Chapter 18

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Hey Lovelies,

Sorry, I said that I would update this chapter within ten to twelve days from the previous update. But as I got held up with work it took me more than ten days to even start with this chapter.

Once again sorry for the delay, kindly adjust for a few more days.


RK Tejaswi



My favourite person is going to meet her favourite person.

I watch as the tail light of the car disappears from the street and joins the city traffic. I take a couple of steps backwards before I turn and enter the lobby. I get into the elevator and enter my passcode to reach my floor. I see myself in the mirrors of the elevator and slide down to the floor.

How can she be so indifferent?

We were so close in her closet and the passion was blasting around us like fireworks. I felt her body tremble under my touch and her breathing hitching when mine mixed with her. Yet she left to meet him, sidelining what is evolving between us. And this is not the first time.

How can she think that I will never get reminded of the kiss?

Though I still don't remember the entire night, our accidental proximities reminded me of my kiss. That's why I took a risk when I got the chance a while ago. I was trying to straighten her hook and I felt it would break if I put more hand pressure, so I thought of using my teeth. But at the same time Darshana pulled her chain and my lips landed against her neck. I pressed my lips making it a mild brushing kiss. Though she felt it, she didn't reprimand me or respond to it but just left.

Let her go and meet anyone she wishes but I have left my mark in her mind which will do the needful.

The elevator dings open outside of my penthouse and I enter my house to find Ashok waiting for me.

"You didn't stop her." He states instead of asking.

"Nope." I shrug my shoulders and spread my hands.

He releases a frustrated sigh. "Do you want me to take you anywhere?"

I know what he means but I shake my head in denial. "The answer yes for your question died last week." I was relieving my physical frustration of not having her on other girls but not anymore. From hereon, if I take any woman it'll be only her. "And sorry, you are like a brother to Darshana so I'm not going to say the next line to you." I walked into my living room and sat on the sofa, placing my legs on the coffee table.

"I have been noticing you, you were not that serious in stopping her." Ashok sat beside me.

"Because I don't want to stop her." I turn on the television and change to business news channels. "I'm not a kid to stop her. I want to give them a chance. I want them to know what they really want."

"What if they want each other? What will you do then?" He turns on the sofa, sitting facing me.

"Her heart might want his art but her mind is under my control which she has no clue of." I place both my hands behind my head and look at him.

"Do you think you can win her over by having control of her mind?" I nod my head at him but he shakes his head in denial. "Darshana is someone who thinks from her heart. I just don't want you to feel the heartbreak again."

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