "I read about this in a book, but I think since pushing got her nowhere, she's pulling."

"Huh?" Eren said as he didn't understand what Fuutarou was saying. "I mean is that she's trying to be mean to you so you can be the one interested in her" Fuutarou explained to him. "That... Does kind of make sense now that I think about it" Eren said. 'Well, two can play at that game.'

"Ah, I'm thirsty. Jeager, go buy me something to drink" Nino said in which Eren remain silent. "Huh? Are your ears not working? I said, go buy me something to drink" Nino told Eren in which he remain silent again. Nino scoff and said "Whatever. I don't need someone useless to help me." She then left the room in which Eren turn to the others and asked "How was that?"

"Jeager-kun, are you sure you don't have any idea what she's talking about? Maybe you did something to her without noticing?" the boss asked. "Or maybe you did simply nothing?" Eren turn to him and said "I thought ignoring her would be the best choice."

"Yes, she's angry, but you should be able to hear it: the screaming of her heart."

Outside Nino was in the lobby where she then turn red. 'I think I overdid it!' she said in her head. 'I thought that being harsh to him would attract him more to me, but it has done the complete opposite instead.' In order to get Eren's attention, Nino had tried to be harsh to him in order to get his attention. 'It's his fault for not paying attention to me. Even if it's an act, this is hard. I never even said anything that harsh before I fell for him.'

Nino had a little flashback where she remembers every interaction she had with Eren before she fell for the boy. 'Yep. I never said anything like that' Nino thought to herself. She then sigh and said "This is hard."

"Nino-kun" someone said as the girl turn and saw two men standing there. One of the men was her father and the other was the father of her crush, Grisha Jeager. "Daddy!" Nino said when she saw her father. She then realize Eren's father was there and said "Oh, hello father."

"Did she just call me father?" Grisha asked but Marou ignored Nino's comment. "It appears you finally moved back home. I got word from Ichika-kun. I'm happy you reconsider" Marou said. "Then why aren't you there daddy?" Nino asked. "I'd love to come home every day, but unfortunately, I'm a busy man" Marou told her. "And I purchased that place for you girls anyway. Don't worry about me and simply use it as you like."

"That place isn't-"

"Oops, sorry. We have to run" Marou said as he look at his watch and the two doctors left. "Are you busy tomorrow?" Nino asked as Marou stopped. "Yes" he simply said without turning back before he continue walking. Nino lower her head a bit before letting out a little sigh. "You still mad?" someone asked behind her as she turn to see it was Eren. "E-kun. Ahem! What, Jeager?" Nino asked in her cold tone.

"I'm gonna head home, but here" Eren said as he gave her some flowers. Nino blush a little by the fact that Eren had given her flowers. "What? You trying to get back on my good side with flowers?" Nino asked. "They're not for you. They're for your mother."

Nino seemed surprised that Eren of all people would remember that tomorrow was the anniversary of her mother's death. "Isn't tomorrow the anniversary of her death? I thought about going, but I figure you'd prefer only family show up. And you definitely don't want me there, right?" Eren said as Nino just stood there listening. "See ya" Eren finally told her as he turn his back to her. "Wait!" Nino said as she grabbed onto his arm. 

"Don't go Eren" Nino said in an almost sad tone. Eren looked a little confuse on what she meant by that. "Mom, Ichika, and eventually everyone. We're going to end up separated, so will you stay by my side forever? Even after this trip, please stay with me" Nino said while looking at Eren in the eyes. "Nino, you, don't hate me then?" Eren said confuse. "Yeesh, what a pain in the butt!"

"It was all for nothing! This was the old if pushing get your nowhere, pull! But I guess that's above your head" Nino said a little agitated. Eren stood there for a bit before putting his hand on top of her head. "Looks like they were right. I'm sorry for not giving you any attention Nino" Eren said as he patted her head. Nino turn red and tried to pretend she was still angry. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" she said as she turn away from him. Eren pulled his hand back and said "Even though you're mad, you still look kind of cute."

That comment came out of nowhere for Nino as she turned to him with a surprised expression. "D-D-Did you just c-call me, c-cute!?" Nino said as Eren turn around and left. She smiled and jumped in place, shouting "He called me cute!" She let out a little laugh before realizing she was in public, so she tried her best to act as if nothing happened. 

Around the corner was the boss and Fuutarou who were watching the scene since the beginning. "Jeager-kun is a natural lady killer" the boss said in an upset tone. "Can I go now?" Fuutarou asked.  

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