Chapter 65

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Hey Lovelies,

Thanks a lot for your response to the end of pre-climax and for the 100K reads. 🥺❤️🙏🙏

Yesterday was very emotional

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Yesterday was very emotional. If you all cried because of the emotions in the chapter, you all made me overwhelmed and cry with your appreciation comments. 30th of July, 2023 will always be special to me. Thanks for your word of recommendation. I could see many new readers.

From yearning for reads and recognition for this plot, To feel contented with the response and skyrocketing to 100k reads from 96k within few hours, you all brought me a through long way and gave a wonderful journey.

You all appreciated me with long paragraphs but I'm short of words reading your comments. All I could say is just these 4 words "Thank you so much 🥺❤️😍🙏"

Now starting this week with the first chapter of Climax Sequence. This might be the 3rd longest chapter of this book with almost 5k words. Please bare with the length. Emotions will be mild or less unlike last chapter.



God! How am I going to face Hridhay today? And what am I going to tell Veda?

When Hridhay asked why I'm not taking his name when we made love or afterwards, I couldn't hide the truth. Though he readily sacrificed his identity to be with me, I couldn't say his name out. If I had called him Veda it would have been like I'm killing his identity and killing him. Also, initially he stopped me from calling him Hridhay and if I had called his name, it would have been like going against his wish.

How can I do that to him?

His touches and kisses gave me the feel of being with them both. Whether it was that night with Veda or last night with Hridhay, I could feel them both alternating between domineering and passionate. It made me feel like I'm cheating on them both and I couldn't take one of their names.

After replying to him, I didn't have the strength to face him and wanted to leave but he held me against him, safely. My heart ached by his gesture and unable to control myself, I cried against him. He tried to console me but his hold tightened around me as if he was suffering with a turmoil. To return his favour, I tried to console him back and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Now, it has dawned, the sunrays sweeped in through the blinds of the window and fell on my face, waking me up. But I kept my eyes shut without having the courage to face him. I waited to feel any of his movements but I couldn't feel anything. I slowly opened my eyes and turned to his side but found the other side of the bed empty and cold.

I sat up and wrapped the towel around me before getting off the bed. I checked for him in the closet and bathroom and when I couldn't find him, I rushed back to the bedroom, locked the door, collected my dresses and returned to the bathroom. I searched for a spare brush and brushed my teeth before taking a quick shower and washing my hair. After patting myself dry and blowing my hair dry, I changed into my dress.

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