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Eren placed a bag in a shopping cart as Yotsuba said "Wow, you're really strong Jeager-san!" Eren thanked her for her compliment as Nino said "Hurry up bag carriers!" The girls had suddenly called Eren out of nowhere and ask him to come. "Is this what you called me for at this hour?" Eren said as he wasn't in the best mood since he was just having a conversation with Zeke before they called.

"This is a special sale day. Plus you don't seem to be having a hard time carrying those bags" Nino told him as she push the cart. "Then why don't you pick up some bags?" Eren told her. "Oh right. Miku asked me to pick something up" Nino said as she put some boxes of chocolates in the cart. "She's gonna eat that much?" Eren asked as he thought the amount could satisfy the likes of Sasha.

"For someone supposedly smart, you're pretty slow on the uptake" Nino told him. "It's still January. She's getting a really early start" Yotsuba said. "Now, let's go check out" Nino said as Yotsuba suddenly felt something. "Um hang on Nino" she said. "Hold on this for a second!" she said as she threw the bag at her sister. "Gotta run to the bathroom!" Yotsuba said as she ran away from the two of them. "Oh! You tried to hold it again, didn't you!?" Nino told her. 

She was stumbling around for a bit as the bag was too heavy for her. "This thing is heavy!" she said as she was about to fell down but someone caught her. "You ok?" Eren asked her as she just stare at him. She then gave him the bag as he then put it in the cart. "This is now what, the third or fourth time I've save you from something?" Eren said. Nino chuckle and said "Y-Yeah, I guess it is."

'Something's wrong with me lately. I thought I had forgiven him for the dance, but I can't fully erase something else when I think of him' Nino said in her head. Eren looked inside the cart and saw there was a piece of candy that he didn't recognize. "Who put this here?" he asked. "Oh, Yotsuba snuck it in" Nino told him. "That girl. She knows our financial situation is shacky. Maybe I should really consider a part time job."

"And isn't this for little kids?" Eren asked as he pick it up and looked at it. "Oh? Women never forget what it feels like to be a little girl. I still dream of balls at castles and princes riding white horses to this day" Nino said images fill her head. 'That's right. There's no way on earth this loser is my prince' Nino thought as she looked at the  brown hair boy who was looking at his phone.

They paid for their stuff and were still waiting for Yotsuba to come back from the restroom. "Yotsuba is taking her sweet time. Do you think she got lost?" Eren said. "It's hard to deny that possibility" Nino said. "Maybe we should check the lost children center" Eren said as a joke as he then saw something. "Is that her? Oh never mind, it's just Itsuki" he said as Nino was curious about that. "What would she be doing-"

"It is her" Nino confirm it. "Wait a second. That man sitting next to her is Daddy!" Nino said as Eren recognize him as well. 

Itsuki was having a conversation with her father as he said "I'll overlook what you girls did. But it appears you aren't even getting enough to eat." He said that as he looked at the empty plate in front of Itsuki that used to be fill with a whole bunch of food. "Come back home immediately. Tell that to your sisters" Marou told her. "Are they included in this?" Itsuki asked. "You mean Uesugi and Jeager? I'm speaking only about our family. Please don't forget that they are just outsiders. And to be perfectly frank I hate those two. Especially Jeager."

Eren and Nino were actually inside the same café trying to pretend they were casual costumers there. "Yikes" Nino said as she looked at Eren. "What did you do to Daddy?" Nino asked him. "I just told him my opinion on some situations" Eren told her. "We cannot return yet. They are too involved in our lives now to be considerer outsiders. At least allow us to live under our own until after the next exams" Itsuki told her father.

"What is your own power?" Marou asked her. "You seem to be have gotten carried away just because you've paid for rent and living expenses, but school starts back tomorrow. Who's going to pay your tuition? Have you thought about your phone contracts or insurance? As long as I'm supporting you, can you really say your independent?"

"Well" Itsuki said as she lower her head. "How about this? I'll lift my ban on Uesugi and Jeager. They can continue as your tutors" Marou said that surprise Itsuki and Eren. "Huh?" Itsuki said. "But! In a three person system with my friend, a professional tutor. They will just act as her supports." They were quiet for a bit until Marou continue. "This prohibition holds nothing but upsides for you girls. Surely, there are things they cannot cover one on five."

"But we're all doing our best to-"

"Do you think Yotsuba will be able to pass?" Marou suddenly asked her as she sat there surprise. "I saw her exam results from the second term. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I doubt she can pull it off." This was upsetting Eren as he was about to get up but Nino stopped him. "No. You going over would only make this worst" she told him. "But" Eren said. "And. What he's saying isn't wrong" Nino said. Itsuki sat there as she said "Yes... You have a point. This three person system would be safer, but-"

"We can do it" someone suddenly said. "The five us, Uesugi-kun, and Jeager-kun can do it" Yotsuba said as she suddenly appear at the scene. Everyone was shock by her appearance as Itsuki said "Yotsuba!"

"I want the seven of us to pull it off together. So please believe in us. We won't make the same mistake again" Yotsuba told her father. "What if you fail? A friend of mine is the chairman of a school in Tokyo" Marou told them which confuse them. "I can't say this very loudly, but we are discussing allowing you in unconditionally for your third year" Marou explain. "Huh?" Yotsuba said. "If you fail these next exams, I'm transferring you there. I guarantee you the risk of that happening is substantially lower if you agree to see the professional tutor as well. If you still want to try passing on your own, the rest will be your own doing. Understand me?"

Everyone was quiet for a bit until Itsuki said "Understood." Nino was surprise by what she said as Marou said "Then I will continue the preparations on my end. I thought you would understand Itsuki." 

"Not at all. If it does not work, we will accept this transfer. I'm sorry I'm not obedient, understanding, or clever" Itsuki said. Marou stood up and said "I see. It is apparently the job of a parent to listen to his children's selfishness. And to punish them for it." He started to walk away as he said "This is your only chance." 

"This won't be like our last school" Yotsuba told him. "I have high expectations" Marou said as he left. "Glad that he's gone now" Eren said as he reveal himself to the two girls. "Woah!" Yotsuba said. "You were watching?" Itsuki asked. "He still acts like that even now" Eren said. "Yes, but what he said was correct" Nino said. "I mean, who wouldn't be worry with you as one of our tutors? Sigh, if only we had a professional help."

"I-I'm sorry!" Itsuki told her. "It's thanks to Daddy that we made it to this point. Naturally, I appreciate that but rightness is all he cares about" Nino said as Eren turn to her. "But now he's talking about transferring schools. That's a lot to shoulder."

"I'm sorry for dragging you into our family business" Itsuki told Eren. "I don't wanna change schools" Yotsuba said. "But who cares all about that?" Eren said which surprise the sisters. "Your circumstances, your family circumstances, your last school transferring, I don't care about any of that. What I care about is making sure you girls pass and graduate together with smiles on your face. And I will do anything to accomplish that." Itsuki chuckle and said "That is very reassuring." 

Then the time passed and final days arrived.  

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