Chapt 09

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I pull my vibrating phone out of my clutch to see no other than Xyle's name written across the screen. He's noticed the absence of a key and is calling to scold me about how stupid I am. Without taking my eyes off the road for a second more, I slide my thumb across and allow the call to sound into the speakers. For a moment it's menacingly quiet before he talks.

"Is this your idea of a game, Celeste?". My eyebrows lift, my entire body surprised at the choosing of his tone. He's not yelling.

I shrug, soon opting for speaking since I realize that he can't see me. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, Xyle" a small smile creeps on my face, a sadistic one.

I press the gas harder as I steer the car onto the interstate. My engine roars in power as the speed picks up, carrying me at a high speed to allow me to switch lanes.

I can almost hear the crease in his face and see the smile that rises. Judging by my view, he's amused at my words, and possibly my actions. But what did he expect? He's made my life a living hell now with the camera situation, I couldn't just let him do that without playing a game of my own.

What disappoints me is that it took him almost two hours to notice. I had checked my phone for a brief moment as I got into my car, and I didn't see any texts or calls from him. If he had noticed before, why hadn't he called? It's because he didn't.

"No, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's just sad that I am not able to physically do anything to you. Where is the key that should have been left here for me to lock up after the job was done? Did your pretty little mind forget about it?" He asks, his tone condescending. What does he mean about him physically being able to do anything to me? Does he harm girls or beat them? I definitely would not put the thought past him.

I roll my eyes. "The key I was meant to leave is sitting here in my purse, I won't tell you where the spare is. Why, do you want to leave?" My words lead into a sarcastic tone at the end.

I can hear his tantalizingly hot breath let out a sharp chuckle into the phone. My ears twitch, almost remembering how it felt when he spoke into my ear, murmuring about how he was highly disappointed in my attempt at self defense, or was it my attempt at thinking I could take him that angered him? Still, I failed miserably, but I'd do it again if I could feel the burn.

"I had a meeting to attend, darling. It's ways past that time now and I had my assistant reschedule, but I can't stop thinking of ways I can make your life harder. You don't know where I put these cameras, they're discreet, and you don't know if I'll be watching you every second of the day" his voice makes me want to turn my car around, not caring about the hundreds of cars following closely behind me. I want to press the accelerator harder and go as far away from him as I can.

I don't remember him to be this menacing.

My pride is too high to allow him to know that I care much about what he's just said. Discreetly, I clear my throat and swallow the lump forming. "It's highly expected to be watched knowing that a man like you installed the cameras. You can watch all you want, you'll be very entertained". I approach the exit and turn the wheel.

He groans a satisfied one. "I'm sure I will, sweetheart. When are you coming home? I've been stranded here and I'm starving".

I smile, thinking of his words from the day before. "Why did you work on an empty stomach?" I ask.

He goes quiet for a moment before speaking again. "I'll be here when you arrive. Everything is all set" his voice is suddenly calmer than before. He pulls his phone away and the call ends, leaving me to look at the screen is awe.

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