Chapter 15

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What does Veda want from me? Why is my name in his letter to Darshana?

I open the door and enter my cabin with Darshana tailing behind me. "Hridhay, please don't tell my dad about this."

I sit in my chair and glare at her. Her face looks terrified and I take deep breaths to control my anger. I drink the water from the bottle and gesture at Darshana to sit.

"I was thinking that you both never met but it seems like you are in contact through letters." I lean my hands on the table and intertwine my finger, to get a grip on my anger.

"No. This is the first letter I'm receiving from him." I relax and she forwards the letter to me. "If you want you can read it.

I shake my head. "It's a letter for you."

"There is nothing personal in this letter." She folds it and holds it tight in her hands.

"What does he want now? Isn't it enough that you almost gave your life to save the copies of his paintings?" The image of her standing in the middle of the fire and trying to save his painting flashes in front of my eyes.

"He wants to meet me." I look up at her and she jerks on her seat, giving me a stealthy smile.

"Seems like Your Artist," I use the same word he used in his letter, "Is a little late." I smile internally. She was literally walking on the beach strip near his house for almost two years. There is no way for him to not notice her even for once.

What was he doing all the while?

"He was bound by some promise to his mother, Hridhay. He cannot come out it seems." She pouts at me.

If he had come out and everyone recognised him as my father's son, he would have killed him. If he had stayed home that night everything could have been different.

"You too promised sir." I know that she would never break her promise to her father.

"Yes, but seeing us running into his gallery, he wants to let me inside his close circle. I was waiting for this chance for four years, Hridhay. He also asked me to say thanks to you for saving my life." She looks at me, cheerfully.

Ohh, that's why my name was on the letter.

"I didn't save you for his gratitude. So only when he sees you almost scarifying your life, will he give you the chance?" I bite my teeth and crush my fingers together, trying to control my emotions in front of her. Just for the past few days she has been smiling at me and I don't want to spoil that.

"It seems he has found a loophole in his promise, recently." I look at her in confusion and she closes her eyes. "And he also wants me to find the loophole in my promise." She opens one of her eyes and looks at me before opening the other eye.

My confusion changes into shock. "How did he know?"

"Girish anna told him but I don't know how Girish anna knew about it." She thinks for a while.

Ohh god. These brothers. What's the need to discuss about us?

"So, you are going to break your promise?" I take my hand off the table and cross my fingers under the table.

Please don't say yes.

"No." I sigh relieved and uncross my fingers. "But I'm going to use the loophole."

"What?" I look at her shocked.

(Female : Hmm mm mm hmm hmm

Hmm mm mm hmm

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