Chapter 59

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Hey Lovelies,

Including this chapter the upcoming 11 parts are the final set of updates. 6 pre-climax chapters, 4 climax chapters and one epilogue.

The 6 chapters of pre-climax sequence is the most crucial part of the story. This took me over two weeks to write and was tiring but these chapters require continuity. So not wanting to leave you hanging on cliff hanger until I get my desired reads, I'll be posting the entire pre-climax sequence in this weekend. I guess this sequence will answer half of your questions and doubts.

This is a light hearted chapter like previous two chapters. So you can read it calmly.



This headache and restlessness is killing me.

The headache is not a new story for me. It started several years back when I was preparing for my tenth board exams. Without wasting any time, my father took me to a doctor as he didn't want my preparation to get distracted. The doctor checked my eyesight and diagnosed me with -0.25 eyesight power. Using glasses I felt better and the headache was under control. Later I shifted to contact lens as specs became a disturbance while playing basketball.

The headache used to be on and off like once in a week and when I remove the lens and rest for a while, it would be fine. In the past year, the headache frequency increased from weekly once to thrice. But for the past month and more, I've been suffering from a headache everyday but this restlessness is something new.

It first started when I saw Darshana in the elevator wearing my mother's saree. It was my mother's favourite saree and she used to wear it whenever she felt so happy. I had a doubt whether the saree is the same or a lookalike but her answer confirmed that it was my mother's. I don't know how and when Veda gave her that saree.

As the day for Beguile's inauguration was nearing, I wanted to tell her the truth but she was not ready to listen to me. With a determination to tell her the truth, I didn't let her exit the elevator but the action of stopping her brought our bodies close to each other. It has been over a month since we ended up together like that. I wanted to kiss her and I went for it but her cry of pain stopped me and I let her go.

At the award function, I couldn't stop looking at her. She was in the organising committee, so she was standing afar looking over the arrangements and taking care of the presenters to reach on her. Her bouncy hair, the small black bindi and my mother's saree, Darshana looked like a complete package of beauty. I just wanted to keep watching her moving around in that saree but I didn't expect her to talk in such a way.

I have decided to give her the award the moment the plan with Natarava and Kailash was successful. Though I was the one who initiated the plan, she was the one who took the step and took the risk to reach it to the next level. But she thought that I gave her the award to make her stay and announced her resignation openly. When I went to confront her, she behaved rudely again.

I have pressured her, tortured her and she had once hated me to her core. But with whatever she said Veda had only showered her with love and respect. But she was hurting him too. After fourteen years, hearing him break down literally broke me. Even though we hadn't talked directly except for the exchange of voice notes, I could feel his pain. I gave back the hurt and pain she gave us by saying that she doesn't deserve to wear Valli ma's saree. I could see her hurt in her eyes but she hid it behind her harsh facade.

On Saturday, I received the invitation for Begilue's reopening and looking at the envelope cover, the headache and restlessness returned. I asked Ashok to place it in one of the drawers in the office room. As the Beguile is reopening tomorrow, I planned to tell Darshana about the truth when I get alone time with her while I visited my old classrooms

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