Chapt 08

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I was very much intrigued with his own flattery. It has always made me feel good to have people take my advice for things and the gesture of a rising smile that coated his face made me think he felt the same way. Still, I opted for silence as his car roared down the street. He opted for the same, leaving me to wonder my thoughts. Lunch was more than delicious, I'll definitely be going back with or without him. Maybe I should invite my mother and father one day to catch up. I'm sure they already miss me dearly. I'll call them soon.

Soon we arrived to my home and butterflies took over me as he pulled his car into the driveway. My medium sized house is currently my greatest possession besides the company that I run by myself. It's so cute and homey. I'll just need to add a few porch plants and maybe a little chair and table to keep me company out here on some days, however I'm sure I'll relax more in the backyard near the pool on the pool chairs.

It just felt so nice to live in a place like this, to call a place like this mine. It is far calmer and less chaotic than my previous apartment. No noisy neighbors, the houses are spread apart far enough, and I'm sure no one will come to my door to ask if I have any sugar. If it happens, I just won't answer the door.

Xyles' car came to a smooth stop, parking on the left of my driveway. He presses the button to his car, causing the engine to die down in its power. Before I knew it, he was unbuckling his seatbelt and pushing his car door open. I took the initiative to unbuckle myself from the seatbelt to pull myself out, but pulled my hand away from the door when I noticed that he was coming around to handle it. I stared at his tall figure through the windshield, appalled. I thought he was putting on a front at the small but fancy restaurant, but now I see that he is trying to be a gentle man.

I close my mouth, differentiating it from being agape. A gentle man? The complete opposite from being a rough man? I don't think he's actually capable of that. The thought of that tastes bitter in my mind.

I stayed put, trying to gather myself and stop negative thought about him that roamed my mind. He pulled the passenger side door open. The firm grasp of his hand I held sent shivers down my spine, feeling the coolness in the single ring he wore on his middle finger. I had never saw a man wear a ring. His was plain, almost as plain as the one I wore. I wonder if it holds any significance to who he is. I clamber out of his car and pull my clutch to hold in both of my hands as I fish for the keys to my house.

Certainly I enjoyed my short time of lunch with him although we hadn't had much to talk about. I wasn't sure if we even shared the same things in common, or had similar interests. All I knew was that he was changing himself, seriously, which honestly had me on edge. He could seriously flip out anytime.

I fetched my keys from the bottom of my clutch and dropped them flat against the pavement as I felt a bit timid. I could feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of my neck. He was good at watching me, I was certain about it. We had bent down at the same time but I rose once I saw that he was bending to get them for me. With my cheeks heating, I took the keys from him and turned on my heel. I no longer feel shy, I don't feel his eyes burning into my skin.

I still couldn't shake the feeling of him actually changing. The Xyle I thought I knew wouldn't have given a shit about whether I ate or not, and never would have helped me move my things-and unpack might I add. Maybe his cry for redemption was true.

I began the walk to my front door, stepping on the three stairs it took. I unlocked the door and turned to give him one last smile to thank him for today, but he was already inside of his car, preparing to leave.

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