The Camping Trip Part Four

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After explaining what happen to the two sisters and then to the teachers, Eren made it back to his bed and passed out. When he woke up it was already the next day as he went back to bed right afterwards. "A couple of minutes wouldn't hurt" he said as he closed his eyes to go back to sleep.

"Jeager-san!" Yotsuba shouted as she open his door, waking up the brown hair boy.  "What the hell do you want!?" Eren shouted at her. "We're going skiing!" Yotsuba told him as Fuutarou was standing next to her who also look sleepy. "No thanks" Eren said as he pull the blanket over his head. Yotsuba got a little mad as she went over and began pulling his blanket. "What are you doing!?" Eren shouted as he grabbed his blanket from her. "You are going skiing with us no matter what! Now get out of your bed lazy head!" Yotsuba shouted as she was pulling his blanket.

The two were just pulling the blanket back and forth until Eren just gave up. "Fine, I'll go!" he said as Yotsuba smile. The three of them went out to the snow field with their snow gear as Yotsuba was leading the way. "Now, let's ski the heck out of this mountain!" she shouted as the two boys behind her look tired. "It' freezing, so just let me sleep" Fuutarou said. "I like his plan" Eren said. 

"It would be such a waste to sleep through this!" Yotsuba told the two. "I can't even ski!" Fuutarou told her. "Then I'll teach you!" Yotsuba told him. "Wait, where's your sisters?" Eren asked. "Ichika got sick and Itsuki is looking after her" Yotsuba said as Eren felt a little bad about it. "It makes sense after what happen with us" he said as Yotsuba looked confuse on what he was talking about. "Anyway, Nino is already skiing, so I'll be teaching Uesugi-san and-" 

Yotsuba stop talking when she saw someone heading towards them. "Oh, these she it" she said as the two boys turn to the direction. Standing there was one of the sisters dress up in snow gear as well. "Hello" she said as goggles were covering her eyes. "Who are you!?" Fuutarou asked her. "Miku" the sister said as she pulled up her goggles. "Hey Miku. Couldn't tell it was you with your goggles on" Eren said as he walk close to her.

Miku tried to back up but instead she tripped backwards. Yotsuba laugh a bit as Eren said "That was a heck of a fall." He walked over to her and give her his hand. "You ok?" he asked as he lent her his hand. Miku didn't look at his hand as she got up by herself. "Yes, I'm fine" she said as she got up. "You're always teaching me, so today I'm gonna teach you like crazy!" Yotsuba told Fuutarou.

After a while Fuutarou was learning how to ski as Eren was trying to teach Miku how to ski, but she seemed to ignore him the whole time. "Cold, isn't it?" someone asked him as he turn to the direction of the voice. It was one of the sisters who was wearing snow gear and a mask with goggles that covered her face. "Which one are you!?" Fuutarou asked her as the person reveal their face. "It's me, Ichika" the sister said as they showed their face.

Miku and Yotsuba were shock to see Ichika up since she was suppose to be sick. "You feeling better?" Eren asked her. Ichika cough as she said "Not completely, but don't worry about me. And Itsuki doesn't want to see you, so she's skiing alone." Eren nodded his head as he wanted to clear up the situation with Itsuki about what really happen. "Ichika, Uesugi-san doesn't remember a thing I say!" Yotsuba told her sister. "That's how I always feel about you!" Fuutarou told her.

"Then let's learn in a fun way" Ichika said as he put on her goggles. "With tag! You're a good skier, so you're it Yotsuba!" she said as she skied away. "H-Hey!" Fuutarou said. "Ok!" Yotsuba said. "I just learned how to move forwards, this is ridiculous" Fuutarou said as Yotsuba had began counting. "You better start moving buddy" Eren told him as he began skiing away. "Hey, don't leave me here!" Fuutarou shouted at him. 

