Chapt 07

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I couldn't fathom what was happening right in this moment. I hadn't thought that the alien would move fast on his feet when it came to others, but he did. The obnoxiously irritating, rude, crude, sarcastic, and threatening man rushed to my side with his long legs taking large strides to me. I just couldn't hit the hammer on the nail. His long and delicious smelling fingers brushed against the front of my neck, and the nape of my neck as he pulled both sides of my hair back. He held it in a ponytail using his right hand as a hair tie. The bubbling I felt in my belly only steamed up more at his touch, it feeling like acid. An acid that I didn't mind if burned through my skin. This is not normal, none of this. My week has put me in shambles and I think I may be on track to loosing my everlasting mind.

He had pulled me towards a bed of grass and dirt where I remained croutched over, wanting whatever my body wanted to spit up to just come out already. The thought of me not having anything to eat yet constantly roamed my mind. There is no food inside of me, therefore there's nothing to throw up.

I let my lips meet, not wanting my drool to fall from my mouth. He's already seen me with mascara running down my cheeks, I don't want to add another embarrassing instance to the list. I remove my hands from my knees and fan him away.

"I'm fine, Xyle" I say, hoping he'd just move away and not stand here at my eager attempt to pull myself back to coolness, which probably isn't possible given the unknown reason for my sudden sickness.

He doesn't move away. He stays persistent. "Don't want your hair to get all messy. We have a forty minute drive to your new place and I'm sure you don't feel like opening up a new box because of the shower you'll have to take" he tells me. He tightens his grip around my hair, it's like I'm in the clouds.

I close my eyes. A week ago, no one would have been able to convince me that he would be here holding my hair back as he thought I was going to hurl. If anything he'd stand back and probably think about how disgusting I was for embarrassing myself.

"Seriously, I'm fine" I give another lazy attempt to fight him off. He doesn't move. He stays persistent. I don't want him here in the case where something actually does come up. I've already embarrassed myself enough in front of him.

"Would it kill you to have someone help you?" he asks, still not moving from my side. He keeps a steady hand around my hair. To answer his question, yes. Especially someone like him. He'll probably throw it in my face later and I hate when people do that. Whatever they did is no longer genuine if they bring it up.

A small ache begins in my back, probably from the way I'm so hunched over. I rise, standing up straight but he still doesn't let go of my hair. I close my eyes, sucking in a breath through my nose. If I taste something sweet it'll get my mind off of my nausea.

"You really need to eat. Why the hell would you work on an empty stomach anyways?" He grits. Jesus Christ. He acts as if me not eating is causing some major damage to his organs or something. As if he receives physical pain at the thought of my stomach being empty and not filled with food. I say nothing.

I don't want him touching me anymore. I pull away, but at my attempt he tightens his grip around my hair and I wince, coming back to his side so that he isn't pulling as hard. He takes a few steps closer to me and looks down at me with his jaw tense. He's going to ruin his teeth. He'll need dentures.

He only lets me go when Dacre could be heard, his large boots with the chains hanging on the sides, jiggling. I scowl at Xyle before turning to see Dacre with a bottle of water. He gives me a nervous smile as he comes closer to us. "Didn't know what to do so I got this. I hope this makes you feel better. Are you on your period?" He asks. Heavy blush creeps onto my cheeks.

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