Chapter 21

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Why was I thinking of Hridhay?

I mentally shake my head and concentrate on Veda. In the twenty three years of my life, I have never felt something different in my life like this evening and I don't want this to be the only time.

"Anna, naan sonnathu ready paniteengala?" Veda asks Selvam Anna as he places his empty dessert bowl on the table. (Anna, is it ready?)

"Haan Thambi thou eduthutu varen." He nods in agreement before taking our finished crockery and entering the kitchen. (Yes sir, I'll bring it now.)

An awkward silence envelopes up and his head turns towards the direction of the door to the basement. His shoulder raises and falls as he takes a deep and he balls his fist with nervousness. "I should have done this before but asking you now. Shall I give you a house tour?"

"Will the lighting of the house always be the same?" I look around the living space.

"Darshana, I need some..." I lift my hand and stop him. "You need some time and I can understand that, Veda. I will take the house tour when you are comfortable. Everyone's house carries their memories and I want to see the reflection of those memories in your face when you show me around."

"I haven't met a lot of people but I can guarantee you are a single piece in the universe." He dips his head down and shakes it, probably smiling to himself. He is easy to read and I don't know how I am doing it without actually seeing his face. Even his shadows and changes in tone of voice expresses a lot of him.

Veda is a mystery which I would love... like to solve

"Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment." I smile at him and prepare myself to ask for a chance to meet him again but we end up in unison. "I need a favour."

"You first." Veda releases a loud breath and fidgets with his fingers being nervous

"Can you teach me professional drawing and painting?" I bite my lips in nervousness. Yes he wanted me to visit him and help him to get back his art but I don't have any other way to start it. "I do scribble some but not a professional."

"So you want to continue visiting me?" He sits up in his chair.

"If you are willing, I will..."

"Please keep visiting me." He stands up and almost walks towards me but stops before he steps into the light and turns around. "I might sound desperate and helpless but I'm asking shamelessly as I have been in the darkness for long. Until my mother and art were with me, I couldn't feel the darkness and loneliness. But now without both, the darkness is eating me. I want back everything that I lost and you are my only hope." His every word pierces through my heart like a sharp arrow.

How can a world famous artist who people wait to see can be so broken from inside?

I reach up to him and my hand automatically raises up to touch his shoulder. "Your mother and your art, both are hidden within you, you have to just reach out to them."

He half turns his head and watches our shadows on the floor. For a second, I left like him leaning into my touch but the next second he took a step away. "I want your help in that."

"I can do anything I can." I take my hand back and look at it.

Selvam anna walks out of the kitchen with a fancy paper bag in his hand and looks between us awkwardly. "Thambi neenga sonna mathiri ready paniten." He places the bag on the table. (I prepared as you mentioned, Sir.)

"Darshi, your long time wait is ready." I hear Girish Anna's voice becoming louder as he walks out of the basement.

My eyes fall on the wall clock in the living room and I find the time is twenty two past nine. "It's past 9pm, I think I should leave now."

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