Miku's Proposal

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Eren and Fuutarou were getting ready to start tutoring the sisters. They were about to enter finals week and they didn't have the time to miss any opportunities they have to study. "As long as nothing comes up for them" Fuutarou said but would soon regret. "I'm sorry! Today I have to help the track team!" Yotsuba said. "Don't we start studying for exams tomorrow? Then let us go to the movies today" Nino said with Itsuki behind her who looked nervous. "Club activities should stop during exam week!" Yotsuba let them know. "Let's rethink this Nino. I heard this is a scary movie" Itsuki said. "Then I definitely don't want to see it alone!" Nino told her.

After that the two boys were in the library with only two of the five sisters. Fuutarou looked depressed as Ichika said "W-Well, tomorrow's when it really starts anyway. Today doesn't count. It's noy a big deal." Eren patted his friend on the back and said, "Cheer up Fuutarou, it'll all be ok tomorrow."

"I hope so. Oh well, just study on your own" Fuutarou told the two girls. "Oh" Miku said as Ichika notices her saying that. "Wow! What are these two movie tickets doing here!? And they're for the one I was in! Go see it together you two!" Ichika said as she was trying to shove the two tickets to Miku and Eren. "Are you ok?" Eren asked her. "Ichika" Miku called her as she took her to a corner.

"You don't have to push yourself to help me out. Like I said, I'll do what I want" Miku told her. "T-That's not what I was trying to do" Ichika said as she rubbed the back of her head. "Ichika, it wouldn't bug you if I started dating Eren?" Miku asked her sister. Ichika was quiet for a bit before saying "O-Of course I'd be happy for you." Miku didn't buy it as she said "Don't regret anything, I-"

"Sorry Ichika, I've seen this one" Eren said as he gave her back the tickets. "Huh?" Ichika said confuse. "What, are you that interested in me?" she asked him with a big smile on her face. "I saw it because someone invited me" Eren said. "Aha, is that so? Well, I'd better be go-"

"Wait" Eren said as he grabbed her shoulder which surprise her. "I'm not sure you're actually going to study on your own. We'd better teach you after all" Eren told her. "T-That's nice of you, but sorry! I've got something to do today" Ichika told him. "Don't lie" Fuutarou told her. "It's true! I'm supposed to look after the chief's daughter today" Ichika told them. "That guy with the mustache? I don't think he's someone who would have a daughter" Eren said. "But if it's true, then bring her here and show us."

Time Skip brought you by Eren sitting to Miku while they wait for Ichika to come back

Eren and Fuutarou were currently looking at a little girl sitting on the floor while drawing with a grumpy look on her face. "Kiku-chan is such a good quiet girl" Miku said. "She's real" Eren said surprised. "I told you" Ichika told him with a smile on her face. "He got called away on an urgent business trip, so I'm watching her for him."

"That guy is married?" Eren said surprise. "Wait, I rather not know. So, let's just let the kid play quietly and study over-"

"Hey you!" Kiku said suddenly. Eren turn to the girl and pointed at himself, trying to see if she was talking about him. "Yeah you. Play with me" Kiku told him while pointing at him. Eren was confused since he never had that many experiences with kids. And the kids he knew where weird and some were dead because of him. He grabbed a doll and said "Ok, let's play-"

"Don't treat me like a kid!" Kiku told him while slapping the doll out of his hand. "Playing with dolls is so outdated. Playing house is the current trend."

'Man, fuck these kids' Eren said in his head.

"You'll be daddy, I'll be me" Kiku said as she pointed at Eren. "Oh! Then I'll be mommy!" Miku said as she raises her hand. "I don't have a mommy. She ran off with her lover" Kiku told them as the four teenagers didn't know how to react to that. "That's part real" Miku said. "I didn't want to know that guy's tragic backstory" Eren said.

"It's just a child's game. I'll play with her a bit, so Fuutarou will help you two study" Eren told the girls who didn't seem to like the idea. Eren cleared his throat as he was getting ready to act. "So Kiku, how was school? C'mon, tell your daddy" Eren asked. "It was fine" Kiku simply told him. "Um, want to play a game?" Eren asked. "We are already playing a game" Kiku told him. "Oh, so you're a smart ass, huh?" Eren asked as Ichika pulled him away.

