Vacation With The Jeagers

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"This place is amazing" the Jeagers said as they were going on a trip. "It's nice to have a family vacation around times like this" Grisha said. Eren was looking at his phone as Zeke told him "Hey, maybe you should look away from the phone for today?"

"You're the one who's always calling me" Eren told him. "I know, but this is a family trip, enjoy it. At least you don't have those five to worry about" Zeke told him as Eren thought he was right. 'He's right. I've been thinking too much about this plan that I've forgotten to relax. Also, didn't someone told me something a couple of days ago?'

"Yahoo!" two people said as the Jeager family could hear it. "See! Be just like those two over there" Zeke said as he pointed to the two people. Eren turn and saw them. 'Hey, they look familiar' Eren said in his head. "Isn't that Itsuki?" Carla said. "I think it is her" Grisha said. "Huh!?" the two brothers said. "I think Marou must've brought them here. Let's go say hi to them, and Eren, stay behind me when he sees you" Grisha told his son.

The family of four headed over where he could see the Nakano family talking to Fuutarou. "Marou, what a coincidence" Grisha said as Marou turn to him. "What are you doing here Grisha?" Marou asked. "I just brought my family out for a vacation" Grisha said as Eren and Zeke stood in the back. "Wait, Mr. and Mrs. Jeager!" Itsuki said. 

"Wow, Jeager-san is here too!" Yotsuba said. "What a coincidence Eren" Miku said. "You're kidding" Ichika said shock. Nino just smile at the boy who just stare back at her. 'Oh yeah, she confess to me. Kind of forgot about that' Eren said in his head. 'Wait. If the sisters are here with their father, then does that mean they're in a good relationship? What happens to me and Fuutarou?' Eren walked over to Ichika and asked "Ichika, can you explain to me what's-"

"Aha, sorry. I'm a little busy at the moment" Ichika told him. Eren then turn to Yotsuba and asked her. "Ugh, I'm getting nervous. Can I really do this?" she said. Eren was just getting more confuse as someone asked "What's the matter?" Eren turn to his right and saw it was Nino. "I'm confuse on what's going on" Eren said. "Well, you can always ask me anything Eren" Nino told him.

"H-Hey Nino. Why are you getting so close to Eren?" Miku asked her sister. "Huh? Well we have known him for six months. Don't you think that's plenty of time to get a little more familiar with each other?" Nino said. "I'm always thinking that" Miku said. "Oh, I know! How about a nickname?" Nino said. "You think of one Miku."

"Me?" Miku said as she then struggle to think of a nickname for Eren. "How about, E-kun?" Miku suggested. "Huh? Not bad" Nino said. "I think it sucks" Eren said. "C'mon Eren, that's being a little mean" Zeke told him. "Who's this?" Nino asked. "This is my older brother, Zeke" Eren said. "You have a brother!?" the girls said shock. "Do you serious not think of me when you hang out with your friends!?" Zeke asked his brother.

Time Skip brought you by Eren wrapping a scarf around Nino

 Eren had gotten out of the hot spring as he was going to get his stuff. While doing so he notice there was a piece of paper. "Midnight, courtyard" the paper read as Eren didn't know what did it meant. When midnight was around the corner Eren left his room and started heading to the courtyard. 'I wonder who this is from. It must be from one of the girls' Eren said in his head as he got to the front desk.

Sitting there was an old man who just stare at Eren with a blank face. "Is this the way to the courtyard?" Eren asked but didn't get a response from the old man. 'Is he dead and no one just hasn't notice?' Eren said in his head as he heard some footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Itsuki. "Oh, was it you who sent me that letter?" Eren asked. "Um, yes" Itsuki said as she seem nervous for some reason.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Eren asked as Itsuki was quiet for a bit. "What do you think about our relationship Eren?" Itsuki asked. "Huh? Well I think we're good friends. Others might say we're partners but-"

"No" Itsuki said. "We are no longer partners." Eren looked at her a little confuse by what she said. "That's what I was saying. We're not partners, we're friends-"

"That's enough. Let us end this relationship" Itsuki told him which surprised Eren. "Huh? What do you mean?" Eren asked. "I-I can't tell you!" Itsuki said as she then ran away from him. "Itsuki!" Eren said as he started to follow her. 'What does she mean by end our relationship and why?' Eren said in his head. He then stopped as he began rethinking the situation. 'Wait, this might actually benefit me. I'll be going to Madagascar soon and after that I don't think I'll ever see the sisters again. It's better they start forgetting me now then after I leave.'

With that in his mind, Eren was going to go back to his room and go back to sleep. As he was about to head back to his room, he stopped. He looked back to the direction where Itsuki had ran and thought 'But why did she wanted to end our relationship?'

He then started going there as he ran up the stairs and was about to get to the sisters rooms. As he was about to get there, he realized he had ran past Marou who was just standing there on the wall. "Mr. Nakano!" Eren said when he saw the man. "What are you doing here Jeager? The only rooms past this point are mind and my daughters, do you need something?" Marou asked the boy. "Yes, I need to talk to Itsuki" Eren told him. 

"Jeager, you successfully helped my daughters pass the previous exams. As your client, I would love to help you achieve what you wish" Marou said which surprise Eren. "Wow, thank you sir-"

"But. I am afraid that as their father, I must take umbrage with this. Do you think any father would allow a boy into his daughter's room so late?" Marou said which made Eren realize this wasn't going to be easy. "Ok then, I'll just talk to her tomorrow morning then" Eren told him. "I don't think you'll be speaking to any of my daughters tomorrow. We'll be pretty busy" Marou told him.

"I will find a way to speak to Itsuki" Eren told him as he started to walk down the stairs. As he was walking down the stairs, he heard "Have a good night, titan." Eren then stopped and turn around. "What did you say!?" Eren asked as Marou looked at him confuse. "I only said have a good night. Did I offend you in some way?" Marou said as Eren just stare at him confuse. He shook his head and said "Sorry, I must've misheard something." He started to walk away as Marou just stare him down. 

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