Chapt 48

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The rhythm at which I breathe is quite steady. My chest rises a bit, and lowers as I let the air I've just previously sucked in out. I stare up at the ceiling, wishing I could see the Angelic pieces that rest on my ceiling. I like to look at them when I wake. But despite my distant want, there is nothing better than my view.

Through the peripheral view of my eyes, I can see my fiancé. I turn my head a bit to see her more, and my eyes melt with love as I do. I can never tire of seeing her beauty. She lies down on her stomach. Her shirt would show her nipples and breasts but due to how she's laying slightly on her stomach, all that can be seen is her side boob, which is still equally sexy. Her beautiful face is resting peacefully, her cute lips pouted. Her eyelashes drape over her eyes a bit, too. Her brown skin makes me shiver as I think about how fucking pretty she is. Her leg is thrown on the pillow that's made it's way down the bed a bit, and she uses it instead of me. I grow jealous for a second. It should be me.

I reach my hand over to touch her, but pull back as I look at how empty it looks. I wear a single silver ring on the pinky of my left hand, but my ring finger aches for something, too. I put a ring on her finger to signify my want for much more, and I have nothing to show. A quick flash of her ring will let others know that she's getting married soon, but no one will know I am as well. I briefly think of going to purchase a thin ring to wear on my ring finger until we say our vows.

I resume, stretching my arm out and wanting to touch her. My movements seize as her lips curl into a thin smile, showing the slightest view of her pretty teeth. The dimple on her left cheek deepens, and her eyes remain pinched shut.

"I can feel you, you know." She murmurs, her voice slightly rasping as these are the first few words she's said all morning. She finally opens her eyes and shows me sight of her brown ones. Those brown irises glimmer with love and sweetness.

I can't help but smile as I look at her. "I was only trying to grab your hand. I love the way this ring looks on your finger." I tell her, speaking truthfully. I've never been engaged before, or let a woman wear a ring that holds as much significance as the one I gave Celeste last night. I still can't believe I proposed.

I was so nervous. I wonder if she could tell.

She slides her hand across the bed, swiping it across the sheets and pulls her hand a few inches from her face, keeping it flat on the mattress. "Oh, this ring? The one my fiancé gave me?"

My eyes glimmer down into the ring, looking at the beautiful oval shape. I was more than surprised to hear that her favorite shape is an oval. It was such a crazy coincidence.

I nod, watching it from afar. "Yes. Let me see it, baby." I request.

She smiles at the ring before lifting her hand to show me, her arm drooping and lazy. I gently take her hand and bring it close to my mouth so that I am able to kiss her soft skin. She still smells of lotion. It smells so good.

"I love you." I murmur.

She softly pulls her hand back and sucks her bottom lip between her teeth as she slides it down my body. She presses her hand onto my underwear and grabs my dick, rubbing it softly.

"Really wanna fuck my fiancé." She slides closer to me and pulls the cover down a bit. "Do you wanna fuck me, baby?"

"Always." I answer.

All so quickly, her mouth covers mine. She moves one hand into my hair where she bawls her fist, bringing my face closer to hers. She climbs over my body. A very soft and content hum escapes from my lips as I feel her lips press against mine.

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