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Eren and Nino had gotten back to the cake shop as they walk through the front door. "Jeager-san! Did you bring Nino!? We're over here!" Yotsuba said as they were sitting at a table. When they went inside Nino was red as she just confess to Eren. 

Her heart was beating really fast as she thought 'I said it! I said it! What's gotten into me!? I love him!? That's the first time I've ever said that to a boy! Why did the words just pop out of my mouth!? Ah, what am I gonna do!? Wait, what's with his complete lack of response!?'

 "S-Say, about what I said earlier" Nino said as Eren turn to her. "Jeager-kun, I'm glad you made it back in time! We're short handed in the kitchen right now, so will you pitch in there?" the cake shop owner asked. "Sure, thanks for lending me your bike" Eren told his boss as he headed to the kitchen. "Hmph, we can discuss it later" Nino said as she went to join her sisters.

"Congratulations all around! For making it through the finals! Cheers!" the sisters said as they hit their glasses. "I didn't think we'd really be able to pass" Miku said. "Yeah, I know! I want to frame this answer sheet and hang it on the wall" Yotsuba said. "Let's save that for when you get slightly better marks" Ichika told her. "I know this is a celebration, but should we really be ordering all of this?" Nino asked. "The manager is apparently going to treat us as part of the celebration" Itsuki said.

"But still, our orders are so different" Itsuki said. "The same as always" Yotsuba said. "Here Yotsuba" Miku said as she gave her some of her food. "Huh? What's this?" Yotsuba asked. "Your predictions for the modern lit questions were right on the money" Miku said as her sisters agree. They began giving her their food as Yotsuba felt overwhelm by it.

She ate them and thought they were good. "Oh! But you all really helped me too, so I've gotta pay you back!" Yotsuba said. "Well, we could say the same thing" Nino said. "Then why don't we all share a little?" Itsuki suggested. "I'm sure that's how we passed these exams after all."

"Plus, we all get to try a variety of flavors, so everyone wins!" Itsuki said as he had her fork and spoon ready in her hands. "Is that what you were really after?" Ichika asked. "Here Ichika" Miku said as she had a piece of food close to her face. "Thank you, and congratulations" Miku told her. "I can't believe you came on top Ichika. I know it's rude to be surprised, but where were you hiding that kind of power?" Nino asked. "Aha, I just got lucky" Ichika said.

Ichika ate the food that Miku gave her as Miku told her "But I won't lose next time." Ichika look the side and said "Yeah."

"Woah, your cake is really good Itsuki!" Yotsuba said. "Yes, I highly recommend it. I definitely wanted to try it again" Itsuki said. "Again?" Miku said. "When did you come here alone?" Nino asked. "Um, someone else treated me that time as well" Itsuki told them. She was quiet for a bit before saying "There is something I want to tell you all. I want to be a school teacher." Her sisters were confuse at first as Itsuki tried to explain. "I-I know I am hardly up to the challenge, but-" 

"I think that's a great idea! It was super easy to understand when you taught me! It's perfect!" Yotsuba told her which made her surprise. "Naturally, we'll all support you as will" Ichika told her. "So then Itsuki's going to college" Miku said. "Now it really feels like we're third years" Nino said. "Oh, I guess we'd better contact Dad about making it to the next grade" Yotsuba said. "Actually, I already did, but I haven't received a response yet" Itsuki said. "Oh, don't worry about that, I just got back from telling him" Nino told them.

"Then you did go back to the apartment?" Ichika asked. "What did he say?" Itsuki asked. "I know it's obvious, but his response was no exactly positive. For now, we'll still be able to take advantage of his kindness, but I'm not sure we'll have to change that at some point" Nino said. "But you got back awfully fast if you went to the apartment" Miku told her. "Yeah? Well, listen to this. I know it made me laugh" Nino said as she then explain what happen and how Eren went and get her.

"Huh!? A motorcycle!?" the girls said shock. "I knew he was part of a biker gang!" Yotsuba said. "If I'm being honest, it does kind of suit him" Ichika said. "How cool" Miku said as she wish it was her who was save by Eren riding a motorcycle. "Huh!?" Itsuki said. "He threw me in a loop, it reminded me about those times he was there for me. That's why I said that" Nino said. "Said what?" her sisters asked. "Oh! I think I'll help clean these plates" Nino said as she got up. "And I think I'll go thank the manager as well."

Ichika got up too and said "I'll help. I was about to go to the restroom anyway." Miku looked at Nino and asked "Why are you flustered Nino?"

In the kitchen the boys were almost done working. "All right, take care of these things for now. I'm going to go take a short break, so you two handle things without me" their boss told them. "Oh, boss. Can I set a pudding aside for myself?" Fuutarou asked. "Sure, but do you even like pudding?" their boss asked. "No. It's in return for a valentine" Fuutarou said which shock their boss. "You traitor! I thought you were one of us!" their boss said as he pulled Eren to his side. "I also got chocolate on valentines" Eren told him as he was shock.

"It's a valentine I got from my sister" Fuutarou said. "Oh, well then. I figured it was from one of your five friends" their boss said as he left. Eren turn to his friend and said "Hey, you can take a break as well. I'll handle everything by myself."

"You sure?" Fuutarou asked. "Yeah. I might not look like it, but I got experience in the kitchen" Eren told his friend. "Well, alright" Fuutarou said as he left the kitchen. Eren began working as he heard "Keep up the good work." He turn and saw it was Nino. "Wait, where's your boss and the nerd?" Nino asked. "He went in the back along with Fuutarou" Eren explained. "Oh, he did? Then maybe I'll wait on him" Nino said.

While she was waiting, she decided to help Eren with the dishes. "You know I got this, right?" Eren told her. "We did get to eat for free. It was the least I could do" Nino told him as they continue washing. "You're doing it wrong" Eren told her. "Huh?" she said. "You're doing it wrong. You need to scrub that area harder than the rest" Eren told her. "How do you know that!?" Nino asked him. "I learned it from a great wise short man" Eren said. 

"But if you want I can tell my boss and you can go back to your table" Eren told her. "Y-Yeah! I'll do that!" Nino told him as she started walking away. She then stopped and Eren turn back to her. "What is it?" he asked. "Could you, um, just forget what I said on the motorcycle?" Eren stood there confuse as Nino continue. "I can understand why it upset you. That was too sudden. I stepped on the gas too hard. I wonder what's wrong with me."

"Nino, what are you talking about?" Eren asked her. "Huh!?" Nino said. "If you told me something I most likely didn't hear you since the wind was too strong" Eren told her. "What!? What the friggin heck!?" Nino said. "So what was it you-"

"It was nothing!" Nino told him as she walked away. 'Oh, then he didn't even heard it!? That loser doesn't even see us as a romantic interest in the first place. I mean, he didn't even realize Miku's chocolate was a valentine' Nino was saying in her head as she then stopped. 'I'm glad he didn't heard me.'

Eren was done washing the plates as he said "All right, all finished. They look captain Levi approve, I think." He heard some footsteps as he thought it was his boss. "Boss, everything's clean-"

"I said I love you" Nino told him as she stood not that far from him. "Huh?" Eren said a little confuse. "You, what?" Eren asked. "I'm not expecting a reply. You really tick me off. If I'm not even on your radar, I'll force you to take notice" Nino told him as she then began walking towards him. "Didn't I tell you at some point there must be at least one girl on earth who would fall for a loser like you? Well, sucks for you, turns out it's me."

Eren was a bit surprise and confuse, but what the two didn't know, was that Ichika had saw the whole confession. 

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