Madagascar Final Part

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The real king of Paradise who had tricked his own people with a fake king and tried to kill Eren in his past life, was now standing above them. "Wait, this guy is from your world as well?" Nino asked. "What the hell was Ymir thinking bringing him here!?" Eren said with anger in his voice. "So that's who that little girl was. Interesting" Rod said. "And it seems it's true. You two have your memories from our previous life."

Despite Eren being furious about Rod Reiss being alive, he needed to focus on what they came for. "Where is Miku!? Where are you hiding her!?" Eren shouted. Rod turn to his right and nodded his head before two people walked out. One of them was Miku and the other was the quintuplets very own father, Marou.

"Daddy!?" Nino said surprised. She wasn't the only one surprise as Eren was too. Why was the father of the girls he tutor working with one of his enemies. "Did you really think I wouldn't know about any of this? This trip you had and the plan you had in trying to rescue Miku" Marou said as the doors behind Eren and the others open. A couple of guards threw in Fuutarou and the rest of the quintuplets into the room before the door shut behind them.

"Damn it!" Fuutarou said as he turn around and saw the Jeager brothers with Nino. "Oh, you guys are here too" he said before looking up and seeing Marou there as well which cause his face to turn white as a ghost. "And he's here as well."

"Is that Dad?" Yotsuba asked. "Why is Dad here on Madagascar?" Itsuki asked. "And I'm wondering why are my very own daughters hanging out with a criminal!" Marou shouted which confuse everyone there. "Criminal? What is he talking about?" Ichika asked. "Of course he hadn't told you" Maraou said as he turn to Eren. "Eren here is a war criminal. He's the same man who destroyed Marely and killed eighty percent of the Earth in his previous life." The news was kind of a shock to the quintuplets and their tutor as Eren was standing there, not knowing how to feel about the situation.

"Rod told me everything and at first I didn't believe him, but seeing all of this on Madagascar made me believe him. The remains of his destruction."

"Wait, is that what he told you!?" Eren said. "You can't listen to him! He's a man who only cares about what's good for him and will get rid of anyone who gets in his way!" Rod shook his head and said "Typical of a criminal to start blaming others for their mistakes." Eren turn back to his friends to see their reactions. What did they think about him now? Did they think he was some sort of monster who wanted to destroy the world?

"Girls, come over here" Maraou said as a stair case appeared in front of the balcony he was standing on. "Come to your father, and get away from that man-"

Out of nowhere Miku shoved her father before rushing down the stairs where she then hugged Eren. She turn to her father and said "You're wrong father! We know Eren! He's someone who would sacrifice himself for others! Don't let that man feed you lies!" 

"Miku, how dare you!" Marou shouted as Rod yawn. "This is taking too long" Rod said as he snap his fingers and armed men rushed inside the room, aiming their weapons at Eren and his friends. The girls looked horrified as they cuddle together and Eren got in front of them. "Stay behind me!" he told them. "What're you doing Rod!? My daughters are down there!" Marou shouted at Rod. "It's obvious they're not going to change their minds. Sometimes you got to make a few sacrifices if you want to achieve something."

"But they're my daughters! You told me they would not get involve with this if I helped you!" Marou said. Before anything else can happen there was a loud bang as Eren and his friends look up to see what happen. Marou backed away from Rod as he held his chest where he looked down to see a bleeding hole. In front of him was Rod who held a gun in his hand. "Like I said. Sometimes you got to make sacrifices."

Marou then fell backwards as the girls began screaming in shock. "Daddy!" Nino shouted. "No, this can't be happening!" Itsuki said. "Dad... He's going to be ok, right?" Yotsuba said. "I don't want to believe this!" Ichika said. Seeing his friends in shock in loosing their only relative gave Eren a flashback of him witnessing his own mother being eaten by a titan, not being able to do anything to help. 'It's happening again. I got to stop this!'