As Eren was skiing, Ichika had pulled up to the side of him. "What is it Ichika?" Eren asked her. "I want to make sure, you didn't tell anyone about yesterday, did you?" Ichika asked as Eren remember what she told him about quitting school. "No, I haven't" Eren said. "Does that mean-"

"Watch out!" someone shouted as the two of them turned around. It was Fuutarou who was skiing towards them as he was shouting "I don't know how to stop!" Eren push Ichika away as Fuutarou hit him and two came crashing down. "Eren!" Ichika shouted as the two boys rolled down the mountain. They hit a tree as people started surrounding them to see what happen. The two boys got up as Fuutarou said "That idiot! She forgot to teach me how to stop!"

Eren was rubbing his head as he heard someone said "Eren?" He turned around and saw Nino standing behind him. "Nino, you need something?" he asked. "I was wondering if you had an answer to my request from yesterday" Nino told him as Eren still hadn't decided. "I'm sorry, I still need more time to think about it" he said as he began walking away. "The dance is today, I need to know your answer now!" Nino told him as she began chasing him.

Eren realize this as he started running away from her as he heard "Found you Jeager-san." Not that far from him was Yotsuba who has spotted the boy. Eren stopped and look both sides, trying to determine each outcome. 'What do I do!? If I run that way Nino will catch me, but if I go the other way Yotsuba will catch me!' he said in his head. He turned around and saw there was an igloo like thing as he went inside it.

"Eren!" Nino said as she got there. "Jeager-san!" Yotsuba said as she also got there as well. They stopped when they saw he wasn't there. "Huh, Yotsuba?" Nino said confuse. "Found you Nino!" Yotsuba said as she pointed at her. "Did you see Eren run over here?" Nino asked him. "I thought I saw him here too" Yotsuba said. "That's weird" Nino said as Eren was inside the igloo listening to them.

He look behind him and realize he wasn't alone in the igloo as Miku was also hiding there as well. "Miku" he said when he saw the girl. "That was close, she almost caught me" Miku said as she seem to be catching her breath. "Is this an igloo?" Eren asked. "Don't tell me you built this?"

"No, it was already here" Miku said. "They're actually pretty warm inside" Eren said as he felt a little relax inside of the igloo. "E-Eren. It's a tight space. Don't move much" Miku told him as Eren realize it was kind of crowded in the igloo. "Sorry, I'll leave" he said as he was about to leave. Before he can go Miku grabbed his sleeve as she said "D-Don't go. Don't leave either." Eren turn to her and saw as she look a little red. "I'm... Not sure... Anymore" Miku said as Eren said her name. She let go of his sleeve and said "I-I mean Yotsuba might still be out there." 

"I guess you're right. I don't want her chasing me around anymore, so let me stay here a little longer" Eren said as he sat next to her. "That's a good idea" Miku told him as it was just the two of them sitting together. "Where'd she get that endless stamina anyway? It's hard to imagine you five are really quintuplets" Eren said. "If this igloo wasn't here, I would've been caught too" Miku told him. Eren chuckle as he said "Skiing stopped mattering a while back. I wonder if she has caught Fuutarou already."

'What am I doing?' Miku asked in her head. "How're we gonna get away from her?" Eren asked. "I know, what if we give Yotsuba a handicap?" Miku suggested. "Handicap?" Eren said confuse. "We could make her carry things to make our speed equal" Miku said. "That would be fun, but it wouldn't be fair" Eren said as that confuse Miku. "The five of you likely started with the same physical abilities since you're quintuplets. Then Yotsuba added her athletic skills on her own."

"That is true, maybe I'm just taking a game too seriously" Miku said. "But I don't want to reject that effort" Eren said as Miku look a little surprise by what he said. "Being equal is fine and all, but you can't reject what you've achieved. So let's not be equal, let's be fair" Eren said as Miku suddenly stood up and hit her head on the roof of the igloo. "Ow!" Miku said as she rubbed her head and Eren laugh, saying "What are you doing?" Miku then smile and said "Let's be fair." 

Eren nodded as he started heading to the entrance. "It's getting hot, I'm gonna go get some air" he said as he left, leaving Miku alone in the igloo. Miku just sat there as she pulled out her phone and began calling someone. "What is it? What's the matter?" the person asked. "Ichika, um, I want to talk about something."

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