"Now, now" Ichika told him. "I think you're being a great father right now!" Miku told him. "Rattle, rattle" Kiku said as she pretended to open a door. "Oh, so this is your office, daddy?" Kiku asked as Eren said "So she came to my office."

"You three work here" Kiku said as she pointed at Ichika, Miku, and Fuutarou. "You want us to play too?" Ichika asked. "Nope, I'm going to the restroom" Fuutarou said as he left. "We're office workers?" Miku asked. "Yeah, you're both in love with daddy" Kiku told them which surprise them. Everyone was quiet for a bit before Eren said "Kiku, you don't have to force them-"

"Boss, when are you going to take me out for dinner?" Miku asked him as she got right in front of him. "Let's go tonight. Tonight" Miku told him. She then turns and try to look at Ichika who was watching this unfold. 'You've gotten so open Miku. But I can't lose when it comes to acting' she said in her head as she walked up to Kiku. "Kiku-chan, don't you want a new mommy?" Ichika asked the little girl. "Ah, no fair" Miku said. Miku walked right next to Ichika and said, "I'll be your mommy."

"You think you can pull it off Miku?" Ichika asked her sister. "Then tell me what you like about daddy" Kiku told them as the two sisters were trying to find their answer. "Um, what is it, I wonder. I'm not really sure. But he has a pretty mainly side" Ichika said embarrassed. "He's smart. He's dependable. He's tall. He's good looking" Miku said.

"Daddy isn't that tall" Kiku told her. "O-Oh right. We're talking about the chief here" Ichika said. "Who do you like better, Kiku-chan?" Miku asked her. "I don't need a stupid mommy" Kiku told them which shock them. "Huh? Why not?" the girls asked her. "Because I'm not lonely. Mommy made a bunch of trouble for daddy. So as long as I've got daddy, I'm not lonely" Kiku told them as Eren stood there before walking over to her. He smacked her on the head and said, "Stop talking like that."

"Why did you do that!?" Kiku shouted at him. "A girl your age couldn't possibly not be lonely without a mother. So, stop acting like an adult and act selfish like the brat you are. Trust me, I know from experience" Eren told her. 'This is what I like about him. He probably doesn't realize it himself, but Eren has a warmth that lets him empathize with others. That warm heart of his melted mine' Miku said in her head.

She went over to Eren and said "Eren, go out with me." Ichika was surprised by Miku's sudden action as Eren just stood there and stare at her. "Go out? What do you mean?" Eren asked. "Oh, uh" Miku said as Eren stopped her. "I think you mean let's get married" Eren told her which surprise Ichika and made her hug Kiku.

"Married. Wait. Huh!?" Miku said as her face was super red. "This is too sudden. I-I don't know what to-"

"Alright, hey brat. I got you a mommy. Even though she's only your mommy in the game, at least you have one" Eren told the little girl. Miku and Ichika were confused as they heard the front door open. "We're back! Huh? What a cute little girl" Yotsuba said as she and her sisters were back. "What are you doing here?" Nino asked them. "What have you been doing?" Itsuki asked. "We're playing house. I just married Miku" Eren told them. "No really. What have you been doing?" Itsuki asked. Fuutarou came back and ask, "Are you guys done now?"

"That sounds fun! Let me join in! What roles are left?" Yotsuba asked. "Our dog" Kiku told her. "The doggy? Woof, woof!" Yotsuba said as she put up her hands. "Those two can be the grandmas" Kiku said as she pointed at Nino and Itsuki. "Oh, you're going to let us play too?" Nino said. She walked over to Kiku and grab her cheeks before asking "So? Who are we going to be?"

"G-Grand" Kiku was trying her best to say grandma but couldn't because of Nino pulling her cheeks. "I can't hear you" Nino told her. "Failure" Miku said as she looked disappointed with Ichika standing behind her. "I was sweating bullets" Ichika told her. "It didn't work out this time, but I'm serious about this" Miku told her. Ichika was quiet for a bit before saying "It sure looks like it."

"But I wonder why I should want Eren all to myself but all seven of us being together like this isn't bad either" Miku said. "Is that strange?" she asked Ichika. "No, I feel the same way. I wish we could all keep having fun like this forever" Ichika said. 

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