Chapt 17

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He's given me every reason to believe he was the one that pushed me into the pool when I was younger.

As the water surrounds me, my first instinct is to close my eyes to protect them from the chlorine, and other things that could be floating around. There were only adults that attended my party tonight, and I shouldn't have a reason to believe that my pool water is contaminated with urine, but I think otherwise.

I hold my breath, letting my entire body fall under water as I know that there isn't much I can do at this point. I am soaked. My hair, my body, my fucking tattoo, are all drenched in water.

I hope the Saran Wrap Jimmy had me put on afterwards is still intact, if not, I could risk an infection.

My ears flood with water, and I fear that they will ache later. I rise from the water, gasping in shock as my face finally meets the air again. I exhale deeply before inhaling again, and bring my hand to my face to wipe away the excess water. There are dark smudges of mascara at my thumb now that I've done it.

"A-Are you alright?" I can only hear the faint sound of a voice that I've only known for tonight, as well as can feel his hand grasping around mine to pull me out of the water. It's like he pulls a towel from thin air. I wouldn't have taken it if I thought it was something someone used, but judging by how dry and clean it looks and feel, I don't hesitate to let him throw it around my arms. I wrap it tightly as I look around, not seeing even just the slightest glimpse of Xyle. I'm going to fucking kill him!

I stop gazing around for him as I can see the back door open. I'm sure he's run out to his car by now. I look at Christian. "I'm fine. Thank you" I say with a sweet tone despite the anger pulsing through my veins right this second. All I can think about is getting Xyle's head and slicing it like a watermelon.

"Y-you took a tumble there. I was afraid you'd hurt something. Does anything feel funny?" He asks, worry lacing his eyes.

I shake my head. "No, I didn't hit anything. Thank you for helping me out. What are you here for anyways?" I ask, pulling the edges of the towel tighter.

"I left my phone here somewhere. I didn't mean to intrude. Your front door was unlocked and you weren't answering. I saw the other car and thought you'd be inside of your bedroom or something so I came quickly to retrieve my device, only to find you taking a tumble into the pool" he says.

I didn't take a tumble! I was pushed!

I don't bother explaining it. I look around the place. "Maybe check the areas you were in. I'm sure no one took it" I suggest. When Dacre and I were cleaning I didn't see a phone, and he didn't mention one, but I'm sure it'll still be around.

He pulls away from my side and walks around for a bit. He stops at the pool chair where he sat with Nelia and his phone is there. "Got it" he holds it up and waves it a bit before stuffing it into his pocket.

He turns and looks at the gate. "I'll just let myself out" he tells me and I nod before waving him goodbye. The gates are only unlock from inside so he wasn't able to come in, but he's able to leave.

When the gate closes again, I think back to what the hell has just happened. Chlorine water runs down my face like no tomorrow and it brings back all of the infuriation into my body. Attempting to take long strides, I stomp my way back to the back door and enter my home. I close it behind myself and make sure to lock it before striding all the way to the front door, not even taking a break to breathe correctly.

Yanking it open, I poke a head out and the mysterious car is still parked outside where he always parks it, next to my Audi car.

Is he insane? He's still here after what he's just done? He will regret this soon. I lift my foot in an attempt to go out to his car and give him a piece of my mind, but a familiar voice near the couch makes me tense.

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