"Rod Reiss!" Eren shouted in anger as he rush towards the guards and pushing them away with crystalize arms. He rushed up the stairs as then form a crystalize sword. On the ground everyone was watching Eren run the stairs, even the guards who were suppose to stop him. 'Why aren't they stopping him?' Zeke asked in his head. 'It's like they... They want him to reach Rod.' Zeke looked up and shouted "Eren stop! They want you to kill him!"

But it was too late. In anger Eren had shove the crystalize sword through Rod's chest, making the old man spit out blood. Eren then shove the sword deeper into the man before saying "Don't even think about coming back again." He took out the sword as Rod's lifeless body fell to the floor. The sword he had was covered in blood with some of it dripping to the floor. He then rush to Marou who was having trouble to breath. "Hang in there Mr. Nakano!" Eren said as he put pressure onto Marou's wound.

"Eren... I'm sorry" Marou said. "It's fine, I forgive you! Just stay with us!" Eren said as his friends rush behind him. "Dad!" the girls shouted as they surrounded their bleeding father. "Girls... You're all here.... Together" Marou said. "Zeke, help me!" Eren shouted to his brother who just stood behind him. "There is nothing we can do. I'm sorry."

"Bullshit!" Eren said to his brother before turning to the sisters. "Help me get him up! We can get him medical attention if we hurry!" Eren tried wrapping his arm around Marou's body but the man push him away. "Please Eren... Let me have... My final moments... With my daughters" Marou said. "No!" Eren said as he tried again but he was push again but not by Marou, but by his own daughters. "Please Eren. Stop" they told him.

Eren just sat on his knees as the girls looked at their dying father. "I'm sorry... That I never spend... That much time with you girls" Marou said. "It's ok daddy. We understand" Nino told him as Marou shook his head. "I should've been.... A better father to you girls" Marou said. "You were the best father any person could've ask for" Ichika told him as tears were starting to come from his eyes. "Looking at you all now... I realize you all grew up... To be wonderful girls." Marou looked up to the ceiling as all he can see was a bright light. 'This is it. I've done my part. Everything now relies on my girls and what they choose to do from now on. I hope you're proud of what I've done, Reina.'

With that Marou let out his final breath, and all that remain was his lifeless body. The girls didn't want to believe this as they all began crying. They let out wails as they all held their dead father's body. At a young age they lost their mother, now when they were so close to graduating and heading to adulthood, they lost their father. Eren could only just sit there and watch the scene unfold. Guilt was overcoming his body as he began shaking his head slowly. "This is all my fault" he said. "I should've just stayed dead."

An alarm went off as an announcement came on. "The facility will explode in two minutes" a voice in the speaker said. "What!?" Zeke said. He then turn to Eren and the others before saying "We got to go!" Eren nodded his head and tried to get the girls to follow them. "We can't just leave him here!" Itsuki shouted. "I'm sorry, but we got to go!" Zeke said as Eren got an idea. "Maybe we won't have to" he said as the speaker said they only had a minute left. Eren stood up and rush over the balcony as he bit into his hand.

Sparks started appearing as a lighting strike his the building which caused it to explode. There was nothing but smoke as it was slowly going away. The only thing at the site of the destruction was a giant figure on its knees, covering something with its hands. It slowly move away its hands before seven people look around themselves. "We're... Alive" Fuutarou said. "What happen to Eren?" Miku asked as they look up and saw the titan over them. They gasp before Zeke told them "It's ok. It's only Eren. Right little brother." Coming from the nape was smoke before a figure came out from it. He jumped to the floor where he walked to the others. 

"Are you all ok?" he asked as they nodded their heads. Eren nodded his head before they heard sirens. They started getting louder as red and blue light could be seen coming from the smoke. Police cars arrive along with firetrucks as the police officers then get out of their vehicles. "Get on the ground!" they said as they aim their guns at Eren. Eren raise his hands and said "We're survivors from the fire."

"Don't lie to us criminal!" the police officers told him. This confuse Eren as they explain what they meant. "You're under arrest for the murder of Rod Reiss and Marou Nakano along with the destruction of Reiss Enterprises!" 

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