Chapter 34

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This friendship journey is going to be very interesting.

I would say, I was a bit over confident that I would easily win Darshana but she proved me wrong. I also thought triggering our physical attraction would lead us close to each other but she openly spoke against it. After her denial, if I continue doing that it could turn into forcing her. So I left with no other way than accepting the clean friendship deal with her.

If she is comfortable with Veda's way of approach, I'm ready to choose that path.

Though Veda and I are completely opposite to each other and I hate him to the depth of the globe, I can play the good guy for a while. Only for Darshana. I can burn the world to make her smile but because of my idiotic mistake, I burned her world which I need to keep a secret from her.

I wish to keep her around myself and not let the secret reach her. It won't take long for Veda to learn the truth, if he does he will definitely tell Darshana to snatch her away from me like he snatched my mother. My bait for the game was Darshana should have her breakfast and dinner with me on weekdays. In that way I can keep her protected from information. But she agreed to have all her meals with me whenever she is around me.

I really wasn't expecting that bumper offer from Darshana through this clean friendship. But can she really handle our attraction over this clean friendship?

As far as I know her from her spilling tongue, even with Veda she is struggling with her crush towards him despite his clean behaviour with her. Though the fact that she has a crush on him and it has the same effect as mine irritates me, I'm confident about Veda in one thing.

Even if he starts to have feelings for Darshana, he will not take the next step by keeping her in the dark. Unless he shares the connection between us and reveals his face, he won't give in to his needs, if he has any. He is someone who regards words and promises more than his life.

With my word against it he would never do it.

We both were bound by a promise from my father and his mother. My father got a promise from me that I should never let the world know about Veda. And he too had some promise in which he found a loophole to let Darshana into his world. I had no issues in going ahead with the promise as I had nothing to do with Veda in my life forever. But he followed that promise for all these years.

My phone placed on the dining table started chiming continuously and I left the vegetables I was chopping for dinner and went to check on the messages. There were two messages each from Darshana and Ashok. I first opened Darshana's.

Darshi: Good evening 🖐️

Darshi: I'm going to have dinner with my friends. Cya tomorrow.

Me: Aren't you going for your art class with Veda?

Darshi: I took leave. My limbs are hurting. So, My friends are coming home.

Me: So you are around me? And you decided without getting my permission?

Darshi: It's not our office, Hridhay 🙄

Okay!! She is getting irritated.

Me: I wish I was there to see that irritated face of yours.

Me: Can I come down and get a chance to witness it?

Darshi: Aani ye pudunga vendam.

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