Chapter 28

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Hope you all doing good.

Starting today I'll be posting the 5 chapter sequence of AA

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Starting today I'll be posting the 5 chapter sequence of AA. Hope you'll enjoy this sequence.

 Hope you'll enjoy this sequence

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Day by Day his crime rate is increasing. Don't know when he is going to get nice from me.

Ever since I forwarded my hand for friendship, Hridhay is trying something new from his side. Pulling my chair closer to him after my promise to my father. Helping me in getting ready when I was about to meet Veda. Sucking the cheese from his thumb which he wiped off from the corner of my lips. Kissing me this morning. I knew that it wasn't a friendly kiss but I didn't want to argue about it and make him say something else.

I should get pissed, irked and slap him for these attempts. If it was some other man, I would have done it without a second thought. But with Hridhay something is stopping me from doing it. Though I promised to make him breakfast this morning, I was scared thinking in what state I would find him. Though he didn't do any workouts and made me send flowers to his night acquisitions for the last week, I couldn't know what he might have done last night.

When I entered his house, I first checked for sounds and entered the kitchen confidently after confirming the living area was safe. I was preparing to cook breakfast when I suddenly heard his voice behind me. I jumped and turned, scared, dropping the hammer which I was using for beating the chicken. Hridhay was standing there half naked, wearing only his boxer shorts. The hammer hit his leg and he held it in pain that led his biceps, triceps, chest and many other muscles to flex.

My idiotic girly parts started reacting and I cursed myself for feeling such a thing for Hridhay. I hate them the most nowadays as they react in the presence of both Veda and Hridhay. There is Veda who is hesitant and thinks about my comfort before touching me with the tip of his finger even when I give him the opportunity. And Here is Hridhay who is confident and doesn't care about anything before teasing and tempting me by his proximity. Both are entirely different but these parts are reacting for both. If Veda is giving me butterflies in my stomach, Hridhay is hiking my heart rate.

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