Side Chapter: Mother And Daughter Talk

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Eren was out shopping with his mother as she had asked him to come with her. Eren was helping her put some of the groceries in the cart and helping carrying some bags as they left the store. "Thank you for coming to help me Eren. I know you'd probably wanted to hang out with your friends instead of doing this" Carla told him. "It's fine Mom. I like hanging out with you" Eren told her. 'Yeah. This could make up for all the moments we lost in the past' Eren said in his head.

"Is that you Eren?" someone asked as Eren and his mother turn around. Standing behind them was none other than Nino who seemed to have finished shopping herself. "Nino? What're you doing here?" Eren asked. "I was just out shopping. It's nice bumping into you here" Nino told him with a smile. "Hey. You're Itsuki's sister, right? I'm Eren's mother, nice to meet you" Carla told her as she lent out a hand for her to shake.

"My name is Nino Nakno, you're future daughter in law" Nino told her as she took her hand. Eren stood there embarrassed as he didn't expect Nino to say something like that to his mother. "Oh! Are you and Eren dating then?" Carla asked. "Not yet, but we will be soon" Nino told her. "Hey, how about you walked with us? You know, so we can all get to know each other" Carla suggested as Eren did not like that idea. "Mom, I don't think Nino will-"

"Sure thing Mother" Nino told her as she walked in between her and Eren as they began walking. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Nino asked. "Well, what do you see in my son that made you fall in love with him?" Carla asked her. "He had helped me and my family so many times that I started to see he was a good person. Also, I think he's pretty cute" Nino said as she looked at Eren when she said that last part. Eren looked away from her as Carla asked "So why should I let you date my son?"

"I'm a hard worker who cares those around her, and I'm an excellent cook, so I'll be ready for when Eren comes home tired from work" Nino said. Carla nodded her head and looked at Eren and said "This is one is good." She then look back at Nino and said "And now for my last question: How many grandchildren will you give me?"

"Enough to build a football team" Nino said as Eren looked at her surprise and Carla seem to as well. "Oh my. Then I guess I don't have to worry about having any grandchildren" Carla said as she then chuckle. "Ok! How about we change the subject?" Eren said as he was tired of hearing all of this.

 "Yeah, I want to know more about Eren. How was he when he was a little kid?" Nino asked. Carla giggled and said "Eren was what you called, a problem child. He was always getting into fights and always getting so angry. It's hard to believe that he's the same boy as before." 

"I do remember exactly that he saved you when you were little."

Eren and Nino eyes widen as they both look at her. "What do you mean?" they both asked. "Well, I don't know. It could've been one of your other sisters since you do all look the same, but Eren did save one of you when you were little. And then that same girl gave her a key and told him that when they would meet each other again, they'll get married."

"Is that true Eren?" Nino asked the boy but he didn't know since he is not from that world. "I guess the only way to know if it's you if you have a locket of some sort" Eren told her. Nino then tried her best as she tried to remember if she did own a locket some time ago. "I don't think I did" Nino said as she looked down, as she seem disappointed. 

"Well, that was a long time ago. Eren doesn't have to keep that promise to that girl if he loves you" Carla told her. "Really? Is that really fair for my sister who might be the actual girl he met?" Nino asked. "Do any of your other sisters have a crush on Eren?" Carla asked as Nino did know but she couldn't say that when Eren was right there. "I don't think so" Nino told her. "Then it's fine" Carla told her as she then looked at Eren. "You love her, right?"

Eren stayed quiet as the two females looked at him. He then turn to them and said "I rather not say." Carla smile and said "Yes he does! I see red in his face!" 

"I'm not blushing!" Eren told her as he began to have a little agrument with his mother. Nino just watch them she chuckle and thought 'I would be glad to be part of this family.'

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