Chapt 50

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I rip that long jacket of hers open, grabbing the two seams and pulling the opposite way. It has about seven buttons holding the pieces of clothing together so at my aggression action, it rips and sends buttons flying everywhere. I can hear each one as it falls to the tiled floor, swirling and finally lying flat on the floor after a few seconds.

I can feel the heat of her skin through the thin material. I lift my hands underneath the jacket and place my palms flat on her shoulders. Slowly, I slide it off of her skin, down her arms and watch as it falls to the ground. It pools at her feet.

Her eyes are large and they stare into mine, gripping my gray eyes and making me wish to just skip foreplay altogether even though it's my favorite part. I love the feeling of just wanting it so badly and forcing myself to wait. I can tell she thinks the same thing as me by the way her breath illicits steamy passion into the air between us.

I take a small step back, wanting to roughly admire her body. I can tell she wants to grow shy as my eyes gaze all over her. Her brown nipples have hardened into tiny points and they poke through the thin material of her bra. I also love that up close I can see the browns of her skin beneath it. Going down to her waist, her panty line covers the very top of her hips. This isn't the red set she wore on stage, it is a purple set, but it is very similar. I loll my tongue out and send a coat of wetness against my lips, sulking.

When my eyes finally draw back to hers and stop gazing at her body, I see that she's tucked her bottom lip between her teeth. My filthy girl must be so aroused. I lift a gentle hand to her skin and feel her tremble as I touch her side. Her eyes flutter and she closes them for a moment before opening them again to look at me. I internally smile, knowing I'll have this affect on her forever.

I press my thumb into the front of her stomach as my four fingers touch her back, and I tug her closer to me. "You look ravishing. I'm sure you'd look even more ravishing on your hands and knees, your face pressed into a pillow, your sexy ass on the air." I murmur softly.

I have a glance back at the bed. I made it this morning after we both got up to shower and change clothes, but I don't mind if it gets messy again.

I pull my other large hand to her waist and press her firmly, mashing her with my thumbs. I press onto her abdomen, surely increasing the feelings she already feels. It's the oldest trick in the book. It's how I'll make her so wet she'll be forced to wipe herself because of loss of friction. The feeling intensifies, my thumbs getting closer to her bladder and core.

She slowly tilts her head back and looks up at me. Her eyes are hooded, and I can tell she just wants to be fucked. I could tell even back at the show when she left wearing a large jacket and no clothes underneath. I pull her closer to me, pulling her so close and forcing or bodies to mold, making her back arch a bit so I can place my hand at the arch of it.

Almost like an instinct, I start to trail my opposite hand up. I keep going until I'm reaching the back of her head. I push my fingers inside and feel the heavy thickness of her roots, and tug on it. Her mouth flies agape as her head is forced back even more, and a small squeak leaves her mouth. She nonetheless quiets down after a few seconds and learns to just be a good little slut.

I lower my height down to hers and push my face into her neck. I do so close enough just so that she is able to feel me breathing on her, and it makes her goosebumps raise. Finally, I open my mouth and lick a long line against her skin before closing my mouth down on her to suck a deliciously sweet spot. I want love bites all over her, but my plans to have her come along to her parents house soon makes me decide against it. Yes, I'm fucking her all the time, but her parents down need to be reminded when they see her sweet face.

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