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In the battle of mind and soul, both won with the help of love.

I opened my eyes and looked at my husband to find him looking at the shadow of the flower pot in his balcony through the curtains. It was his first gift and I wanted it in a place where we first almost made love. When he wanted to propose to me and I revealed the secret which I was carrying for eighteen months, I was so scared that he would leave me.

But he didn't run away from me, like I did, he listened patiently, got his doubts clarified and more than that, he proposed to me to marry him. He was desperate to know whom I would have chosen if he was indeed twins or two strangers. But the doctor has already warned me that HV might ask me something like this and I should never make a choice as we were successfully progressing in uniting him back.


"Veda can you wait outside while I discuss your progress with Darshana." Dr Durairaj instructed him after his session with him.

"Is everything okay, doctor?" More than me, he panicked.

"Everything is perfectly fine, Veda. I just want to discuss certain things with her. Nothing to worry about." Doctor assured him and he nodded at us before leaving.

We waited until he got into the car. "Doctor, is everything really fine?" When the doctor said that he wanted to talk with me, I was afraid too but I didn't express myself in front of HV.

"You pretend well by hiding your emotions, Darshana." He leaned on his chair and I looked at him confused. "That day since Veda was listening from the next room, I didn't bring this topic. But for his good, I want to know the truth which will only help us in nourishing him back as your HV. Please tell me what changed after you knew the truth and his parents death. Because they updated me after your meeting with them."

"Nothing changed, Doctor." I braced myself to speak the truth. "I was just going with the flow of whatever was happening in our lives and reacted instantaneously to a situation. But when I realised that I have fallen for both, my fears returned. I could see Hridhay getting soft towards Veda but I wasn't an expert like you to guess that it's because of his curing process."

"May I know why you didn't choose either one of them?"

"I couldn't, doctor." I shook my head. "I didn't know for whom or when I fell first but when I realised that I love both versions of him, I couldn't choose one. As you said, maybe it was because of my knowledge that they both are one but I couldn't choose."

"Okay... Have you ever loved one more or one less?"

I shook my head at him. "Initially, I tried to be only as a friend with Hridhay and a girl crushing on Veda but things went out of hand. When I realised that I love both, I couldn't weigh my love. It's not a physical quantity to weigh, it's an emotion. If I could, it would have been easy for me to choose one of his versions."

"Good." He nodded at me and I sighed relieved. "I was worried that you would say that you loved Veda a little more than Hridhay as you expressed to him first."

I shook my head. "I might have kissed Veda first but it was him who openly admitted how scared he was for my life. When Hridhay asked what I would have done if it was him at Veda's place, I couldn't say no. I didn't answer Hridhay but if he was there, I would have kissed him. In the end, everything started after he ran behind me into the fire."

"Okay. One last question. What have you decided regarding your relationship? Do you still have your fears?"

I shook my head. "I had my fears after meeting his parents and the fear returned when I realised my love for them. To my knowledge, understanding and observation, I didn't want to be the reason for him hating himself more. Also, when I noticed that if I distance myself from him, he is getting close to him, How can I stay? But, when Veda said that he doesn't deserve to be loved and when Hridhay asked why he is deprived of love, I couldn't resist myself from proving him wrong. Now, I'm not going to run anymore."

An Aesthete - A triangle love storyWhere stories live. Discover now