Chapter 7

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It's a double update, Please read the Chapter 6 before continuing


Why did I come forward to take care of him?

Luckily there was an intercom in the bathroom. I ring the number Joseph mentioned and ask for a janitor or room service preferably men as I need help in changing Hridhay's dress.

I look around the bathroom and find a pair of bathrobe hanging in the anchor. The shower cubicle is blurred in the middle and there are towel on the vanity counter.

"Done?" I ask Hridhay and he nods his head. I pull him up from behind and make him sit on the vanity counter with great struggle. "Don't get down, I'll be back in a minute."

I enter the shower cubicle and using the hand shower I wash off my dress and shoes. Though the dirt is washed away, the smell and alcohol in my system was making me nausea. I look at Hridhay and find him dozing off. I'm wearing tanks and knee length shorts under my dress. So I remove my dress while keeping an eye on Hridhay. I exit the shower cubicle and wear the bathrobe bigger than my size.

The doorbell rings and I remove his watch, take out the mobile and purse from his pants pockets, before exiting the bathroom. I keep his things in my handbag and I go to check on the door. Joseph has arrived with Janitor.

I know it's riskier for allowing two men inside the room when Hridhay is not his own self but Joseph seems genuine and Ashok anna has his details so he probably won't take any advantage.

I open the door, let them in and instruct them to clean the bathroom floor while requesting Joseph to help Hridhay out of his dress. I turn my back to the bathroom and stand outside.

The janitor leaves after cleaning and Joseph walks out with the boxer-clad Hridhay leaning on his shoulder. I lower my eyes, turning away, giving him privacy. My mind flashes back to Veda and I bite my lips to hide my blush.

Joseph helps Hridhay onto the bed and tucks him under the duvet, covering until his neck. I take out a five hundred rupees note from my purse to give it as a tip to him.

"Ma'am, I'll collect the soiled dresses for laundry and by morning you'll get your clean clothes."

"Also, collect my dress from the shower cubicle and keep this," I give him the money.

"Thank you ma'am," he gets the money and walks towards the bathroom.

"Thoongum pothu entha madayan boxer potutu thonguvan?" Hridhay sits up. (Which idoit will wear a boxer while sleeping?)

"Hridhay," I scream and turn around. Joseph comes out of the bathroom to check on me and Hridhay's boxer lands near my leg. I jump away, closing my eyes with my hands.

I feel some movement around me and Joseph announces it safe for me to open my eyes. "Ma'am, if you are feeling uncomfortable can I get the keycard for the second complimentary room?"

Yes, I feel a little uncomfortable with Hridhay lying naked under the covers but that same time, I feel safe in his presence. "No, it's fine. I'll manage," I assure him.

"Anything else ma'am?" On his question my stomach grumbles.

"Two plates of white sauce pasta." I place my order for dinner.

"One for sir?" He asks me and I nod at him.

But pasta had to be chewed well and he just vomited.

"Well, make it as two plates of sambar idly," I call out before he turns around and he smiles at me.

"I'll be right back, ma'am." He leaves and I lock the door behind him.

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