After The Camping Trip

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"Just like you, I too was brought into this world" was the only thing Eren was hearing inside his head as he sat on a bed. "Sir? Sir!?" said a voice as Eren came back into reality. "Sorry, what's going on?" Eren asked. "Your fever seemed to have gone away already. I think by tomorrow you can go home" his doctor told him. Eren nodded his head and said, "That's nice."

The doctor smirked and wrapped an arm around Eren's neck. "What's wrong pal!? Feeling lonely!? If you do why not ask your girlfriend to come over!?" the doctor asked him with a smile on his face. "I don't have one" Eren told him. "Really!? I thought someone with your looks, you would have all the girls over you! But don't worry! I studied all my time away back in my school days in order to become a doctor! Thanks to that, I don't have a single female friend! But my dream came true! It's definitely one way to live your life!"

Eren just stare at him as he thought 'Better tell Fuutarou to get his nose out of the books for some time.' He was now by himself in his room as he was watching TV. He had the news on as it was covering something Eren knew they would discover. Hange was on TV as she was talking to the news station. "We were all so surprise! Nobody in history has ever written anything about these walls and suddenly they're just here! How crazy is this!?" Hange was telling the news reporters as they were showing images of the walls on the news.

'Ymir was right, they would soon discover the walls' Eren said in his head as he decided to keep watching the news. His door suddenly open as someone came inside. He turns his head and saw it was Nino who look exhausted for some reason. "Nino? You decided to come and visit me?" Eren asked. "It's just you in here, right?" Nino asked him. "Yeah, why?" Eren asked. "Why does it matter? Who do you think is paying for this room?" Nino told him.

"My family. My dad's a doctor" Eren told her. "Well, who brought you here in the first place?" Nino told him. "It's not like I ask for you girls to bring me here" Eren told her. "What else should we do? Those girls were so worried they thought you were gonna die" Nino said. "I did almost die when trying to save you from that cliff" Eren said. "I already thanked you already didn't I!?" Nino told him in a loud tone. "With what?" Eren asked. "Giving you the chance to dance with me" Nino said as she seemed to think highly of herself.

"That seems like a punishment more than a reward" Eren told her. "Then why did you say you were planning on accepting it!?" Nino asked. "It's just a joke. This is the part where you laugh about it" Eren told her. "You have a weird sense of humor!" Nino told him. "Anyway, I don't have time for this" Nino told him as she went to the curtains and hide behind them. "Listen up. Don't tell anyone I'm here" she told him as she then covers herself.

Eren was confused as his door open again. "Jeager-san! Did Nino come here?" Yotsuba asked as she and her sisters with Fuutarou were standing by the doorway. "Hey there! We haven't seen you since the trip, huh?" Ichika said. "How do you feel?" Miku asked him. "I'm just relive you're alive. Who else was going to help me deal with these five?" Fuutarou said. "Thank you for worrying about my wellbeing" Eren told him in a sarcastic tone.

Yotsuba's ribbon went up as she smelled something in the air. "I definitely smell Nino" she said as Eren was surprised by that. "Wow, does she smell that bad? Poor girl" Eren said as he knew Nino could hear him. "I really didn't know how things turn out for a while. You were almost as hot as the warmest days of summer" Ichika told him as Yotsuba was sniffing around in the background.

"I'm glad you recovered" Miku told him. "If you ever feel lonely, just call. I'll come to nurse you anytime you like." Eren smile a bit and said, "Thanks for the offer, but the doctors already told me I could probably tomorrow."

"Oh, here are the printouts you missed at school! I've been keeping them for you, so I'm glad I got a chance to hand them over" Ichika said as she pulled out some pieces of paper from her bag. "Oh, that means you've been going to school then?" Eren asked as he took the papers. Ichika was quiet for a bit before saying "Yes."

'I thought school was a boring place that I'd quit right away, but I'll keep going a little longer. I've developed an attachment. You're so antisocial, inconsiderate, a tease. Why is it you?' Ichika thought in her head as she watches Eren go through the pieces of paper. Miku spotted a food tray on his nightstand as she asks, "You didn't like the food?"

"It's fine. I don't have an appetite" Eren said. "If you had said so, I would've made you something" Miku said as Eren started having PTSD of Miku's cooking and what it did to his stomach. "Are you ok?" Miku asked as she realize he was getting sweaty. "I'm fine. Just having some flash backs to some stomach pains, I had before" Eren told her. "Oh" Miku said as she grabbed a piece of bread from the lunch tray.

"Say ah" she told him as she had the piece of bread close to his face. "No, I can eat on my own" Eren told her as she was just pushing his piece of break on his cheek. He then realizes another piece of bread by his other side as Ichika was also holding a piece of bread to his other cheek. "A growing boy has to eat" she told him with a smile on her face. "Um, you do realize I only have one mouth" Eren told them.

They started chuckling as they had place both pieces of bread inside his mouth. "Oh, I found Nino!" Yotsuba said as she found her behind the curtains. "What are you, a dog!?" Nino told her. "Come on, let's go!" Yotsuba told her. "L-Let go of me!" Nino told her. "Well, we'd better go too" Ichika told Eren. "I hope you feel better soon Eren" Miku told him as she and her sisters left.

Eren nodded his head as Fuutarou said "That was something." Eren turn to his friend and said, "Oh yeah, you need to spend more time with girls."

Time Skip brought you by Eren eating the pieces of bread the sisters gave him

"You do look better Eren" Grisha told him as he was doing a check up on him. "I'll say so myself" Marou said. Eren nodded his head and said "I think it was the help of some-"

S-Stop pushing!" someone shouted as Eren recognize the voice. He looked out to the hallway and saw it was the sisters. "Quiet in the hospital Nino" Miku told her sister. "I can't help it! I'm scared of what I'm scared of!" Nino said. Eren decided to walk over to as to thank them for coming to visit him. "Jeez, you already got your ears pierced, so these shots shouldn't be that bad" one of the sisters said as Eren was confused.

"Shots?" Eren said as they realize he was walking over to them. "Oh, Jeager-san!" Yotsuba said. "What are you girls still here for?" Eren asked them. "What are we here for? Out immunization" Ichika told him as he stood there in silent. 'So, they never intended to visit me in the first place?' Eren said in his head. "So, you guys didn't come here to visit me?" Eren asked. "Well, we thought since we're here might as well come and visit you" Ichika told him as he remains silent. "I'm going back to bed" Eren told them as he left as he felt a little disappointed by them.

As he was walking back to his room, he heard "Eren, keep up the good work." He turns and saw it was Marou and Eren nodded his head. He left as Marou said "Your kid is something." Grisha nodded his head and said, "He has change since the last time you saw him." Marou nodded and said "The last time I saw him, he was a boy who wanted to join the military, correct? Always having that short temper."

"But without that short temper, he wouldn't have met your daughter, right?" Grisha said. "Yeah, he would never have met-"

Eren was back in his room as he was having a headache again. 'Is this Ymir or an actual headache?' he asked in his head as he could see a younger version of himself talking to one of the sisters when they were little. He got out of the vision as he thought 'Oh yeah, I forgot the other me knew one of the sisters. Sadly, I don't know which one.'

He turns to his side and saw the little girl sitting next to him as he seemed surprised. He wipes his eyes and look again only to see Itsuki sitting there. "Oh, it's just you Itsuki. You scarred me for a bit" Eren told her. "That should be my line!" Itsuki told him. "Your sisters were looking for you" Eren told her. Itsuki chuckle nervously as she said, "Whatever could you that be about?"

She was then silent and asked "Eren, you're not from here, are you?"

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