The Camping Trip Part Five

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Two hours earlier than what had been going on, Itsuki was looking over Ichika. "Sorry about this. Talk about unlucky, huh? Getting sick at a time like this" Ichika said as she was laying in bed. "It may have been an accident, but your own carelessness caused this. If you feel bad about it, then stay quiet and rest for today" Itsuki said. "Aw" Ichika said. "Oh, you don't have to stay here with me Itsuki. Go do some skiing."

"But" Itsuki said as Ichika interrupted her. "It's ok. I'll join up with you if I start feeling better, or would it be too awkward to run into Eren?"

"You've been on your guard around him since that day at the inn" Ichika told her. "So, that was you, Ichika?" Itsuki said. "I never considered it that day I asked him in to teach me in the cafeteria. It has only been three months, who could have imagine it would turn out this way?"

"Does Eren look like that bad of a guy?" Ichika asked. "T-That isn't what I mean! But things are different when it comes to matters between men and women. I know too little about him" Itsuki said. "You must judge men much more carefully when you choose them." Ichika look at her sister and said "You're still chasing it, eh Itsuki? Don't worry, Eren isn't like Dad."

Back in the present time, Miku was on the phone with Ichika. "Miku, what did you want to talk about?" Ichika asked. 'It's ok to be fair instead of equal, so what should I do?' Miku asked in her head. "Is it about the campfire?" Ichika asked. "Y-Yes. The people in class said you have to hold hands for the legend to come true. Which gives me an idea" Miku said. "Eren has two hands, let's play this a flower in each hand style" Miku said as she imagine Eren holding her and Ichika hands in each one of his hands.

Ichika cough as she said "Huh? Do what now?"

"Nothing!" Miku immediately said. "Sorry, I think my cough might have gotten worse since this morning" Ichika said. "Then get back in bed" Miku told her. "Huh!? But I already rented these clothes and put them on! I wanna ski too!" Ichika said. "No, sick people have to rest" Miku said. "Yeah, yeah, I'll go back" Ichika said. "Take care" Miku said as Eren came back inside the igloo.

"Is that Ichika? Hope you feel better" Eren said to the phone which cause him to get really close to Miku. Miku was now redder as she said "S-Speaker phone!"

"Oh, did I tell you I was sick Eren? Well whatever. So you two are together then? I guess that's a relief. Then I'll be getting back so, you two go find Itsuki who's all alone. I know she must be really tired." Ichika hanged up as Miku said "I guess we should go find Itsuki." 

"I think I know where she is" Eren said as they headed to that place. "That's weird" Eren said as he and Miku were at the location he thought Itsuki would be at. "I can't believe Itsuki isn't here" Eren said as they were in the food court. "That's rude" Miku told him as they got out the food court. "Now that I think about it, I haven't seen her since we started skiing" Eren said. "Maybe she's on the advanced course" Miku said. Suddenly Eren groan in pain as he walked over to the wall.

He grabbed his head as it was in pain. "Eren, are you ok!?" Miku asked as she got next to him. "I-I'm fine!" he said as he tried to walk but instead fell to his knees. "Eren, I think you need some rest!" Miku said as she felt something grabbed her from behind. "Found you Miku and Jeager-san!" Yotsuba shouted as she hug Miku from the behind. The two of them fell to the ground as Eren was getting back up. "It's you Yotsuba" Eren said as his headache was going away.

"Haha, you can't even let your guard down even here!" Yotsuba said. 'I forgot' Miku said in her head as Yotsuba was on top of her. "I got the other three , so all that's left is finding Itsuki" Yotsuba said. "You haven't found her?" Eren asked. "Hey, over here" someone said. Three people walk around the corner revealing to be Fuutarou, Nino, and Ichika. "Yeesh, and I'm looking too." Miku realized Ichika was here as she said "Ichika, I told you to get some rest." 

"Sorry, Yotsuba spotted me" Ichika told her. "Eren, you, Fuutarou, and Ichika get back to the lodge" Miku told him. "Yotsuba, did Itsuki outrun you?" Eren asked her. "No. I looked but never found her" Yotsuba told him. Eren groan a bit from the little pain he was experiencing as he said "The situation... May be worst than we thought."

"Tell me what you mean" Nino told him as he explained what his suspicions were. "Lost?" the sisters say at the same time. "Yeah, this may be a big resort, but it's unnatural that all of us have been looking and never ran into her" Eren explained. "Itsuki said she was going skiing, didn't she?" Miku said. "Huh? Yes" Ichika said. "Maybe she's on the advanced course?"

"I checked there. Didn't see her" Nino said. They were all quiet until Ichika said "You may have just missed her. I'll go check again." Yotsuba realize something on the map as she said "I'm not sure I checked here yet." She pointed at a place at the map as everyone looked at there. "Didn't the teachers tell us about this right at the beginning?" one of the sisters asked. "They said it was a dangerous route that hadn't been completed yet, so no one's allowed in."

"I'll the check the lodge to make sure she's really gone" Nino said. "I'll go tell the teachers!" Yotsuba said. "Wait a second! Let's look a little longer!" Ichika said. "Why? If things are bad enough, we may have to call in a rescue team" Nino said. "Um, I don't think Itsuki would want us to blow this up into a big deal" Ichika said, catching the attention of Eren. 

"A big deal? I don't believe this" Nino said as she walked up to Ichika. "Itsuki's life is on the line! We have to take this seriously!" Nino told her as Ichika apologize. "Where is she?" Eren ask as he groan in pain again as he held his head. 'Why the hell am I getting these headaches again!?' Eren asked in his head.

"Eren, you should get some rest" Miku told him. Eren couldn't hear her as the pain was covering his head now. 'I need to keep on fighting! Just until we find Itsuki!' Eren said in his head as he force himself to get use to the pain. "That's enough, I'll go get the teachers" Nino said but Eren stopped her. "Wait a second, I've got a hunch" Eren said. "A hunch?" Nino said. "It's ok, I think we'll find her" Eren said. "Can I trust you?" Nino asked. "Yeah, come with me Ichika" Eren said as they left.

They were now on a ski chair as Ichika asked "Was your hunch that we should look up from here?" Eren nodded his head as Ichika said "My, we're very high aren't we? Maybe we should get down." Eren looked at her and ask "So how's that superhero movie going?" Ichika was confuse as she said "Fine, why?" Eren look away and said "Just asking." He look down and said "Oh, isn't that Itsuki?"

"Huh? Who?" Ichika asked. "Right there" Eren said pointing at the ground. "That doesn't help!" Ichika said. "The girl going right under us!" Eren said. "Oh, her" Ichika said. "That's gotta be Itsuki, right?" Eren said. "You think so?" Ichika asked. "Look closer, it looks just like her!" Eren said. "Well, I don't really think so" Ichika said. "I know, right? Because no matter how you slice it, that's a man" Eren said as he took off Ichika's hoodie.

"Found you" he said as it turns out Ichika was actually Itsuki the whole tier time. Itsuki looked embarrassed as Eren said "Your eyes are bad, so you couldn't see without your glasses, right?" Itsuki stayed quiet as Eren said "Sorry this turned into a big fuss. It was hard to tell everyone, right?"

"When did you realize?" Itsuki asked. "When I ask you that question about the superhero movie. Ichika isn't working on a superhero movie." Itsuki was quiet until she said "I'm really sorry. I just wanted to make sure." Eren chuckle as he said "It's ok, we all make mistakes." He soon put his head on her shoulder as Itsuki went red. "Eren, I think that's a little-"

When she looked at Eren, she realize he was actually very warm and he seem to be in pain. "Eren?" she said. 

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