Chapt 51

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I tilt my head downwards. My gray eyes fixate on the woman I have had no sight of for nearly a week. Getting closer to the date we were set to marry, Celeste and I sat together at my home and wrote down a list of things. No sex two months before the wedding, and that meant oral as well. She also told me that Nellie didn't want us to see one another a few days before the wedding to make things more intense for when we would see her each other again.

It's safe to say that Celeste stuck to those rules, which is why I am confused as hell right now.

I inhale, barely even knowing what to say to her. She looks so fucking beautiful. Her wedding dress is literally priceless, her finger is missing her engagement ring, and her makeup is so pretty. I'm more than happy she doesn't have the veil on so I am able to see her pretty face, but this is bad luck.

She stands there at my feet with her head tilted up to reach my height, reaching my eyes. Her pretty, plump, brown lips are pressed into a thin line as she curls them in innocence. Even the arch of her nose is so damned pretty. Her eyebrows seem to have been waxed. Her lashes drape so lovely over her eyes.

Her chest grows bigger as she looks up at me. "Hi." She says in a soft tone, clearly not thinking much about what she would say when she saw me again.

"Hi—" my voice cracks. I inhale and clear my throat before swallowing. "Hi." I murmur. I dare to touch her.

She lolls her perfect pink tongue out and licks her lips. It's clear to me that she isn't done getting ready yet. I know she will wear some type of lip balm. She lets her teeth hold onto her bottom lip.

"Wanna fuck?" She asks.

Holy shit. I blink my eyes, trying to make sure I haven't grown delusional. I swore I could see her in the hallway the other day when I knew well that she was at a hotel with Nellie. I could be losing my mind right about now. But when I open my eyes for the last time, I see that I am not mistaken. My fiancé. My love. My Angel. My Persephone. She is here, and she is standing in front of me with her brown eyes gazing up into my gray ones.

I feel so nervous and awkward. I'm not even supposed to be seeing her right now. It's bad luck. And I'm sure fucking right before the wedding will give even worse luck. Why the hell is she risking that? To fuck me... I mean, I understand, but she had an entire week before the wedding to give me the address to her hotel and allow me to fuck her, but she chooses now to crack under pressure.

My eyebrows softly furrow. "You're not even supposed to be in here right now. Someone will be back here any minute." I tell her. I clear my throat again, nervous at the way she's so close to me. I've missed her touch for too long. I'll cave in to her. I'm one hundred percent sure of this. I always cave first.

My words clearly cause disappointment. Her chest rises a bit and she looks down at her well manicured nails. God. She has the prettiest hands I've ever seen. They look even prettier with the soft color on her nails and the tiny rhinestones on them.

She soon lifts her head again to look at me. "I know, but I'm so aroused. These past few weeks have been hell without you." She informs me of her hardships. I've had to cope without her as well, and it's never enough. I don't come as hard as I do with her when I'm without her.

I nod, knowing what it feels like. "Did you do as I taught you?" I ask her. With the two months of not touching one another, we knew it'd be so unusual for us as we fucked like animals all the time before that. On our last intimate night, we explored greatly with our bodies and even taught each other a few more things that turned us on. I showed her my ways of getting her off, and she showed me her ways of getting me off.

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