Chapter 1

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Hey Lovelies,

As I promised, Here I'm starting with An Aesthete from mid of the April. Thanks for staying patience with me.

Hope you all will like this chapter and give the same support as you all gave to LR and BH. This will have slow updates, once a week, until the completion of LR. Then BH and AA will be updated alternatively.

Once again thank you for your immense love and support. Please read the prologue if you have missed reading it, before moving further.

Also your Raj will be arriving tomorrow.


RK Tejaswi (Preethi TC)



The low buzzing of the alarm wakes me up and I search for my mobile to turn it off. I sit up on the bed and stretch my limbs to break the laziness. My sleep went off a while ago but I was waiting for my alarm to finally start my day as it was feeling lazy on the third day of my periods.

I get off the bed and open my main door to collect the milk packets from the floor. I pour the milk and some water into the vessel and let it boil in the low flame as I go to finish my morning routine. After taking a quick shower and dressing in a two piece formal blouse and pants. I turn off the boiled milk and mix coffee for myself as I add bread to the toaster.

It's been two and half years since I joined Arunachalam Enterprises Holdings as the Assistant Secretary to the CEO of the organisation, Hridhay Arunachalam. I was rebellious in my family, went against my parents' wish to study engineering and joined philosophy. At a very early age, I developed a love for art, literature and philosophy. Soon after joining college, art galleries and museums have become my life and my life goal is to fill my house walls with paintings.

After my college, I was searching for a job so that I can buy paintings with my own earnings but my father spoke to his student, Hridhay and got me a job offer. I was happy that the office building was near my favourite art gallery where my favourite artist Veda's paintings are displayed. But my first meeting with Hridhay was not so pleasant and I didn't know he was going to be my boss.

I was early on the first day of my office and was waiting in the cafeteria to get my coffee and a tall, handsome guy with broad shoulders and chiselled jaw was standing next to me wearing a formal shirt, pants with a waistcoat. He was checking his mobile and most of the girls in the cafeteria were checking on him.

He was drool worthy as if he walked out of the cover image of GQ magazine but my thoughts changed when our coffees arrived and he spilled some on me as he turned to leave.

"Can't you maintain a distance?"

What the? The guy has not just spilled the coffee on me instead he walked away after scolding me.

"Excuse me, Mr. It was you who was checking your phone and spilled the coffee carelessly on me," I called behind him, he stopped walking and the entire cafeteria turned silent.

"Ohh. Apologies," He stated without turning back to look at me and resumed walking.

I could tolerate anything but not the arrogance especially when the mistake is on their side. I walked fast with my short frame legs, almost ran to match his strides and when I was next to him, I held his right hand with my left, turned him towards me and threw my cup of coffee over his shirt. The silent cafeteria was filled with shocked gasps.

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