The Camping Trip Part Two

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Eren had found Nino on the ground and she wasn't really happy to see him. "What do you want!?" she asked him. "I came to find you and Itsuki. You two went the wrong way" Eren told her. "Now, let's go!" he told her as he grabbed her arm and pulled her. "Huh? Not so rough" Nino told him as a branch ripped her dress, revealing her leg.

"Look what you did!" Nino shouted at him as she was a little red but Eren didn't care. "Can you stop pulling me so rough!? You're hurting my arm!" Nino shouted at him as Eren stopped. He let go of her arm as she rubbed it. "You feel better now?" he asked. "I won't be until I get away from you" Nino told him. Eren sigh as he asked "Why are you like this with me?"

"Huh?" Nino asked. "I said why are you like this with me!? I have done nothing but saved your life before I met you, and after Itsuki introduce me you've started hating me! Why!?" Eren asked. Nino was quiet as she said "I don't hate you." Eren was confuse as he said "What? I swore I heard you said that you hated me." Nino shook her head and said "I don't hate you, I just don't like you interfering with me and my sisters. But you as a person, I don't think you're a bad person."

Eren was confuse as Nino said "You know what, forgot that!" She started running away as Eren said "Hey, watch out!" Nino didn't realize it but she was actually heading to a cliff which she realize late. She was about to fall until Eren grabbed her arm. He pulled her using his strength and she fell to the ground. Eren stood beside her and said "You ok?"

"I-I'm fine, thank you" Nino told him as she got a little red. Eren began looking around as Nino was trying her best to calm down. "We can't seem to find her, she must've left already" Eren said. Nino was standing up as she was looking at the ground. "What is-"

"Sorry, I don't know if I can move" Nino told him. "I'm scared, can you hold my hand?" Nino asked him as she seemed embarrassed to ask him. "Why?" Eren asked. "W-Well, there might be more scary stuff out here!" Nino told him. Eren didn't say anything as Nino said "If you don't want to it's fine! You know what, forgot I said that!" Eren just look at her before he grabbed her hand. "Let's go" he said as they began walking. Nino was surprised as they began walking. 

They were quiet for a bit before Nino said "So, are you dancing with anybody tomorrow?" Eren turn to her and ask "Why do you want to know?" Nino looked red as she said "Because I want to dance with you tomorrow." 

They stopped walking as Eren turn to her. "What?" he said surprised. Nino nodded her head and said "I know it's so sudden, but I would love if you would dance with me tomorrow. I'll wait for your answer if you can't decide now." They suddenly heard some rustling and some wailing again. "There is it again, here it comes!" Nino said. 

The thing was actually Itsuki who was walking around the forest crying. "Nino, where did you go?" she asked. "Itsuki!" Nino said as Itsuki turn to her. "Don't be so misleading!" Nino told her as she began going to her. "Thank goodness, I was so frightened!" Itsuki said as she ran to Nino. "Let's get going" Nino told her. "I can't believe you were fine alone" Itsuki said. "No, I had Eren" Nino said as Eren walked up next to her. 

"What!? That's a big surprise! I never thought I'd see you two together!" Itsuki said. Nino got red and said "Well, he helped me look for you." Itsuki sniff as Eren said "Well, we should get going." They began walking as Nino whisper to him "I'll be waiting."

Back with Miku and Ichika, Miku had just ask her what she thought of Eren. "Well, that's one way of spend one's youth, I guess? But let's be honest here, he's a little mysterious, right? We barely know anything about him besides him being Fuutarou's friend. Remember what he said back at the hot springs, we didn't have hot springs back in my old world. Why would he say world instead of city or country?"

"I don't mean like that. Do you like-"

"Miku, so do you want to trade for the dance on the last day?" Ichika asked her. "You're worried about it, aren't you?" Miku was quiet before saying "We have to be equal, you dance with him." "Make the choice you won't regret  because things won't keep going like this forever" Ichika told her. 

Back a the camping site, Nino was in a good mood. "Ah, I wish the camping trip would go on like this forever" she said as she had a smile on her face. "You're sure in a good mood" Fuutarou told her. "Something nice happen to you?" he asked her. "I'm not telling, I'm gonna surprise you tomorrow" Nino told him as she walked away. "Ok" Fuutarou said as he was then pulled to the side. Eren had pulled him aside as he said "Nino just ask me to dance with her."

Fuutarou stood there as he said "I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that." Eren sigh as he said "When we went to look for Itsuki, she told me she didn't hate me. And then I saved her from a cliff and I hold hands with her. After that she just ask me to dance with her and now she's waiting for my answer." Fuutarou once again just stood there and ask "Are you sure it wasn't one of the other sisters?"

"Yes I know it was her! She had the butterfly pins and the attitude!" Eren told Fuutarou. Fuutarou nodded as he said "This is kind of bad. You already have to dance with Ichika because of the incident and now you literally got an invitation from the devil herself to dance with her. Not to mention you held hands with her which is kind of lewd."

"I still don't get why people say that" Eren said. "Excuse me, Jeager-san. Can you come help us with the wood for tomorrows campfire?" a student asked him. "Um sure" Eren said as he wanted to do something while keeping this out of his mind. 

Eren and Fuutarou were outside as Fuutarou was struggling to pick up a log. In the end he needed help from Yotsuba to carry the log. As they were walking they saw Eren walk by them carrying two longs with one on each shoulder. "Is he even human?" Fuutarou said as he watch his friend walk away. 

Eren tried picking up one of the logs when he realize somebody else grabbed it as well. "Woah, these are heavy" Ichika said as she was holding the other end of the log. "Wow, I'm not surprise to see you here Eren, since you're so muscular and stuff" Ichika said. "Are you trying to compliment me?" Eren asked. "Did it not sound like one?" Ichika asked. They started carrying the log despite Eren telling Ichika that he could carry it by himself. "I want to help, plus your muscles won't be so sore tomorrow for the big dance" Ichika told him, making him sigh.

After putting away the log they went for the last one. "We're down to the last one" Eren said. "Now, we'll be able to have campfire for tomorrow" Ichika said. "Miku did tell you the story, right?" Eren asked. "Yeah. I guess we're dancing then? You and me" Ichika said. "If you want, we can call it quits" Eren said as he pick up the log. "Huh?" Ichika said surprise.

"Yeah, just in case you don't want to dance with me. Like Miku said it was something she came up with on the spot. That Maeda guy might get suspicious but who cares. And plus, if people saw me hanging out with you, they'll-" Eren stopped talking when he realize Ichika was crying while standing there. "Ichika?" he said confuse. "Hm? What's wrong with me? It's not what you think" Ichika said as she walk away from him. 

"All right, we got everything" somebody said, causing the two teens to hide by the wall. "That didn't take too long, did it?" another kid said. "I'm bused" a kid said. "Hey, what happen to Jeager-san?" a kid asked. "Eren? I think he left or something" another kid said. "Good, I was kind of scare to be around him" another kid said. 

'Why are people afraid of me that much?' Eren asked in his head. "Haha, hasn't this happened before?" Ichika said. "In fact, is there any reason for us to hide?" Ichika asked as she felt something go over her head. Eren had given her his jacket as he said "So people won't see you with me and get any ideas." Before they can walk away from the walls they head some noises as the two knew what they meant.

"Don't tell me!" Eren said as he rush to the door but realize it was lock. "Fuck!" Eren shouted as Ichika said "They got us this time, didn't they?"

Back at the camping site, Itsuki was asking Miku if she had seen Ichika. "Ichika? Where did she ran off to?" Miku asked as they didn't know the situation she was in. 

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