Chapt 02

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I close the guest bedroom door behind myself, soon taking the lock between my thumb and pointer. My eyes close as I exhale, pressing my back against the door and shuttering. What the hell was that? Was he being... no, he's incapable of any feelings besides the constant all knowing of his arrogance.

My eyes open and I manually force myself to intake air, fearing that I could possibly die right here on the carpeted floors. Air swings into my lungs and for a moment I feel like the woman I was before all of this happened, a week ago before Daniel broke my pure heart. His words swarm my mind.

if he isn't willing to wait for you, then he was doing you a favor

Maybe he's right. Maybe Daniel saw that I was too good for him and came up with something quick to soften the blow on himself. Yeah, that sounds stupid. He wasn't pleasured like he said, and I could argue the same but with the aching heart that weighed heavy in my body, all I could do was leave him alone.

I pull myself away from the door and swipe my hand across my face again. My face is still flooded with the wet saltiness from my tears. Black makeup from my mascara colors my brown skin. I wipe my hand on my jeans before lifting my feet and carrying myself into the bathroom. Great thing about traveling with my father, he would always make sure I had the best room in the house. I was the only one with a master bed-room and I was more than thankful.

I turn the light switch on and nearly kill my self with how depressing I look. Mascara lines are drawn on my face, my eyes bloodshot red, my cheeks puffy from the crying. How could he look at me and not burst into laughter the entire time?

Getting over my look, I walk to the large shower and twist the knob, adjusting the water to the perfect temperature. The warmness cascades down in spurts before getting itself together, the water already heated. I began to strip my clothes off one by one, soon dropping them into the dirty clothes hamper. I've decided to do laundry today since we've been here for two days and I've not seen a single person attempt to work the washer and dryer. I could not live with an entire home filled with only men. It would drive me crazy. Only good for carrying out the trash and killing scary bugs.

I step into the shower and my body shivers as the hot water comes into contact with my skin. The feeling mitigates so I begin to forget about the situation beforehand. I allow the warm water to make its full reign on my body before taking a wash cloth and lathering it with soap. Once satisfied, I rinse myself off and turn the shower off at once, stepping out and wrapping a clean towel around my body.

My pajamas are already set out. I was in the middle of getting ready for bed when the sudden sadness hit and I thought that if I had ice cream it would make it better. It didn't. Which is why we now have what he calls it, ice cream soup.

I quickly toss my pajamas on before climbing into the large bed and pulling the covers up to my neck, wanting to feel as though I was being comforted by the person who gave the biggest hugs ever. My eyes grew heavy and soon I was asleep.

I wake the next morning with a certain pain and throb ringing throughout my entire skull. From the moment I opened my eyes I could feel it wash over me like a tsunami, which made me fear actually getting myself up. Still, I pulled the cover from my legs and stood myself up, bringing my hand to my head.

I scratched at my scalp, repeatedly blinking my eyes in hopes that what I was feeling was only because I was half asleep. My vision became less distorted as I stood there and it made me come to the realization that maybe this was what my morning would be. Caught off balance by the small sunlight peaking in through the window and curtains, my eyes pinched shut. My eyebrows knitted together and it caused my entire face to be scrunched like a ball. When finally relaxed, I walked over towards the windows and pulled the curtains away, letting the huge arrays of sunlight seep into the dim room. It lit my morning with happiness and made me feel as though I was ready.

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